7- betrayal

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I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. Please leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think!

Chapter 7

The wolf lead Shiro to an old run down cottage. When Shiro entered he could see some clothing that were laying around in a pile almost like a nest. Shiro carefully laid Ichigo down in the pile of cloths as he went out to Zangetsu to grab the supplies that he needed. Shiro had noticed that their was a small river as he dipped a nearby bucket into the water bringing it back into the cottage. The wolf laid near Ichigo whimpering softly as he licked his wounds. 

"Don't do that. It can become infected. Let me treat it." Shiro stated softly. The wolf looked up allowing Shiro to approach. Shiro went to work treating the wolfs wounds. When he was done he went over to treat Ichigo's wounds. Shiro stripped Ichigo out of his clothing that he was wearing finding himself instantly being drawn in to Ichigo's form. The fox demon had a very muscular body as he had a nice six pack. Even though Shiro had noticed many scars lining Ichigo's attractive body it seemed to make him even more attractive and hot.

Shiro went to work washing Ichigo's body and treating his wounds as the demon fox moaned lightly in his sleep. Shiro let out a soft laugh as he couldn't help but to notice how cute Ichigo was. But the thought had crossed his mind at why the villagers would lie about wanting Ichigo dead. Shiro sighed softly as he rose to his feet as the wolf looked at him through his golden eyes. 

"Keep an eye on him. If he wakes up tell him that I will be back." Shiro told the wolf. The wolf nodded his head that he understood as he watched Shiro leave. Shiro got onto Zangetsu's back signaling his stallion where to go. It would be the first time that Shiro would think of ever using his powers on humans before.

Before Shiro arrived back within Karakura town, he allowed his powers to flare out.  

'God I hope I know what I am doing.' Shiro thought to himself as he entered the village. He could hear lots of people talking at the inn as he could smell alcohol in the air. 

"Soon that damn fox will be dead. We won't have to put up with him any longer. Then the forest will be ours!" stated a random voice. 

"We should have done this a long time ago Yamamoto." stated another. 

"I kind of feel sorry for having to lie to Shiro about the fox. But he wasn't going to allow us into that forest in order to use up all of its resources." stated Yamamoto. Shiro could hear loud cheering which made him sick to his stomach. Shiro felt betrayed as they wouldn't get away with it.

Shiro stormed into the inn as his powers caused the wind to pick up all around him. Black energy wrapped around his clutched fists as he walked up to the table that Yamamoto was sitting at. Shiro took the payment out as he slammed it down onto the table breaking it completely in half. Shiro's golden eyes were glowing brightly. 

"Ah.... Shiro have you killed the demon yet?" asked Yamamoto. Shiro glared at him angrily. 

"You guys are the real demons. And don't try to deny your plans for the forest. I have heard what you all said!" growled Shiro angrily as the black energy that was wrapped around his clutched fists lashed out at everyone in the inn. "I recline the task that you have assigned me. Take care of your own problems. I have sent word to the hunters guild not to take any requests from this town as it is filled with two faced greedy people who lie!" Shiro yelled at them. A part of his demonic nature was now becoming visible as a demonic mask in the form of a black and white skull complete with long horns appeared over his face.

The people in the inn began to scream seeing Shiro take on his demonic form.  

"Your a demon!" someone shrieked out.  

"Your partly right. I have demon blood within me. I may have the blood of a demon but you people are the true demons. I have never meet people as cold and greedy as you before. Consider my contract terminated!" Shiro growled before storming out of the inn slamming the door completely off its hinges as he left.

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