The real knight

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Present time:
After nine years, Sanjay had got to know about their young son Sanskar who had been banished by his brother and the patriach of the Maheswaris Durga Prasad Maheswari for falling in love with the Bengali girl. He was today seen begging in the streets of Hooghly in delusional state with torn clothes and in upheavel condition by the Munshi and also some other high class Marwari s.

How did he reach there was the question which was tickling his sharp mind and most importantly his long sight which has been always praised by others. But today he decided he can't leave his son. It is a do or die situation.

He will start this battle even if it is against his beloved brother. He has sacrificed his fatherhood, kingdom when his brother wanted to be a father. He also knew every king needs a heir that is the reason he did everything as in the end his son and his brother will get the happiness. So he rushed to his brother to bring back his beloved son.

Durga prasad Maheswari was going through the files when his brother come up he knew what he will tell he was prepared for the answers. But something in his appearance really mellow him down when he didn't call him Bhai sa but just called him Durga .

" Durga I want my son back" " Today I want my son back and for that son you are going to stop respecting me"

"It is not possible you know that Sanjay don't you"

"I don't know neither I want to know about calling you Durga I always used to call you that till you become the heir of this kingdom. Hope you remember it. "

" I just want my son if you want I would leave with my belongings."

If Durga was astonished he didn't show that his brother is rising above the flames and becoming the foresighted Phoenix he was. His years of practice helped him today. But he can't let it happen. Moreover, the Marwari society has started speaking about Sanskar. He could have handled it but his loyal brother's change of stance really made it difficult but he will also show who is the real ruler.

In the meanwhile, Annapurna was preparing for sending the shagun and wedding items to the Gadodia family. Durga Prasad has insisted for the Marwari girl named Ragini from the Gadodia family for marriage with her son Lakshya.
She never understood his husband's irratic behavior as if Lakshya has no choice he has to choose only Ragini as his wife. At first she has thought it was because of Sanskar but somewhere she has a nagging feeling that it was more than that.

Somewhere down the line knows it is the past which is catching up.

Today, Durga Prasad had almost declared the marriage of Lakshya and Ragini after the morning puja.
Lakshya was as usual sleeping at the time of Puja so he missed the declaration of his own father. But Durga Prasad Maheswari knew his son had to marry Ragini with Lakshya he don't want to make her another Janki waiting for the love of her husband.

He remembered his sin at that time he was entrusted with the responsibility of being the head of Marwari society. His dream was coming true he was becoming something in the society. Everybody respects him. He was not the adopted son of his father Amarnath Maheswari who was adopted from his poor cousin sister as his mother was at that time unable to produce an heir.

In Marwari culture if an women produces only girls then they have to adopt a male child from and within the family.

His beloved mother had produced two girls and was unable to produce the so called heir. So, his father adopted him but within one year only Shyama was born. He tried his best to become the son of Maheswari and that might be one of the reason he could never belittle the sons and the daughter of the house.

He always tried to prove himself and at that time he had to prove to the community that he was a real Marwari and he proved it by committing a sin.

Now, also that day was etched in his mind.

10 years ago,

The Marwari community sat together to give the decision of Shekhar and Janki.

"Shekhar you very well know that your marriage has been fixed with Janki from your childhood then how could you deny to get married to her even after knowing the love she had for you. "

Shekhar said " I have grown up, I have fallen in love with another woman . I want to marry her."

Though, Durga Prasad has realised it that Janki's love can't be love it is just foolishness. A man who doesn't wanted to get married and changes stance like anything getting married to such person will never keep Janki happy and most importantly Janki will never get that so called love.
If today he declares this marriage to happen he will not only be doing wrong with Shekhar but Janki too.

Janki today can't see the future but he could. Janki's father is the major investor in the Durga prasad's company and he can't go against him and also not against the Marwari community.

Shekhar was repeatedly screaming he don't want to get married but he was weak, he could fall in love with other. But, couldn't fight for it.

"Shekhar if you don't agree to marry you will be ostracized and banished from the society and Janki's father will take back his investment."

Actually, it was more of a chance which he gave to Shekhar which the fool never understood and made him the sinner.

He also knew about the illegitimate Bengali daughter Swara which that coward produced though Swara was loved by her strong mother who fell in love with an idiot and also supported by her grand parents .
Though , that Bengali woman rectified her mistake by working hard for that daughter and also giving her the best education.

But Ragini the legitimate daughter of Shekhar Gadodia was never loved she was the loner as her mother's one and only mission was to impress that man. In the end when she realised that she could never get the love of that coward she killed herself.

Now, Durga Prasad just want to condone the wrong he committed by marrying Ragini with Lakshya.

Ragini was going to be the perfect daughter in law of the family. She is soft spoken, wears outdated clothes and most importantly knows how to keep quiet and adjust or else who will live with that Shekhar and his mother.

Ten days Ago,

Durga Prasad and Annapurna, Shyam and Sujata(the wife of Shyam) went to the house of Shekhar Gadodia to fix the marriage. When they entered, Rani Gadodia, the mother of Shekhar Gadodia welcomed them with flowers and went overboard as she made Ragini wash their feet with milk and water.

But Durga Prasad only saw Ragini's innocent smile and her handiwork.

Then Rani Gadodia introduced them

"Laado, he is the head of Marwari community Durga Prasad Maheswari and Annapurna the matriarch of the family."

"Laado, for them only your mother got married to your father and got her love".

Ragini looked with teary eyes and Durga Prasad wanted to stop Rani Gadodia for spouting such nonsense. But if Rani Gadodia could be stopped then sun would have changed its direction.

" Laado you know, your father doesn't want to marry and wanted to deny your rights. But Durga Prasad with his instinct and verdict saved your mother and your life .You would have never got a chance to see the light if that day Durga Prasad didn't guide your father to get married."

Rani Gadodia might have continued but Durga Prasad said " Ragini, we have come here for the proposal of marriage with our son Lakshya. See the picture of our son."

Rani Gadodia was overwhelmed and started how she has imbibed the best culture in her grand daughter. Her grand daughter knows how to cook, sings like Goddess and knows all classical ragas and how she justifies her name and even doesn't go out at night. Moreover she has no friends and always works hard. How she is quiet and understanding towards her father too.

Annapurna asked in middle" Ragini , do you like my son. "

Ragini spoke for the first time but not aimed at Annapurna but at Durga Prasad Maheswari "Thank you uncle for thinking me to be eligible for your son and for every thing"

Rani Gadodia said" Laado said Yes, and thanked you for bringing this proposal."

But Durga Prasad Maheswari's experienced eyes did not miss the features of the survivor and the real Knight in Ragini and in the end when they were leaving for their house what will remain etched in his mind is Ragini Gadodia's smile specifically towards him which was more of pain and something else he could never identify.


I first thought that I will keep the past as a suspense but then thought against it. I know there is no swasan even I missed them. I will try to keep it up thanks to all my friends. Love u. Next episode swasan will meet and let's see what's going to happen.


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