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3 days later

Namjoon put down the file in his hand and looked towards the delegate of North Korea in front of him.

His sense said that this man doesn't agree with his proposed strategy.
He still has that fake smile on his face.
Namjoon spent the last few hours presenting all these documents to prove their theory.

Though the delegates didn't argue about anything, he knew something was off. And he could feel this inside his head.

"Excuse us for a few moments gentleman," the head of the delegate smiled at the cheif, "we need to discuss the thing with our team and our authority."

"Sure," the cheif nodded and the team left the room one by one.

After the last person got out, Namjoon leaned back on his chair and stated, "They didn't believe us."

"Of course, they didn't." The cheif lit up a cigar.

"What should we do now?" Namjoon looked at the cheif.

"That man is the problem." The cheif indicated his cigar to the photo of the head of the delegate on the file.
"You know what it would look like if they agree to our proposals?"


"It will mean that they agree that there is a mole in their team. That they agree that their general had a connection with MOSSAD with ammunition smuggling, that the border killing actually happened and they are not denying it anymore and indeed they are indirectly involved in this grand plan."

"But these allegations are too small considering their country is the main target of USA, am I wrong?" Namjoon frowned hard. He didn't like informing North Korea about these in the first place.

"No, you are not. But it will depend on totally how the delegates will be taking this. Will they be willing to mitigate the small conflicts and work with us to solve the big problem or will they have any other plans." The cheif frowned with increasing thoughts in his head.

"I don't like it," Namjoon stated and looked at the representatives from the blue house among which Soojin was there as a liaison officer.

The delegates came back one hour later.

And an infuriating Namjoon stormed out of the conference room thirty minutes later.

The delegates straight away accused them of circulating wrong information blowing out their theories, and denying all the accusations.

Namjoon walked out and found Jin in the security setup.
"Hyung, we need to talk."

Half an hour later Jin and Namjoon were in front of the semi-lit office of Taehyung.

"So something is indeed cooking," Taehyung clicked his tongue and opened satellite footage in the monitor, "while we were busy with the other issues, North has indeed done something."

"Like?" Jin asked from behind.

"General Jun Jin Gone has vanished. If I am not wrong, he is already executed for his connection with MOSSAD. The North got the wind of the conspiracy already even before we told them. Told you, we shouldn't consider RGB weak anymore. They indeed have a huge and trickiest spy network around." Taehyung whistled.

"Tae?" Jin calmly called.

"Oh, right. Back to the point." Taehyung clapped and smiled, "so what would North do if they already knew that MOSSAD and CIA are planning to arrange a war against them? They'll defend or attack, for sure." Taehyung brought a few other satellite images in the monitor, "and considering Northern strategy, they'll never settle for defense. So here these are..." Taehyung indicated them towards the monitor, "see the coastline along the Northern territory? There have been some movements in an abandoned missile base in Nanam beach." Taehyung brought a picture of a man in the monitor, "And this man, General Kim Hae Jung, reputed as the 'Red Butcher' Is seen there for few times."

"Why Red Butcher?" Namjoon asked.

"Don't ask me, I didn't give him the name." Taehyung pouted, "But he already has a bad reputation from the Korean war before. Now, what was I saying, this man," Taehyung indicated towards the monitor, "not only he is seen in this particular base, but also somewhere you can't even imagine."

"Where?" Namjoon was restless at this point, "hurry up!"

Taehyung brought a map in the monitor, "exactly here." he indicated a point in the North Atlantic ocean.

"What the..." Namjoon instantly frowned.

"It is the site of the wreckage of the missing Indian submarine," Jin instantly caught up.

"Very smart, hyung." Taehyung complemented.
"Yes, this man was seen in that area in an attack class submarine and he was warned to confirm his identity when the submarine surfaced. He assured the concerned navy that his submarine had some venting issues and they were fixing them. That's it."

"So this man went there, when they kept the distraction above, his crews salvaged the damaged Trident type III that Perrera didn't extract before from the wrecked Indian submarine and brought it back to that particular base." Jin's finger indicated to the base along the Northern coastline.

"They are planning to attack first." Namjoon sighed, "And they are..."

"They are going to attack South Korea," Taehyung stated quietly.

The frown in between Namjoon's brows deepened, "They'll present all the proof and documents that the USA wanted to attack South Korea and was going to claim it was the work of North Korea to get these two nations in another war. The world will believe that it was indeed the work of the USA to destroy the North and acclaim the South. And North Korea will get an excuse to attack the USA and insist on a self-defense claim."

"The perfect boomerang. Implying American plans on them." Taehyung whistled, "sweet!"

"Either way, Be it North Korea or America, South Korea is still the victim and scapegoat." Jin quietly stated.

"Holy God!" Suddenly Taehyung almost exclaimed and got up from his chair in the excitement in the middle of Jin's words.

The two seniors were concerned.

Taehyung took a few deep breaths and his hand reached his chest when he again thumped down, "that woman! She is going to kill me someday at this rate!"

"Woman?" Namjoon frowned and looked at Taehyung with a question.

"It's noona." Taehyung again sighed in relief, "God! I thought she died?"

"Taehyung." Jin's calm voice was heard, "who are you talking about?"

"Arya noona." Taehyung looked back to Jin, "she vanished two days ago and missed all her contact time. I thought we already lost contact and probably she died. Thank god!"

"Taehyung," Jin started but Namjoon interjected,
"And what is her status? Did she find what we speculated?"

"Both of you," Jin calmly addressed, "Enlighten me if I am missing something."

"Right." Taehyung nodded in agreement, "we have received a tip from Jimin a month ago stating that he has heard whispers regarding a freighter in the pacific ocean from the USA, though it was claimed to be there for weather research.
But it was not a research vessel, rather an armed navy frigate.
Underwater sonar detected a submersible attached to its waterline with a sealed compartment below its deck. It is still in the international water so confrontation is not good unless we can prove that it was a threat from the USA." Taehyung looked at Namjoon, "you tell the rest."

"We had sent Jungkook to that ship for investigation, as a crew when it stopped for supply in the Philippine coastline. When the ship came near the Chinook pass, we lost contact with Jungkook with few concerning last messages from him that confirm the presence of an ICBM carrier module in that ship." Namjoon said clearly stating the whole picture, "The threat from the USA, ICBM, Trident Missile, the upcoming defense conference and progression of the ship towards our sea- we had reason to mark it as code six and sent an expert in tech and stealth in case there is a Trident to gather information and rescue Jungkook if he was indeed in danger."

"And that agent is Arya?" Jin asked.

"Yes." Namjoon nodded.

"We lost contact with her the day after she arrived at the ship as an inspector from the south coast with a team. We told her to just inspect and take the whole picture in and retreat. But she decided to stay back in that vessel in secret, sending away the team. How did she manage to blend there without knowing, I have no idea though."

"Stealth," Jin remarked quietly.

"Anyway, she was supposed to contact me every six hours. And she missed two days. We were planning to
Send another troop there, this time with a legit warrant, but looks like she is still there, well enough to contact us again." Namjoon nodded.

"Not so soon, hyung." Taehyung suddenly frowned, "her message, its morse code."

"She is unable to send voice messages or texts through LRCA. Meaning- she is in danger and she is being watched." Jin concluded, "what does this say?"

Taehyung again replayed the file and Jin grabbed a writing pad and a pen from Taehyung's desk and frowned as the tap in the audio was heard.

His hand wrote down the whole code Arya sent via morse code.

Three of them looked into the paper at the same time and Taehyung stuttered, "oh come on! Now, this?"

Jin put down the paper and looked at Namjoon, "Gather everyone. Call for a double Code six." His voice was still calm and controlled.

Everyone was in Namjoon's office within half an hour. Hoseok was in the town, he picked up Yoongi and Jimin from The Pit and the navy base respectively with his
AH, 64E Apache helicopter.

Jin briefed the team about the whole strategy and what was happening around it.

"What did Arya send?" Hoseok asked after Jin finished his briefing.

"Deadline," Jin answered.
"USA already knows what is North doing from their moles in their network, and North Korea also knows what is the USA up to. It is now a mission of speed, who is the first one to execute their plan. That will give them the upper hand and the advantage to defend themselves calling it 'self-defense'.
USA freighter is already in motion, and the Northern territory also showed movements around the base.
Namjoon, you'll stay back with the delegates. Delay their return, engage them in the meeting anyhow. If you let them go, the first thing they will do is give a green signal to execute their plan."

"Yes, hyung." Namjoon nodded but he was disappointed that was avid in his reaction.

"Yoongi, select a team. Take a few experts whomever you want. Go to the North. Stop them at any cost." Jin provided, "You are the team leader here. Don't disappoint me."

"Got that." Yoongi nodded.

Taehyung raised one hand, "take me with you, Yoongi hyung. You need a tech expert just in case. These Tridents are fully automated you know that."

"Ok." Yoongi agreed without hesitation.

"I'll go to the ship. Jimin, you are with me." Jin stated.

"Yes, hyung." Jimin nodded immediately.

"Hoseok, you are responsible for emergency evacuation and the communication between the teams. Always be ready with your ride."

"Roger that." Hoseok nodded.

"I am gonna need a few comrades. And a good vessel." Jin looked at Jimin, "you think there is any ship fast enough to catch up the frigate in time while the meeting is still progressing?"

"How long you can keep them busy, hyung?" Jimin asked Namjoon without answering Jin's question.

"Let's see," Namjoon thought for a moment and a strange smile crept up in his lips, "If we start pulling every little damage they have done until now, it is very simple."

"How long?" Jimin again asked.

"If I only bring up the matter of inserting Arya sunbae's doppelganger inside NIS and we counter it with sending her to North, that alone can keep them busy for a whole day if we can convince the Blue house to persist on our accusations over them."

"More than enough time." Jimin nodded in approval and added, "I need at least four hours. Give or take. Remember it."

"Four hours?" Jin frowned slightly, "that is too short. Do we have that fast ship? Apart from speed, we'll most likely face a faceoff with them in the international water. A restricted area for national issues, so we'll not have any authority to defend our action as self-defense."

"Have faith in me, hyung. I got this." Jimin nodded confidently, "four hours is enough."

"And comrades?" Jin looked at Yoongi.

"I'll take Si-wo-sshi, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Nabi-sshi." He looked at Hoseok with the last name.

Hoseok nodded in approval.

"Give me three commandos." Jin said to Yoongi, "You trained them, you know them best."

"I suggest you take naval commandoes, Hyung." Jimin interjected, "the operation is on water, I can provide you few experts in naval warfare."

"How many?"

"We need crews to run the ship, right?" Jimin smiled mysteriously, "don't worry about anything, hyung. You'll get the best ship in the whole world this time with the best crews and fighters possible."

"Too confident," Hoseok teased a little.

"You should have seen what he had done the last few months, Hobi," Yoongi smiled and nodded towards Jimin, "You won't say it if you have seen it."

"Now I am intrigued." Hoseok smiled.

"Ok, guys, let's get it."
Jin nodded and a low cheer arose from the crowd.

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