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Violent contents ahead:

There was blood.

The floor was now flooding with blood.
A metallic tang of fresh blood was almost crushing his already throbbing head.

He tasted blood in his mouth. He didn't know how long he has been biting his lips to the point they bled.

He tried to avert his gaze, but a pair of dreary eyes were gluing him on them.

He couldn't look away, Maybe there was an overpowering inducement in those eyes, he was hypnotized.

His wrists were already bloody in a try to striving freedom from the plastic restraints that were buckling him with the handle of the chair.

How much time has passed?
Though he knew there was no use in trying to loosen his hands, his mind was too stubborn to accept it, and his head was too much of a believer that he'll maybe miraculously awaken the girl who was just lying down lifelessly on the ground once he could free his hands.

A little more...just a little more...a little...

Another gash of the blade echoed throughout the air resonating up to his ears making him stiffen one more time.

The already lying body jerked one last time getting lanced by the long blade.

His hands stopped moving, lips trembling with flooding of wants of letting out thousands of unspoken words...but he only could manage to let out only one low growl to the man behind the blade, "Don't!!!"


Jin got up instantly seeing Arya looking at him with confused eyes. Her eyes were curious, yet concerned.

Jin didn't answer, rather went directly into the bathroom to splash water in his face to get him back to reality.
He stared in his reflection for time beings.

When he came out, he saw Arya looking at him from her position.


Jin didn't answer.

"Want to talk about it?"

Jin walked towards the window and squat down the floor and shut his eyes.

"Kim Seokjin, show me some responses, will you?" Arya rolled her eyes.


No answer.


No reply from there.


"Get some sleep." His voice was clear and simple.

"At least you are responding!" Arya's voice was light, "why do you meditate always? Does it help at all?"

No response.

"I'll try then!"
She got down on her knees beside him, "Let's see how it works."

"Stop fooling around," his eyes were closed but his voice was strict.

"I am not fooling around! You are the one who is sulking!"
She sighed in annoyance and again got curious,
"Hey, Jin! Why don't you tell me what did you just saw in the precious dreams of yours?"

His concentration once again was lost in oblivion.

"What did you see? Bugs? Bogies? Or ghosts?" Her voice was making fun of him now.

Jin didn't answer.

"Tell me, I'll tell you what I have found meanwhile if you do."

Jin's eyes opened again.

Arya shrugged off and tried to imitate Jin and closed her eyes intentionally to annoy him, not telling her recent discovery.

Jin's eyes wavered on her face but she didn't show any interest in disclosing her big enigma.

She opened one eye cautiously and seeing him staring at her intensely, she again closed her eyes and acted calm.

She again opened her eyes a few seconds later only to see Jin dismissing her and turning his back and immersing into his so-called meditation.

"Ughhh, this man! Jin!"

Getting no feedback, she got up and went towards the bed, "Clearly you haven't changed much!"

She laid down and yanked the blanket over herself when she saw the red light beeping on the LARC device.

She looked over Jin and waited for him to come over and respond. But he didn't seem like he was interested in anything else right now.

She hesitantly took the device and opened it.
She was a little bit amazed when she realized she could read the encrypted words pretty clearly.

She read along and her face slowly lost colors. The giddiness from a little before was already gone, the paranoid self was again clouding her sunny demeanor. The transition was so abrupt that people may fall into a delirium that they just saw something wrong before.

She again looked towards Jin. He was looking at her this time.

"My apartment. There had been an explosion."

Jin's eyes blinked a little.

"They are saying that maybe there had been any gas leakage, the casualty is not low too."

Jin's body was still relaxed on the floor.

"They have found me again," Arya let out a sigh and indicated to the LARC,

"Your informer is saying that there had been increases in the security of the airports and other ports across the country. MOSSAD is using all their sleeper agents and taking help from the Libyan intelligence."

Jin closed his eyes again showing absolutely no reactions.

"We need to leave. They'll come for me anytime," suddenly Arya jumped out of the blanket and threw her laptop and things she brought in her backpack, "We need to go."

"Get back," Jin's voice was calm.

"You don't understand, they'll..."


"You clearly don't understand what am I saying, right? Forget it! I'll just go on my own then!" her voice was anxious.

Jin got up from the floor with no scramble at all. He walked towards Arya and calmly took the backpack from her hands and placed it on the table again, "Go where?"

"I just can't wait for them to find me, can I?" her voice was rising now,
"Anyway, forget that I asked for help. You don't care anyway!"

Jin held her hand and gently guided her towards the bed. He pushed her down on the bed.

"What are you doing?" She was startled.

"You don't listen either. Told you to rest," His voice was still calm, he pushed her to lay down and covered her with the blanket, and turned the bedside lamp off.

"What the hell?" her voice was puzzled.

She realized Jin also laid down next to her keeping a clear distance between them in the milky darkness.

"Jin?" her voice was irritated.

She was about to slap it away when Jin's one hand gently touched the spot between her eyebrows, slightly flattening the crease formed there with mild pressure.

She was stunned with the action, not because of the hand which was a warm contrast to his cold personality, but because of the impossibility of the act.


"Relax." Jin's voice was reassuring.

She was slowly relaxing with the gentle pressure on the acupoint that was supposed to help with anxiety.

"You don't have to do it, just give me time," Arya sighed and pushed away his hand, "I know you don't like touching people."

His hand again came back but hesitated to touch.

"Don't ask me how do I remember. I just do, ok?" Arya sighed.
"How frustrating is that I remember almost every little thing about you yet I know nothing about you."

"You will," his voice was barely heard.

Arya rolled to her side to face Jin whose silhouette was now clear after adapting the eyes into the darkness. He was lying down straight, closing his eyes.

Her eyes lingered on the dark shape in front of her eyes, a deep purple and tinge of orange light were slightly illuminating the room with the colorful light entering from the electric billboard advertisement outside the window. She started at him trying to remember and memorizing every crease and groove of that face.

"Stop looking." His eyes were still closed.

Arya instantly averted her eyes but again brought it back to the face that holds the serenity of a silent forest and the gentle light of the midnight moon.

"I just realized, you are quite a beauty!" Arya's voice was light.

Jin's eyelashes fluttered a bit as his lips pressed against each other in an attempt to not say something inappropriate and he sighed lightly,

"Stop. Fooling. Around."

"I am not! You really are good-looking, why, don't girls throw themselves on your feet every time you look at them?"

Jin's face seemed like he was holding onto snapping in annoyance with this many exposed bold words thrown towards him. At least no one dares to talk to him informally face to face.

"What? Are you gonna tell me what you always tell me? "

Jin remained silent for some moments and then complied, "Overt."

"There! Seems like I have missed your disgusts towards me like that!" Arya chuckled lightly.
"Come on! Don't be flustered, you know it too, you are quite a handsome man!"

Jin didn't answer.

"You didn't want to know what I have found on the flash drive."

"You'll tell it anyway."

"Really! How easy do you think I am? Of course, I am not gonna tell you if you don't want to know." Arya crunched her nose, "You know what? I am not gonna tell you even if you want to know it now!"

She rolled on her side again put her back facing Jin.

She rolled back to her previous position after a few minutes again and looked at Jin.

"Hey, Jin? Are you sleeping?"

No answer came.

"How can you sleep when there's so much going on?" her voice was annoyed, "Why don't you ask me anything?"

Jin let out a small breath and opened his eyes again.

Arya rolled her eyes and closed her eyes. This grumpy man can go to hell.

After a few minutes passed she couldn't hold back her excitement and turned towards Jin again completely forgetting the promise she made a few minutes ago.

"Just spit it out," Jin's eyes were still closed.

Arya wanted to slap herself for being this predictable but decided to brush it off again, "since you have no interest but I have, I'll let you know that I probably have located the documents."

Her eyes were glued on his face expecting some reactions.

But with her utter disappointment, he just let out a hum.

"That's it?"

"We'll retrieve those," His voice was calm.

"You won't ask where those are?"


"In the shark's pod itself, North Korea."

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