22- Shiro's rage

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In no way shape and/or form do I own or attempt to own anything from the  Bleach series and/or its characters.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.  Thank you!

chapter 22

 Murcielago flew as fast as his wings would carry him.  Ulquiorra had told Murcielago that he would find Shiro at the hunters guild.  Murcielago darted into the hunters guild seeing every hunter take up arms.  Yamichika had caught the bat demon causing Murielago to screach out.

*Please I have come only to find Shirosaki.  I mean you no harm.* Murcielago screeched out mentally.  Both Shiro and Ichigo moved quickly as Ichigo took Murcielago away from Yamichika as Shiro stood in front of all the hunters.  Shiro's demonic energy lashed out everywhere.

"Leave him alone!" Shiro growled angerily as a part of his demonic form emerged.  All of the hunters retreated back as they knew that Shiro meant business.

"Shiro calm down.  No one would harm him.  It is just he shocked everyone here when he entered." Ichigo stated.  Slowly the dark energy receeded as the transformation reversed.  Once the transformation had completely reversed, Shiro turned to the bat demon.

"You must be Murcielago.  Did my father send you?" asked Shiro as Murcielago nodded his head before he flew away from Ichigo to transform into his human form.  Murcielago looked like a small slender human possibly only eleven years old.  He looked much like Ulquiorra in his human form (only much younger) as medium bat-like wings emerged from his back.

"Master Shirosaki...... you must help.  Lord Ulquiorra has been captured by the demon Aizen.  He has sent a group of demons to come after you and Lord Ichigo." stated Murcielago. 

Upon hearing that his father had been captured by Aizen caused Shiro's demonic energy to lash out suddenly.  Shiro's full demonic transformation had kicked in altering his form.  A full bone shape mask appeared on Shiro's face as two long bull horns erupted from his skull.  His hair became much longer that it reached to his mid back in length as his eyes became all golden yellow with no visible irises and/or pupils.  A large whole emerged from his chest in the same exact spot as Ulquiorra.  The clothing that he was wearing became ripped and shredded that it looked like he was only wearing a pair of pants.  A long white preshensile tail with a black flame tip ripped out of his tail bone lashing out angerily.  Two large black demonic wings shot out of his back (part of the full hollow and vastro lorde transformation).  Shiro looked so demonic and threatening that all of the hunters took a large step back away from the half demon.  The only one who didn't move was Ichigo as he transformed into his full demonic form tackeling his mate to the ground.

"Every one out..... NOW!" Jushiro ordered as the two demons went at it.  All of the hunters did as ordered allowing Ichigo to calm down Shiro.  None of the hunters ever saw the half demon take on his full demonic appearance, only small bits and pieces of it.  Never was Shiro's transformation this bad that both the tail and wings had appeared as they were new to the hunters.  Jushiro just hoped that Ichigo would be able to calm Shiro down.

Meanwhile inside of the hunters guild, Shiro shook Ichigo off of him snarling angerily as his black energy lashed out at the forest guardian.  Ichigo quickly lept out of the way from the blasts as he lept on top of Shiro once again pinning him down to the ground.  Ichigo sank his fangs deep into his mate mark pouring every bit of his power into his mate.

*Shiro..... stop..... calm down.  We will rescue your father and stop Aizen.  But I need for you to calm down and come back to me.* Ichigo snarled mentally.  Slowly but surely.... Shiro struggled les with Ichigo as his body began to painfully transform back into his human form.  Shiro cried out in pain as Ichigo held  his hand speaking soft loving words to Shiro.  Shiro was crying tears of blood over the intense pain he was going through transforming back and for allowing himself to be consumed by rage.  Ichigo removed his fangsfrom his mate mark licking up a bit of the blood that remained.  "Its all right Shiro.  No one was hurt.  Everything is all right." Ichigo stated calmly while holding Shiro close to him.

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