The dance day!

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Yuzu pov
Yozora-senpai told me about everything.
And iam Kinda sad about it.
Asahi-kun and Yozora-senpai dosen't talk to each other, Yestoday they diden't Even make eye contact.
Well back to reality!
Me and Kanata were walking towards the stage, as we got there everyone seemed here already.
"Hello boy and girls" started Kanata
"And welcome to the final day! The wind dance day! Me and Kanata-senpai are going to do something diffrent" i told the Crowd.
"We will take everyone." Added kanata-senpai.
"Now! Follow Me and Kanata-senpai to our camp! Yay!"
I Started to run to the camp as many other ran after. The other that diden't run with me, walked with kanata-senpai.
As we all the campers came we started the lesson.
"Okey first of. This is our funny teacher, Dave satō!" Said kanata.
"Oi! Lets dancé dancé (say it like DancA that why i did do a e like this é) now kanata, yuzu show some cat moves. Go-go! Change i will do a Warmer up with the campers." Told Dave us as he shoo-ed us away
Me and kanata-senpai changed to our cat clothes.
"Kanata-senpai Looks so kawaii!" I complimented kanata-senpai.
"Thank you, yuzu. You look cute to" kanata-senpai resonded.
"Okey yuzu and kanata is going to show a dancé." Dave Said.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Me and kanata-senpai started to sleep like cast til' the song started.
-after the song!-
We heard many clapping witch maked Yuzu very happy
"Okey Lets do a little Warmer up dance" kanata Said.
"Okey first have your left foot Behind your right, then boop the ground with your toes. Then right to the left and boop with the toes. Have your left hand up and take your right hand to take the left hand down. Have it like an X and sway your body to the left and to the right. Stand on your tip toes, up and down, up and down.  Have your left and right hand up to the left and down from the left, down from the right and up.take a partner, lenk your arms and spin right then left. And thats it." I told the camper as i showed them with kanata-senpai.
We still Kept going til Dave Said.
"Okey thats enough! Now make a jump-spin" we maked a jump-spin and maked a pose in the end. "Good, good! Now play cats." We started to go around and meowed. Dave started to sweat and smile "great! Play cats more, more!" I gave a 'meeeeeeeooooow' then  Dave screamed "Stooop!" Couse it was lunch.
Me and kanata-senpai changed back, well we used same room becouse there was just one changing room. But kanata-senpai promised not to look, last year wasen't so good.
"So yuzu, what do you think Asahi and Yozora. They haven't talk so much lately. I dont know why tho, do you know?" Kanata asked me
"Yes, yes i know kanata-senpai" i told the green haired boy.
"It started with Yozora-senpai when she wanted to talk to koharu.
Koharu-chan started to cry and Asahi-kun happend to come in the wrong timing. So he have most thought she talked about Asahi-kun . And Said asahi Hated koharu-chan. But Yozora-senpai just wanted to ask why she ran off. Sadly she never got the answer." I told the M4 member.
He just nodded and took his shirt. We took our things and started to go to meet S4 and M4.
"How was dance day?" Asked Subaru
"We can say it was Purrfect" i responded as i laughed at my pun.
This was a greaaaaaat day!

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