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Arya squinted her eyes with the sharp pain in her hands.

Two people dropped her on her injured hand that brought back her consciousness properly.

She didn't open her eyes.
The two people left the room a few seconds later.
Arya didn't know if it was safe to open her eyes again.

The stinging pain in her hands was still there. And the sharp pain once again brought tears to the corner of her eyes. How long she has to feel it?

"They are gone. You can get up now." A voice said from the side.

Arya frowned and opened her eyes. As if the owner of the voice knew she was pretending.

She sat up and sighed and looked at the source of the sound.

The man who looked like a boy at the same time sat there leaning against the wall.
His face was calm.
The corner of his lips and face held much evidence of heavy beatings.

Just like her, his hands and legs were tied with plastic restraints.
But his face was calm and patient.

"Lean against the wall. It helps the pain in your back." The boy smiled a little, "do it."

Arya complied without any words and instantly felt the truth of his words.

"Thanks," Arya mumbled.

"Why did they catch you?" The boy smiled, "I never saw you in the ship before!"

A sudden rush of realization hit Arya and she frowned, "are you..."

"Am I?"

"Are you, somehow JJ13?"

The smile on his lips disappeared suddenly and his voice dimmed a little, "who are you?"

Arya sighed in relief, she found him. At last, she found Jungkook.

But what good was in that? They both were captured now.

"I am AA3," Arya mumbled.

Jungkook's frown deepened.
And a sudden light flooded his tired eyes, "Sunbaenim! It's you!"

"You know me?" Arya frowned.

"Who doesn't know you?"

Of course!
The villain.

"Right." Arya sighed.

"Why you are here?"
Jungkook asked.

"Same assignment as you. Additionally, saving you." Arya rolled her eyes, "but now we both are stuck here!"

Jungkook showed a wide smile, "I heard a lot about you."

"I bet nothing is white there!" Arya scoffed.

"Well, I never heard any gray or black there that I can assure you," Jungkook smiled, "I can't believe I am talking to you in person!"

"Why? Am I that unreachable?" Arya smiled.

"Well, I knew you were dead. That pretty much means yes!"

"Oh, forgot the 'dead' part," Arya sighed, "that is a complicated story."

"I heard soo much about you but I never thought you'd be like that." Jungkook was still bewildered.

"Like what?"

"You are much more beautiful than he described!"

"Who described?" Arya laughed, "the one who told you only white about me? Who is that saint?"

"Seokjin hyung." Jungkook smiled, "God! He never stopped talking whenever he came home from the academy."

"That is hard to believe that he can talk that much," Arya smiled, "I almost convinced myself that he was either mute or just didn't know the human language!"

Jungkook laughed, "you are funny."
And instantly added, "in a peculiar way."

Arya also smiled and shifted against the wall which shoot a pang of pain through her body like electricity which made her remember their reality again.

Right, they were captured.

Yet both of them managed to steal some laughter after all.

"That looks nasty," Seeing her pained face Jungkook commented.

"It is." Arya gritted her teeth to subdue the pain.

"Does Seokjin hyung know you are back?"

Arya's heart thumped against her ribcage suddenly flushing her face a bit.

The warm breath over her face,
The hand encapsulated her waist,
The pain inside her heart as she thought about the kiss...

All the memories came back flooding at her and she looked away.

It was a spur of the moment.
Jin never meant it.
He was drunk.
She made him drunk.

That kiss...


Arya got back to her senses.


"I asked if hyung knows that you are not dead?"

"He knows." Arya nodded slowly.

The smile that came to Jungkook's face could be called nothing but of a giddy teenager.

"What is with that expression?" Arya frowned at Jungkook.

"What expression?" Jungkook again smiled.

"You are smiling like a fool," Arya scolded him a little, "in case you forgot, we are still captivated here."

"What should I do? Cry a river now?" Jungkook's smile didn't falter.

"Such a child!" Arya scrunched her nose up, "how did you get caught?"

"Just messed up with the missile system a bit." Jungkook grinned.

"What do you mean by mess up?" Arya frowned.

"Well, I may have caused flooding the missile chamber with water even before the missile was prepared." Jungkook smiled, "in case you didn't know, I have a master's degree in aviation engineering."

"How did you do that?"

"Nothing, just a screw diver. And loosened the decompressing unit of the chamber a bit."

"They tortured you for it?" Arya asked, a bit worried.

"They wanted me to fix it." Jungkook again smiled.

"And you didn't?"

"Why would I? It was my mission to stop them and I did it for the time being. The moment I fix this problem, I'll be worthless."

He was right.

"What did you do?" Jungkook asked curiously.

"Messed up the whole navigation system." Arya chuckled this time, "they can't launch this anymore unless they decide to use it to kill themselves with self-destruction mood."

"Wow!" Jungkook was bewildered once again, "you are so cool!"

"I have sent a message to the NIS control room." Arya looked at her fingers, "hope they'll do something before they torture us to death to fix this mess."

"We have done a good job, no sunbaenim?" Jungkook smiled in contentment.

"Noona," Arya corrected him and smiled, "Jin would have been proud of you."

"Noona?" suddenly Jungkook's voice dimmed down a bit, "can I ask you something?"

"Yeah." Arya looked at him.

"I mean...um..." Jungkook hesitated for a few seconds and he dropped his shoulder in defeat, "nevermind."

"What is it?"

Jungkook hesitated again but didn't proceed with what was on his mind.

"Spill it. That's an order." Arya glared at him.

"If you were alive all these years, why didn't you contact hyung?"

Arya frowned, why talking with anyone always leads to the topic of one particular man? With Namjoon, with Yoongi, With Taehyung, with Hoseok too.
Especially Hoseok. Now adding to that, Jungkook.

"That is a difficult story." Arya smiled, "long story short-" Arya indicated towards her head, "up here- there is a maze. Retrograde amnesia. Sometimes there are flashbacks, but most of the time- it is just blank."

Jungkook took a minute to process this news, "I am sorry. Since when?"

"Medical records say more than one year."

"But you have been dead for almost a decade. Where were you? Do you know how Seokjin hyung took it? Do you have any idea? Do you..."

Arya sensed a tinge of anger seeping through Jungkook's voice.

"Why are you so worked up so suddenly?" Arya frowned, "we were getting along just fine!"

"So you don't feel anything at all!" Jungkook's voice was a bit disappointed but the anger increased in his voice now, "I pity him!"


"That man loved you noona!" Jungkook's voice was now laced with fury, "all of his life, he loved only you. And you just played with him the whole time!"

Arya was frozen in her place with different feelings at the same time. She didn't know how to comprehend the news. Should she be surprised by the sudden revelation of something so impossible or deal with the fact that such absurd blame was thrown at her out of nowhere?

"You know why he is still alone?" Jungkook scoffed not letting his anger and disappointment surpass, "cause he promised you. He promised you that he'll wait for you to come back no matter what happens."

"I...I don't understand..." Arya's voice sounded timid gradually, "I..."

"He waited for you, noona! But when you came back, you just ignored him for months as if you didn't even know him! And you destroyed his career, his reputation, his life!"

Arya didn't say any words.
Her head was again clouded with a warm breath on her face, a light touch- and few words.

"What did he ever do to you, noona? All he did was be there with you- and you took your revenge don't know for what! You know what? He didn't stop loving you even after you were gone."

"It isn't true," Arya mumbled a little.

"Knowing all along that you'll never be there anymore, he still kept his promises. He always kept his cellar filled with Soju cause you liked it. He kept everything you left close to him, never expecting anything in return. But you? You were alive all along!"


"Keep your excuses to yourself, Noona." Jungkook's voice was stern, "only I saw what he faced every day after you were gone. I saw him masking his every emotion, masking the pain in him, and pretending nothing happened. But you killed him the day you got killed. You got what you want, right?"

"Listen to me." Arya's voice suddenly got up from the low.

"You never liked him, did you?" Jungkook again scoffed, "but let me ask you, if you never had any feelings for him, why would you try to get close to him every day? Flirt with him the moment you get the chance? Do you know how hard it was for him to let you do that to him? You realize what you did was cruel?"

"Jungkook." Arya raised her voice to a grim-looking Jungkook, "you are telling me that he liked me?"

Jungkook frowned, "you think I am lying?"

"Tell me again if it is truth." Arya's face turned pale slowly sucking in the truth in herself.

"It is true."

"That...that..." Arya's voice mumbled with an undescribable tremble in it, "Jungkook..."

"Don't tell me..." Jungkook observed Arya's face for a few seconds and suddenly his eyes widened, "noona! Don't tell me you didn't know!"

"I had no idea!" she shook her head from left to right, "I have never..."

"Noona!" Jungkook sighed, "he is that kind of person who will never tell what is in his mind unless you ask him. Did you ever?"

"No!" Arya almost choked on her emotions.

"After you did report him to HR, probably he just got his answer. So he never approached you again." Jungkook shrugged in defeat realizing the girl in front of him wasn't playing dumb, rather she really was this clueless the entire time!

"He approached me?" Arya's eyes were squinted once again.

"Well, yeah. You reported him for kissing you without consent labeling it as sexual harrassement. You also complained that he stalked you and looked inappropriately at you or whatever bullshits you meant by that." Jungkook pressed his lips together, "few things I want to erase from memories! God! Time sure flies!"

"That...that was my...My sister!" Arya could finally manage to gulp down the lump formed inside of her throat, "my twin."

"I don't understand!" Jungkook looked lost as he tried to piece the words together.

"It...it is a long story." Arya stuttered.
Things were finally making sense. She let out words after struggling with those for a few moments again, "I came back to Korea just months ago. Before me, that was my twin sister. She died in front of Jin."
Arya tried to make sense through her incoherent words as her head was spinning around a faint picture of the whole truth laid in front of her so randomly.

Jin liked her?
When did that happen?

All these days, he has been waiting for her and kept her memories with him? every day?
How did they get to this point?

He saw her betray him, ruining him, scarring him one by one, he saw her dying in front of him.
Now that he got her back, she never even tried to feel what he has been feeling all along. She has taken all of his words jokingly, never validated those, taking him and his kindness for granted. She has been acting impulsively in everything just how she always did, not trying to know the man with her any further. Laughing it off every time he made a soft remark, teased him, treated him just like a friend!

All the things she has done to him- it was just a play to her, but was just torturing him in reality!

"I need to see him!" Arya's voice was almost gone this time, "now!"

"Are you crying?" Jungkook's voice suddenly became cautious, "noona?"

Arya's whole body trembled this time, "Kookie..."

Jungkook didn't expect Arya to become this vulnerable so suddenly.
He was surprised and hyperaware about the surroundings at the same time, "noona?"

"I need to see him!"
Arya trembled internally. Has she lost it already?
Is it too late already?

She was feeling guilty for the kiss, but she was even more hurt about that.
The fact that Jin pushed her away wasn't going anywhere and she didn't have any excuses about it except for the fact that she thought Jin didn't like her that way. And she has indeed crossed a line there.
Her heart was shattered, she was hurt.

But not in her wildest dream she imagined that Jin could be hurt too!

She internally crumbled with the thought of what she did.

She spewed nonsenses after they kissed, in a fear of being caught with her feelings which she anticipated as just one-sided. She said she did not know how to repay him for all the time he helped her.

God! The timing was wrong!

Jin- who probably thought all his feelings were finally reciprocated was hit with the fact that this kiss was her way of saying "thank you?"
At least now it was looking like that.

So why wouldn't Jin push her away?
He probably thought he was taking advantage of her state and this glib-mouthed and impulsive girl was just being nice and kissing him without meaning anything!

Why wouldn't he push her away?

How hurt was he?
How cruel it was to him?

Arya didn't hold back while her tears washed her pained face.

All she wanted at this moment was Jin to know that she wasn't playing.
And she meant it.

Was it too late?

Can she make it out of here alive to face him and tell him that it shouldn't be over yet?

The room was silent except for the muffled painful sobs that occasionally escaped from Arya's mouth that was now buried in her injured palms.

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