6- helpful hand

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I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. Please leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think!

Chapter 6

After a while Ichigo and Shiro had parted. A light blush had crossed Ichigo's face. 

"I'm sorry about what happened. I can't believe I reacted that way." Ichigo stated shyly.  

"It's all right. You didn't hurt me or Zangetsu in anyway." replied Shiro as the black stallion nuzzled the fox. "He seems to like you. When I got him, nobody seemed to be able to get close to him as they were thinking of putting him down."  

"You have taken really good care of him. It's not because he's picky about who he likes and doesn't like. It's because he has had bad experiences with humans. With you it was different. For some reason, he liked you." Ichigo told Shiro. Shiro's eyes widened when he heard this. 

"Did he tell you all of that?" asked Shiro as Ichigo nodded his head. 

"Tell me why do you hunt your own kind?" Ichigo asked bluntly.  

"My own kind?" asked Shiro as he felt that Ichigo some how knew about his demonic blood.

Ichigo never got to answer Shiro's question as they could hear a young wolves cries. Without saying a single word, Ichigo took off quickly. Zangetsu nuzzled his master as if urging him to go after the fox. Shiro lept onto Zangetsu's back holding onto the stallion's black mane. Shiro quickly leaded over grabbing his equipment as Zangetsu took off after the fox demon.

When they caught up to Ichigo, he stood in front of the injured wolf he had treated as a pack of panthers circled them both. Fresh scars lined Ichigo as his clothing was ripped and torn. There was about five panthers circling the injured wolf and fox demon looking for a way to get to their prey. Ichigo was growling angrily at the five panthers.  

"What right do you have to kill his pack? You all know that you have been forbidden to hunt here!" Ichigo growled loudly. Shiro could swear that he could hear the panthers laughing. 

*We no reason to kill off the wolves. We just wanted them dead. Now get out of our way fox or your next.* stated a voice in the back of Shiro's mind. Shiro didn't question how come he could hear voices in the back of his mind but he noticed as Ichigo took up a defensive stance as energy wrapped around his clawed hand.

Once again Ichigo's looks had changed making him appear dangerous. Shiro got off of Zangetsu as he carefully lined up his shot with his bow and arrow in hand. When Shiro saw one of the panthers leap at Ichigo, he let the arrow fly. The arrow shot directly into the panther's heart killing it. The other panthers looked surprised as Ichigo lept for the pack leader, a white panther with piercing blue eyes. Ichigo sunk his claws and fangs into the panther's neck growling low. 

*Unless you want that human hunter to kill off another member of you pack you best go back from where you came from Grimmjow. If I catch you in my territory again, I will kill you! Do you understand?* growled Ichigo threateningly. The white panther nodded his head before Ichigo let go of the panther watching the remaining four scamper off.

Ichigo suddenly collapsed causing the young wolf to whimper. Shiro approached when he saw Ichigo go down suddenly. Shiro had no idea why he was so concerned about Ichigo. The young wolf growled as Shiro approached. 

"Look I mean you no harm. I am here to help." Shiro stated. The wolf seemed to relax a bit allowing Shiro to pick up the unconscious Ichigo. He had no idea of what happened or what he could do to help the demon fox. Suddenly the wolf began to pull on Shiro's pant leg as it seemed that he knew where to go. Shiro smiled as Zangetsu kneeled down allowing Shiro to place the unconscious Ichigo onto his back. "Please lead on my little friend this way I can help you both." stated Shiro. The wolf nodded his head as he took off allowing Shiro and Zangetsu to follow.

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