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They both left her apartment not long after. When they reached Jin's hotel, it was already late. Jin went to reception and took his key. 

"Can we have another room, please?" 

"Another room?" the receptionist pointed at the board behind, "We have these three rooms empty, which one do you want, sir?"

"The closer to mine, the better," Jin said gently.

"Then I'll recommend…"

"Sorry, we won't need two," Arya interjected calmly and tugged on Jin's sleeve.

Jin looked at her.

Arya gestured faintly towards the door.

"All right," Jin bowed to the receptionist and followed Arya towards the lift.

Jin opened the door once they reached his suite.

Arya entered and put down her backpack. And after almost the whole journey, she let out a relaxed sigh.

"It's late," Jin went towards the bathroom, "Have some sleep."

"Wait, let me see it," Arya stopped him. Her eyes were on the box in Jin's hand.

Jin took a glance at his hand holding the first aid box.

"No. Thank you." Jin went in without further words.

"Rude." Arya rolled her eyes and put off her jacket and opened her backpack.

Jin didn't let her take many things with her and she didn't have many things to bring either.

She took a quick peek at the bathroom door and quickly changed into a fresh t-shirt and a pair of trousers before Jin comes out.
She squatted down on the couch and closed her eyes.

Jin came out after attending to his wound.
Arya already changed and she was probably dozed off on the couch. 

Jin sat in front of Arya. His eyes lingered on her face for a few moments and then he averted his gaze slowly.

She has changed a lot from the last time he saw her. 
Back then, this face was never tired, never left alone without a mischievous grin, or those eyes never were this alert, rather always beamed with light and laughter. What happened to that annoyingly lively girl?

Jin hid a sigh and took the blanket from the bed and covered her up carefully.

When Arya woke up half an hour later, she saw Jin sitting on the floor in front of the window back facing her.

His posture was erect yet relaxed.
She relaxed a little when she realized he was meditating.

Arya got up and went to the bathroom for a quick shower. Almost a year later, surprisingly she was feeling relaxed and relieved. She didn't know why, but she was feeling safe after a very long time.

When she came out, suddenly there was a knock on the door. All her relaxed muscles tensed up instantly as her hand quickly grabbed the Beretta she hid in her backpack.
She glanced at the relaxed and calm posture of Jin who didn't move a muscle yet.

She carefully went to the door, took her position, and waited until the knock heard again,
"Who is there?" Her voice was alert and careful.

"Room service." 

She relaxed a little bit and before opening the door, she locked the chain, took another glance towards Jin and made a little slit in the door, and looked out.


"Dinner, ma'am. As you requested." 

Probably Jin ordered dinner while she was sleeping.

Her scrutinizing eyes weighed the waiter and making sure he isn't harmful, she quickly shoved the Beretta in her trouser's waistband and covered it with her t-shirt, and finally opened the door.

The waiter left after he arranged the dishes on the coffee table inside the suite.

Arya opened the lid of the main course. The smell was tickling her senses as she was hungry to the least.
She took little glances over all the food and looked at Jin.

"Aren't you hungry?"

Jin didn't answer.


"Help yourself," His figure moved a little proving he wasn't a statue after all.

"I'll dig in first then." She shrugged, already being used to Jin's stoic and calm personality and lack of any words at all.

When Jin took off the lids of the dishes, Arya was already done with eating and was in front of her laptop. Her fingers were flying like a light butterfly over the keyboard.

He looked at the dishes, Arya almost didn't eat anything, just scratches from here and there. If it's her way of eating, it explains a lot why she has been this skinny now.

Jin quietly ate and arranged a few things before calling it a day. Made a few phone calls, some encrypted texts and he got up almost at midnight. 

"You take the bed," Jin took out a spare blanket from the closet and walked towards the couch.

"Don't bother. I won't sleep anyway. You take the bed, have a good sleep." Arya didn't move her eyes from the screen.

Jin didn't reply, but he didn't go to bed either. He lay on the couch and closed his eyes.

"I said take the bed," Arya disagreed almost immediately, "I can't fall asleep you know. A bit insomniac. It will be useless if any of us don't use the bed and be hard on ourselves."

Getting no reply, she looked at Jin.

Jin turned his back towards her and tried to sleep, "lie down anyway."

"How about it? We both can use the bed. Seems nice, isn't it?" She smiled nicely, "you sleep on the bed, I'll lie down too for a while after I finish this. And you…"

She suddenly stopped.

Jin looked back, she was frozen in place, eyes glued on the screen.

Jin got up and went to her. there was an audio file opened on the screen. She was scanning through the data and documents on the flash drive to see if she could retrieve anything useful.

Without any words, Jin reached out and took the headphone from her ears and put it on, and rewind the almost ending audio file from the start.

There was nothing but static from the very beginning.

after a few seconds, a sudden muffled voice came from the headphone,
"Mayday mayday, mayday!"

It was Arya, no doubt about that.

A male voice came from the earphone this time. Jin looked at Arya.

She mouthed,
"From the black box of my crashed jet."

Jin already guessed that. this audio record was from the black box of the fighter plane with which she crashed before.

"Sierra 03095, you are in a restricted air zone. Confirm your identity."

"It's sierra 03095, do not shoot, I repeat do not shoot,  "Arya's voice was heard, her voice was calm somehow with a tinge of unsteadiness.

"Sierra 03095, confirm your identity, or we'll shoot."

 "Its falcon FFc3, Code 5379, from South Korea. On run, engaged in a dog fight*. Confirm it please, I am running out of fuel."

"Falcon FFc3, code confirmed." 

"Oh, thank god!" Arya's relaxed voice came at last.

Israel just now confirmed her secret code which was only to be used in extreme situations like this when help was needed from the allied countries.

"I am running out of fuel. Please retrieve the three bogies* you've sent behind me. I can't dodge them forever."

"What weapons do you have in there?"

"There were no missiles loaded in it, to begin with, and I have used up all the flares during the North Korean jets engaged me into a dog fight. I fled miraculously. Give me permission to land."

"Sorry, we can't just allow you to land here, north Korea will be able after us if we do."

"But you were supposed to help me!" her voice was a little surprised.

"Your problem, pilot, not ours."

"Is it a joke?" her voice was a little helpless now, "I came all the way here knowing I'll find refuge here!"

"Told you, pilot. Not our problem."

Jin's fist clenched a little. He very well knows how she must felt back then.

But surprisingly, she was still calm, "I can go on with this craft ten minutes more before fuel runs out. I'll have to crash land after that. Retreat your bogies first, I'll head out of your territory."

"Sorry, sierra 03095, we can't let you eject either."

"What the hell?" her voice was now panicking, "your bogies are engaging fires at me!"

"You have skills dodging the missiles, but you said..."

"Fuck you!" her voice was now on the sky pitch. And after that, there were again statics and after a few minutes, there was total silence.

Jin took the headphone off. 

Arya's face was already pale as ash.

Hight up in the sky, already dodging and fleeing from Pyeongyang after a round of dog fight, asking for refuge, low on fuel, killer fighter jets in the tail firing at her jet with no flares left for self-defense- it is nightmare for any pilot ever to live.

No wonder she is acrophobic now. How did she survive, that's a miracle though.

"Why did they shoot me down? They even confirmed my identity, they were supposed to help me!"

"Something bigger is going on regarding the documents. You are just a pawn in that game." Jin returned the headphone to Arya.

He took the blanket and sat on the bed, "we'll leave in the dawn. Get some sleep."

Arya nodded and again leaned on her laptop.

*Bogies: Hostile aircraft are normally released for air fighting under the radar, counterattack, or attack.

*Dog fight: fight between fighter crafts.

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