21- demon war

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In no way shape and/or form do I own or attempt to own anything from the Bleach series and/or its characters. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thank you!

chapter 21

As Ichigo got to meet Shiro's fellow hunters, he felt at home with the other hunters. Renji walked up to Ichigo as he wondered what Ichigo truly looked like. He had heard stories about demons who could alter their forms in order to look more human. He had seen Shiro's true form once as it still terrified him even though he knew that the man himself meant him no harm.

"Hey Ichigo... I was kind of wondering what your true form look like?" Renji asked the forest guardian. Ichigo looked at his mate sighing softly. He has never willingly shown his form to humans before. Shiro could sense his mates distress.

*Its all right Ichigo. You don't have to if you don't want to. The choice is yours.* replied Shiro mentally. Shiro had learned from Ichigo how to communicate mentally. Ichigo sighed softly as he knew that sooner or later a human was going to ask him that question. He wanted for his true form to be only seen by his chosen mate but he remembered briefly that the healer Unohana had seen his true form. Ichigo coughed loudly grabbing everyone's attetion.

"I know that you are all wondering what I truly look like if I was in my true form. I am about to show you all. But no one beyond this room is too know." All the hunters nodded their heads that they understood as Ichigo took a long deep breath before he allowed his full transformation loose. Renji who was standing right next to him fell back onto his butt when he saw Ichigo's true form. The look of shock stretched across all of the hunter's faces except for Shiro as he had seen it before. He could feel the mate mark that Ichgio had given him tingle against his skin. "This is what I truly look like and my true form." replied Ichigo. Shiro found himself smiling at his mate as he was proud of him admitting to humans what he was.

Meanwhile within the demon realm..... Aizen was walking though the realm looking over his soldiers as he was ready to strike against the humans. He had learned the hard way that there was one forest guardian left alive as well as Ulquiorra's half child. Aizen looked human at first glances except for the large black butterfly wings that stretched from behind his back. Large crimson designs lined his wings giving him a dark and evil look. Aizen had a large hole in the middle of his chest which held a small crystal blue marble in the middle of a cross that was suspended above the hole. Aizen's eyes were similar to Shiro's except having golden yellow irises, Aizen's was crystal blue. Aizen had long naturally wavy dark brown hair that fell down to his shoulder blades in length.  Aizen wore a white full suit with a pair of black boots.  Aizen was steaming mad as he found out that their was one forest guardian left alive as well as Ulquiorra's half blooded child.  He called for some demons to help aid him in destroying the two that stood against him.

"I want that forest guardian dead as well as Ulquiorra's child.  Look for a human that is different and unique looking.  Do not fail me!" he told the demons before sending them to the human world.  Ulquiorra laid bound unable to escape as he looked bruised and beat up.  "Now tell me Ulquiorra.... where is your son?"

"I will never tell you Aizen.  I don't care what you do to me.  But I will never give up my son.  He and the forest guardian will destroy your ambitions and plans." snarled Ulquiorra.  Aizen growled darkly before he unleashed a powerful blast at Ulquiorra.  Ulquiorra cried out in pain as Aizen then dug his claws into Ulquiorra forcing the demon to bleed black blood.

"Know this Ulquiorra.... I will find him and kill him regardless of what you do to protect him.  He will die by my hands or in the hands of the demons that work for me.  I have all ready destroyed and killed off all the demons that opposed me.  I will find your son and the forest guardian killing them both.  Then nothing will stop me from destroying all of the humans and taking over thier world to become my own.  Demons will rule their realm and feast on their bones!" stated Aizen laughing wickedly as he walked off.  Ulquiorra called out softly to one of his bat demons to come and give Shiro the message.  Murcielago came answering his master's call.

*Lord Ulquiorra.... allow me to help free you.* stated Murcielago mentally since he was in its bat form.

*Don't Murcielago.... I need for you to find my son Shirosaki.  He has to know what Aizen is planning and to prepair himself for battle.  It maybe all ready too late to help me.  But he has to be warned.* Ulquiorra told him mentally.  Murcielago nodded its head as his master told him to find a white human being accompanied by a fox.  Murcielago flew off quickly to find Shiro in order to pass the message along.  'Shiro please forgive me.  I won't be much help to you and Ichigo.  Hopefully I can delay Aizen for a bit giving you a chance to prepare for the war that is coming.' Ulquiorra thought to himself before he passed out. 

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