30- the kits arrival

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In no way shape or form do I own or even attempt to own the Bleach series and/or its characters. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thank you!

chapter 30 - the kits arrival

Several months have passed since Ichigo's and Shiro's battle against Aizen. True enough things have begun to change. Slowly the demons began to emerge working side by side with humans. The hunters from the guild made sure that noen of the dmons ever caused any mischief and/or trouble. Any demons that did step out of line were dealt with quickly in order to prevent another Aizen incident. By the fifth trimestor of Shiro's pregancy, both he and Ichigo returned back to Shiro's home to prepare fo the arrival of the kits. After the battle was over both Ichigo and Shiro had of course reverted back to their normal forms. Some of the hunters had offered to help Ichigo with making renovations to Shiro's home. Unohana stayed close by helping Shiro with making sure that he eat properally and making sure that the hunter got plenty of rest and stayed off his feet as much as possible. The two males also discussed names for thier cubs. They often discussed what their kits would look like whether or not they would be full human, demon, and/or even a half breed like Shiro.

"It doesn't matter to me. I will love all of our cubs regarless how they turn out." Ichigo stated lightly kissing his mates forehead.

"Do you think that my parents are watching over us? Happy for the birth of these cubs?" asked Shiro sleeply. Ichigo smiled softly running his clawed hand over Shiro's large stomach.

"Yes..... I do Shiro. I bet they are please about everything we have donew to make this world a much better place for all the races."

Finally the day came when Shiro went into labor. Ichigo waited outside along with Tensa. The forest guardian had reverted to his true demonic form as he paced quickly infront of the house.

*Calm yourself Ichigo. I am certain that my master and your cubs will be fine. I highly doubt that the spirits of the world and the forest will allow anything bad to happen to them.* stated Tensa. Ichigo found himself mentally smiling at Tensa's words as he fuffled the wolf's fur. Suddenly small cries filled the air as Unohana opened up the door.

"Come on in Ichigo and meet your cubs. Shiro had triples. You are now the proud father of three children." stated the healer. Ichigo entered to find Shiro laying in bed holding three small bundles wrapped in blankets made from some old clothes in his arms.

"Ichigo come...... meet your sons." Shiro whispered as he looked beat tired after the intense labor.

Ichigo slowly walked up opening the first small bundel as he saw a very small version of himself in his human like form with ears and all. The cub had white hair like Shiro's with a small streak of orange in it. The cub had a pair of small fuzy white fox ears and tail just like Ichigo. The cub opened his yes as he looked at his father through the same slitted chocolate brown eyes as Ichigo's as three small whisker marks crossed his cheecks (similar to Naruto's from the Naruto series) . Ichigo could tell that this one was a true demon much like himself as he looked at Shiro smiling softly.

"His name is Hichiro (a combo of hollow, Ichigo, and Shiro together that I created)." replied Shiro. Ichigo opened up the next bundle to see a small baby that looked human despite the slight point to his ears. He had Ichigo's bright orange hair with a small streak of white in it. When this baby opened his eyes, they looked exactly like Shiro's. Ichigo could instantly tell that this one was a half breed just like Shiro. "His name is Isshin (Ichigo's father in the sereis)." stated Shiro. Finally Ichigo opened up the last bundle. This looked looked very human. His hair was black as night while his eyes were a golden yellow color. Ichigo knew that this cub was very human not having any demonic power within him. "His name is Mugetsu (the final transformation that Ichigo achieves in the series to destory Aizen)."

"Hichiro, Isshin, and Mugetsu. They are beautiful Shiro. I am blessed to have them all and you within my life." Ichigo stated as he began to cry. Shiro reached up stroking Ichigo's tears away from his face.

"I love you Ichigo." whispered Shiro as the three babies slowly began to fuss. Ichigo gave Shiro a long passionate kiss as he took all three babies into his nine tails rocking the cubs gently.

*I love you too Shirosaki Ogichi.* stated Ichigo mentally. The three cubs began to fall asleep within their father's large bushy tails as Hichiro's own white tail poked out lightly twiching in his sleep. This caused Ichigo to smile as he allowed his mate to rest after giving birth to his three cubs. He knew that the journey for these three were only begining. Who knew what adventures laid ahead of these three kits?

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