Fixing our cords!

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Girls and boys are in diffrent dorm houses, m4 kanata are boys dorm Leader and s4 tsubasa are girls dorm Leader

Yume pov
"Dorm cheeking!" Someone yelled walking up me and koharu.
Koharu haven't been so.... Old koharu. Iam so Worried.
Me and koharu change to our uniforms.
We got out of the dorm and stod outside the door.
I Saw that it was tsubasa so i got a little choked.
"Maybe some of you wonder why i cheek your dorms and how you look like...Well....None of your bisness!" Tsubasa told us.
She looked at all off us.
Tsubasa Stepped at every person and told them what they did wrong.
She came to Ako and Said.
"A idol think of styling the hair."
The she came to Miharu that still had her hair into a bum.
"Is this what your hairstyle Looks like? You and Yozora are diffrent." Tsubasa told Miharu.
Then she looked at Laura sternly and Said.
"Your ponytail is messy."
Then she looked at me, i diden't know what i did wrong,but i felt tired still.
"Your still tired, and idol is always wide awake" i was stunned how did she know...
She looked at koharu and fixad her glasses.
"The best so far, but the candy in your pokets aren't acceptable. But as long it isen't much sweets"

When the dorm cheeking was clear all the campers walked towards the big meeting place.
"Hallo campers! Today its cord day. You go to the dress make room and make your own cord. Our admin Ashida Yuri will show you how to do the cords." Moroboshi Said. We all bowed Said 'hai'. As we walked towards the big house were there was a girl with Brown hair.and the rest of S4 and M4.
"Hello iam Ashida yuri, maybe have moroboshi told about me. So Let me explain how things work. First you get you id card and log in, click on school dress and take your favorit colors and styles. The oufit you make can have in you concerts and, thats one way to become an idol." Explained the Brown haired girl.
Me and koharu walked to the design Pad and maked our outfits,
"Its so cute, so its hard to deside!" My childhood friend Said excided.
"And Done!" I Said.
"Me too." Koharu Said to.
"Here nijino, your cords are beutyful!" Yuri replyed happy as she gave me my cords, "you to nanakura" yuri added as she gave koharu's cords to koharu.

I Held my cords up high in the air as i walked with koharu.
"I love me cords! It feels like iam an idol already!" I squiled happly. Koharu giggled.
We walked towards the meeting place when Hime gave Me and koharu a paper.
"Its what section you want to get! Just Write your name and what cross what section you want." Hime told us as she smiled.
"Hey guys!" We heard someone yell Behind us.
"Oh hi Laura." Koharu yelled back nicely.
"So how was your dresses?" Laura asked.
"It was so cute i love my dress!" Koharu replyed and smiled.
"What she Said!" I said,I looked at the paper and asked.
"What section will you get Laura?"
"Flower song section." She reply "you then koharu?"
"Moon beuty, what are you going to choose yume?" Koharu asked me.
"Flower song!" I responded.
"Then were rivals" Laura Laughed. I smiled at her.
"But still friends right?" Koharu asked.'mmhm" hmm me and Laura.
"Hey guys!" We hear someone say again.
"Hey Ako and Miharu!" Laura greeted.
"So what sections are you going to choose?" I asked them
"Moon Beuty sections," replayed Miharu.
"Bird theatre" responded Ako.
"Girls are you clear with the paper?" Asked Hime
We all nodded and gave her the pappers.
We started to walk to lunch, koharu and Miharu talked about outfits, what match with what. Ako, me and Laura talked about S4.
"Yeah but i like tsubasa, becouse she makes the best movie through historyy-" we looked up and Saw many and i mean many campers outside the cafe.
"Hey whats going on!" Asked Laura to one camper.
"They make a huge dinner today. Maybe someone have a huge annoucment and maked the Cook make all this!"
The girl Said as she squiled.
"Wow this gets me going!" Laura replyed.
"Yume!" I looked and i Saw it was mom and dad.
"Mommy! daddy! What are you going to do?" I hugged them.
"Well we are going to open now." Dad told me.
Dad and mom walked towards the Doors and open them. Everyone walked in and took one seat. Me and the group sat at one seat beside each other.i sat beside Koharu, koharu sat beside Ako, Miharu sat in front of Ako and Laura sat beside Miharu.
"Hello babies!" Screamed Anna while holding a mic.
"Hello my kittens!" Screamed Dave
"Greetings Beutys" greeted miwa.
"Hi actors and actress" Said momoko calmly.
"And we have a big anouncement!" They all Said in the same time and bowed.
"Well all the campers are going to have a concert!" Told moroboshi.
"Moon beuty have their concert in 4 days after lunch" Said miwa.
"Wind dance have their concert in 3 days before lunch " Dave danced happly.
"Bird theatre have their concert in 2 days after lunch" Momoko bowed.
" and Flower song Class have their concert in 2 days after theatre! Babies!" Anna took the mic again and swinged it.
"Ehhhhhh" me and koharu Said in the same time.
Iam going to have my first performance in 2 days!

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