29- prophecy completed

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In no way shape or form do I own or even attempt to own the Bleach series and/or its characters.   Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.  Thank you!

chapter 29 - prophecy completed

Aizen stood there in complete shock by Ichigo's reply.  Both Ichigo and Shiro took this chance to move attacking Aizen.  Both hit Aizen with attack after attack.  Power was increasing through their bodies as power raidiated all around the two.

'No don't tell me.......' Aizen thought to himself.  He never picuted that the prophecy would be achieved.  Especially by a half demon but he then remembered that of course Shiro was raised by human as he didn't know much about his demonic nature until later on.  'Why....... why would they fight against their own kind?' Aizen asked himself.

*It is because for these two, there aren't boundaries.  They treat all walks of life as equals.  This is the reason why they understand both humans and demons so well considering that they consist of both races.  A new will begin as these two and their young shall pave the way.  Demons have had their chance to live upon this world as they treated humans like slaves.  Humans rose up and took control driving the demons to the shadows.  But a new age shall begin in where demons and humans shall exist side by side as equals.  The change was bound to happen whether or not you wanted it to!* replied the spirit of the world.

Aizen watched as the power of both Ichigo and Shiro grew.  He see such a strong determination to make sure that Aizen didn't achieve his goal as well as love in their eyes for one another.  Aizen knew then that he had lost this fight.

"This is the end Aizen.  Mugetsu (moonless sky)!" snapped Ichigo as he unleashed the powerful attack.

"Saigo no Getsuga (final moon fang heaven piercer)!" added Shiro as he poured every bit of his power into Ichigo's attack.  Aizen allowed the two attacks to hit him.

'If it is true that a new era should begin then, allow me to die in order to be judged for what I have done.  I am putting my faith in those two that hopefully soon the demons will no longer be killed unjustly and that they can exist by humanities side as equals.' Aizen thought to himself as the two attacks hit him hard wiping him completely out of existance once and for all.

Both Ichigo and Shiro turned to the remaining demons that were fighting along side of Aizen.  Both were still powered up surrounded by energy. 

"Is there anyone else who feels the same way as Aizen.  You best run now before we pass judgement on you too." stated both Ichigo and Shiro in unison.  A few demons did take off causing both Ichigo and Shiro to blast them with their combined powers.  Once all of the rogue demons were killed off, Ichigo turned to the remaining demons that existed.

"A new era is going to begin in which humans and demons can exist side by side as equals.  Return to the demon world and alert to any other remaining demon left.....  that no longer will they be allowed to harm and/or attack humans.  Allow us time in order to gain the humans exceptance and trust." Ichigo stated.  The remaining demons nodded their heads that they understood as they left without any incident.

Shiro walked over to where his father laid as both Jushiro and Unohana were trying to bind the demons wounds after Murcielago had told the two humans that this demon was Shiro's true father.  Shiro knelt down besides his father taking a hold of Ulquiorra's hand.

" I knew that you could do it.  Now perhaps I can earn my rest and join your mother.  How I miss her terribly." coughed Ulquiorra while spitting up blood.  Shiro looked at the two humans who shook their heads as nothing could be done to save him.

"......Father..... rest well with my two mothers.  I will think of you fondly and always remember what little time we had together." Shiro stated.  Ulquiorra slowly nodded his head as he closed his eyes one last time.  Suddenly Shiro began to collapse backwards into the arms of his mate while his body transformed back to his human form.

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