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Arya got down from the car and looked back at the driver.

"Go on, I'll wait until you get back." said the driver from the front.

"You can leave, ajhussi." Arya bowed slightly, "I don't know how much time I'd need."

"Hoseok-sshi strictly told me to get you back safely. And this is an agency car. So you don't need to worry. "

"Ok then," Arya smiled, "I won't be late."

She went towards the entrance of the aviators' club.
This institute was established after the Korean war. Civilians were of course, not allowed.
This club was even restricted to commercial pilots. Solely dedicated for defense personnel only.

The bouncer at the door stopped her.

Arya showed him the membership card and the bouncer nodded, "Major Hoseok already informed us. Welcome to Aviators' club."

"Thank you," Arya bowed and entered the club.

Inside was dark and old.
The interior seemed like an inside of a wooden mahogany cigarette case. Chic and classy.

People, mostly in their middle age were sitting here and there, completely immersed in their interests.

Younger pilots were also there, but they seemed to be huddling together and enjoying each other's company while drinking and gossiping.

Few were around the billiard table and a few were just reading.
Slow music was filling the dimly lit room and few eyes turned towards her when she entered.

"Captain Akaishi?"
A voice was heard from her behind.

Arya looked back to see a person in his late sixty looking at her intently with curiosity and surprise in his eyes.
She was surprised and dumbfounded,

"You are Captain Akaishi, aren't you?"

"Yes, ain't no captain anymore though." Arya smiled, "Got retired a long time ago."

"I know that." He nodded but his confusion deepened, "I am surprised that you are not remembering me."

"I am sorry, do I supposed to know you?" Arya frowned lightly.

"Now I am hurt!" The man smiled a little, "You never missed any free time to come here. And you said I am the person you loved the most in the whole world!"

Arya covered her mouth in embarrassment, "I did?"

"Well, whenever you were drunk. So that doesn't count," The man smiled nicely.

"I am embarrassed!" Arya smiled apolitically, "I have this medical condition where it is a bit tough to remember faces from years ago. Hope you understand."

"That's is sad." the man shook his head, "we had a wonderful time together. By the way, if you don't know, I am the handler of this club."

"It is nice to meet you, sir!"

"The pleasure is mine, child. I am just glad that you came back. How many years has it been? A decade maybe?"

"Maybe." Arya nodded unsurely.

"I'll not disturb you anymore then, enjoy the time here!" the man was going back but Arya called him back,

"Well, sir?"


"Do you happen to know where can I find Jin?"

"Jin?" the man frowned.

"Kim Seokjin."

"Aah, Seokjin!" the man nodded in acknowledgment, "yes I do. Come with me."

Arya followed him like an obedient student, "Does he come here often?"

"Who, Seokjin?"


"No." The man disregarded her words immediately, "If his friends hang out here. Apart from that time he comes here once a year. Every year for the last eight years."


"I can't tell," the man nodded side to side, "He comes here in the fixed days, the first week of March, sits in the corner table of the second floor, sits alone from nine to twelve. And then leaves."

"Doing nothing?" Arya was confused.

"Nothing." The man agreed, "he just sits there, orders a bottle of Soju and a glass, pours some soju, and just leaves them on the table. He never even drinks that Soju."

"That's it ?" Arya frowned, "Why?"

"How could I know?" The man smiled, "you two seemed close before. You should know better."

"You have seen us together?" Arya asked curiously.

"Of course! Before he started coming here all alone, you were always with him. Maybe because you forced him to accompany you whenever you came. That poor boy!" The man laughed.

"You know I can be a bit bossy sometimes!" Arya smiled.

"I like that one in you," The man brushed off the remark and pointed at one table at a corner, "There he is. But be careful."


"He is different this time."

"What do you mean?"

"He has been coming here all these years. Only this time he is here in the middle of September. And only this time he started to drink."

"He is drinking?" Arya checked if she was hearing right.

"Yes, this time he has been ordering two bottles and one of them is for him. We had to call in our ride services to send him home every night. But he came back every day."

"You did ask him anything?"

"I did." The man nodded, "But Kim Seokjin is a tight-lipped man. No matter how drunk he is, he'd still uphold his dignity and not ever stutters once. When the ride comes, he easily gets up and gets into the car without any resistance or without making any scenes."

"That's Jin for you." Arya hummed and smiled at the man, "anyway, thank you. I'll take it from here."

The man smiled back and nodded,
"Don't forget to meet me before you leave!"

"I'll. Don't worry."

Arya went towards Jin's table after the man left.

This area was empty and a little bit isolated from the main attraction of the large floor. Probably that's Jin's taste after all.

Arya stood before Jin but that man didn't seem to notice her.

As that man said, Jin was just sitting still with his usual upright proper posture but his eyes were fixed on the Soju glass on the table.

The glass was filled and placed in front of the chair opposite to Jin.

"Thank you for the drink," Arya sat on the chair and picked up the glass, and emptied it.

Jin's eyes followed the glass lazily but he didn't say anything.

Putting down the glass Arya smiled,
"can I have one more shot?"

Jin was still looking at her without any expression.

Seeing no response, Arya picked up the Soju bottle and poured another glass for her, "It is interesting Jin, you finished your drink but still not touching this bottle or this glass. Were you waiting for someone? Who is this drink is supposed to be for?"

Jin was still silent.

"You know how many times I have called you? Why are you ignoring me, Jin?" Arya sighed and came to the point, "Did I do something stupid again?"

Jin's lips trembled a little as if he wanted to say something but he stopped anyway and looked at the glass again.

"What happened to you? You are supposed to be this cute when you drink, not looking like who has just got a divorce from his wife!" Arya chuckled, "Or did you? Don't tell me you have a secret wife somewhere!"

Jin didn't say anything, but his hand slowly came out from beneath the table and surprising Arya, His fingers unsurely touched the side of her face.
So delicately and hesitantly as if she was going to vanish in thin air if he wasn't careful.

"Jin?" Arya looked at his hand and then to his face.

And she was stunned when she looked into his eyes.

Why those were in so much pain?

"You look so much like her." Jin's voice was gentle.

"Like who?" Arya was curious.

"Her." Jin dismissed and slowly took his hand back and reached for his Soju bottle but there was not a drop left in that.

"Do you want from here?" Arya offered. One more glass won't harm him, right?

Jin seemed tempted, but he shook his head from side to side.

"Whom are you waiting for, Jin?"

Jin was silent.

"Tell me, I can find that person." Arya was genuinely curious this time.

"No use." Arya heard Jin sight slightly and lowered his head.

Arya lowered her head on the tabletop to look at Jin's lowered head, "God! Jin!" she suddenly screeched realizing something, "are you crying?"

"I am not!" Jin frowned a little and looked directly at her.

He was right. His long and delicate eyelashes created a shadow over his deep eyes that contained so much torment that was unfamiliar with Arya anyway.

"Jin, what happened to you?"
Arya reached out and touched Jin's hands, "Can you tell me?"

Jin carefully removed his hand from hers and looked away.

"Won't tell me?"
Arya pouted, "Hoseok said I was your only friend. If he was right, why don't you let me in?"


"Jin? Why do you come here every year?"

Arya didn't expect an answer but she got one anyway, "I made a promise."

"To whom?" Arya leaned in from wonder.


"You come here cause you have made someone a promise?"

Jin nodded.

"Where is that person?"
Arya marveled.


"Gone? Gone where?"
Arya frowned.

"She died," Jin dismissed her and reached for his Soju bottle again completely forgetting that was already empty.

"It is a she then!" Arya repeated absentmindedly but frowned again,
"What promise you made?"

Jin just sipped from his empty bottle now. Not caring what she asked him.


Jin again looked at her and once again, his eyes flashed that look.
Like he was in so much agony that was just pouring out from his eyes not being able to hide only with his expressionless stern face.

Arya's heart was aching looking into his eyes. Why this man was in such a state? Who broke him?

"You look like her," He commented quietly.

"Jin, look at me," Arya insisted to him this time, "tell me, I won't let you suffer alone. Tell me why are you hurting?"

"I made a mistake." Suddenly Jin looked at her and almost forcefully stopped talking before he could reveal anything further.

"What are you talking about?"

"I did something." Jin's hand reached his head as if his head was hurting badly, "something terrible."


Jin looked again at her and the same words came out from his lips for the third time, "you look just like her. Why do you look like her?"

"Like who?"

"Why? You know it hurts?" Jin was worked up at this point and vigorously shook his head, "Go away."

"Jin, I... "

"You are my illusion. Go away." Jin shook his head once again, "Probably I drank too much."

Seeing Jin down over pain and guilt, Arya's heart was shattering. She didn't know what could she do to ease him.

"I need to go." Suddenly Jin got up. His posture was just perfect, with no sighs of staggering or drunkenness, "I should go."

"I'll come with you." Arya got up.

But Jin stopped him with his palms raised, "Stop. Don't!"

"What?" Arya was confused.

"Stay away from me." His one hand came up and touched his chest as if he was having a breathing problem.


"No! I should stay away from you." Jin mumbled and turned away.

"Hey! wait!" Arya called him from the back.

"Stay away!" Jin was at this point restless and agitated, "You hate me!"

"No, I don't!" Arya was dumbfounded and walked towards Jin who was taking a few steps back to get away,

"You don't?" Suddenly Jin's expression calmed down.

"No!" Arya almost yelled, "Why would I?"

"You don't?" Jin again asked quietly.

"No, I don't!" Arya reached closer and touched his hand.

"You will," Jin stated in short and got rid of Arya's hand and walked away.

Arya just stood there, dumbfounded and confused about what just happened.

What happened to Jin?
Why was he in this state?
What did that man tell him on the phone on the last day of them in the Petlas?

What secret he was keeping?
Would Arya ever know?

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