#23 The Obsession

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Guys, This is a bonus chapter for you today, Thank you so much for voting and waiting for the updates!


"I heard that you have a very interesting story on me, Trishana hariprasad"

he said and I stilled "everyone, start now!" he ordered and they started to search the room, throwing down and breaking everything infront of them.

"Here it is" someone said as he brought my laptop with the final draft "see this sir" he said.

Abiram took one look at it and threw it to the wall, my editors covered as the gang started to break everything inside.

"I even took care of your father before" Abiram said "You are nothing compared to the people I have taken care of!" he said.

I felt like someone has just given me a very hard blow, cutting my breathing.

"Sir, There's no memory card in the camera" one guy said as another guy brought in a struggling nitin inside.

"Sir, he was trying to get away" he said "I think he hid the memory card"

"Let me go!" Nitin struggled out of his captor's grip and Abiram took him by his collar.

"You can't find it with him" I said quickly "Because it's with me" I stated and i glared right back at Abiram "And you will never get your hands on it!" I said venomously.


"Sir they locked them up, I was a bit late to reach and escaped narrowly" the man said and I bolted up.

"Abiram and his men locked up karan!?" I asked again and the man nodded.

"Free them now!" I ordered "why didn't you contact me earlier-"

"I..I cant free them!" The guy said, looking worried "Abiram sir said that anyone who tried to help them would be locked inside there instead and starved to death"

I walked out of my room.

What the hell happened!?

When I reached there, Sanjay, Abiram's right hand was keeping watch in front of the room.

It was the windowless prison room where we keep our special "guests"

"Open the door" I ordered and sanjay turned to me.

"It was boss's order, I can't open unless I get his permiss-"

He stopped as I pressed my gun to his head.

"Do you want to get killed now?" I asked now, In my most dangerous tone.

I would really love to put him in his position too, like nakulan, but I need to know what happened.

"But sir-"


"Wait.." he must have realised that I'm serious, because he held up the key.

I get hold of it and pushed him out of the way and proceeded to open the door.

"Boss!" karan exclaimed as everyone else seems relieved to see me.

I walked inside and closed the door and turned to them.

"It's my fault for failing the mission, I am so sorry" karan looked down.

"What do you mean?"

"Er..it's. .our fault" one of the guy spoke up "They...they overheard us planning the mission and tricked us to come here"

"I shouldn't have fell for their trick, but they used your voice to lead us here and then locked us here-"

"Wait a minute" I said "They overheard you? Does it mean that Abiram know about her article? Is he there now?" I asked, Shocked.


"I said move!" He screamed and pushed me forward and I walked to the office "Get me the memory card!" he ordered again.

I Looked at him.

"Kill me then" I said "because you will never get it- aah" I was thrown back and Abiram stepped near.

"Do you think I won't?" he lifted me up again "where is the memory card?"

"It's very stupid of you to come here like this and leave a lot of evidence"

"Do you really think you can get away with turning against me?" he turned to the door "bring them in" he shouted and his guys brought in a struggling nitin and the other two editors inside "Nobody's going to know it if I kill them here and now, Do you want to see it?" he asked

"Don't touch them-"

"Memory card" he said in a deadly voice "where is it?" he threatened.

And I knew that I had no other way now.

"Let them go first" I said and Abiram pointed the gun at Nitin.

"No...no,no!" I shouted "I..I will give you" I walked to the bookshelf and moved it to reveal a locker.

I gave the code and opened it.

I took the card and turned to Abiram.

"Here" I said "let them go now" I said and Abiram laughed.

"You want us to leave the evidence!?" he stepped to me and took the memory card out of my hands.


"You want me to leave the evidence?"

I heard Abiram's shout through the receiver and knew that I had to do something.

I dialled him.

Come on...pick up...pick up now...

"Sir, it's the MD"

"Ignore it" Abiram's voice came through the receiver.

Shit! He will not pick up my call..

"You think you are smarter? You think you can bring justice to all the victims?" I heard Abiram's threatening voice and hurried out of the room.

I need to stop him!


The wench in front of me moved back to avoid me and hit the wall.

"Even if you kill me, My gang will get back at you" she said.

I hate how she's holding up against me even though she's facing her death.

"Then die!" I gripped her throat and pressed her to the wall "At least you will not be alone in there, I have sent your father there already" I pressed tighter as her face became redder and redder.

"Let her go!"

Her camera man started to struggle.

"Sir, it's a call from headquarters, I think it's from your father" one of my assistants said and I stilled.

"Sir, please, It could be important we didn't discuss anything with him" he reminded me.


I let go of the girl who slide down the wall, unconscious.


"Abiram" I heard raghav sir's voice "you are in big trouble, did you really went against your father's order?" he asked me.

He had wanted me to not create anymore problems.

"But she was-"

"Abiram" I heard Arjun's voice next "I told you to stay away from my business!" he sounded really angry "you know trishana is my case" he added.

"She was going to publish about-"

"I was going to take care of it, But you overstepped your boundary and attacked my men"


"Listen well now" Arjun said "Stay away from this case, Don't ever come near her or I won't let this go easily" he threatened me. "And surya law firm will not represent any of your cases"

"You are being unreasonable! Do You want to save this bitch now and give her a chance to ruin us-"

"Use your brain Abiram, She is the only link we have now to find her gang" Arjun stressed "This is the last time I am warning you to stay away from...my case!" he still sounded furious as he cut the call.

"Is she dead?" I looked down at the girl.

"No, she's breathing" one of my men checked and said.

I can't believe her luck, She always manages to escape the last moment.

I turned to her staffs, who were all looking scared and calling her name.

"This is my last warning, If you ever decide to play with surya group, I will see that you are dead" I said "and same goes to what happened today, You will be dead even before you print about what happened today!"


"Ouch!it hurts!" I said "slowly please" I shouted as Dr.prakash gave me a dark look.

I was taken to the city hospital and uncle prakash doesn't look too happy to see me like this.

"Why do you always end up in the emergency room, trishana?" he said "I thought Aditya and Aditi will be the most reckless persons I have seen, But now they got a bunch of immature friends who can't even take care of themselves" he said.

"It's not our fault" I said dryly.

"Then quit this game of revenge, Your life is more precious" he said.

"We can't do that uncle" I said slowly "even if we quit here, They are going to chase us until they kill us" I said  "This game of life and death is the only way we could survive" I said

"A game of survivors?" he asked me "I hope you will survive until the end"

"We plan to" I smiled reassuringly "Don't worry about us"

"You gave me quite a scare when they brought you here" he said "you are lucky actually, If he had cut your air supply a little more, You could have been brain dead"

"I am glad I survived" I said slowly "Uncle, Can I take a walk? I really need some fresh air"


I was just outside her room.

"Sure, But you need to make sure that you get enough rest today, You are injected with painkillers now and would not feel pain, But it will not be the case later"

"Thank you uncle"

"10 minutes then, I will send a nuse to accompany you"

"Don't alarm Aditya and Aditi, Keep this incident as a secret, okay?"

"I can't promise you that"


"Let me see how you are behaving! be good" he said and walked out.

"I don't need a nurse though!" I heard her murmuring and the door opened fully and I pressed myself to the wall.

What the hell is she doing!? Not even waiting for the nurse to accompany her?

I don't know what made me follow her, But she look like she is in a daze as she walked out to the garden.

She looked pale and weak and tired.

I heard her phone ringing.

"Hello? karan?"

I watched her as she froze in shock.

"Are...are you sure!?" her voice shook and she gripped the phone tightly "where was it found?" she asked "okay, I..I will contact suresh sir" she disconnected and started to dial again.

Her fingers were shaking too much, It looked like she's losing her control.

"Hello sir" Trishana said "Did..did you find any details on the unidentified body found at the highway bridge?" she asked.

I stilled.


Did mahesh really dumb it on the highway!?

"I..I would like to match it with..one more..person.."she started to tremble. "Mr.Abraham" she said "Yes..."

And I watched as she gave him all the details on the ceo of latest.

Then she disconnected the call.

"Oh God! let it not be him...let it not be him!" she trembled and her phone fell out of her hand.

"I need to...I need to make.. sure"

Before I know what's happening, She ran out, Not even bothering to take her phone.

She's out of her senses!

I confirmed as I saw her white face, drained of blood.

So I started to run after her.

I need to stop her! She's running straight to the road!


"Taxi..." I tried to stop all the cars that were passing, But all of them were giving me an angry horn and dark look like I'm breaking some sort of law.

No..this wont do...I need to go and check..I need to check it's not varsha's dad, I need to hurry.

I crossed the road in a hurry.

"Hey! watch out!"

Someone shouted but I was in a daze, And watched as the Car speeded right at me.

I watched as it closed on me in slow motion.


Next thing I know, I was flying through the air as someone grabbed me.

I heard the groan as we hit the ground and the person rolled me out of the way.

My head was pressed to his chest and my whole body trembled.

A crowd started to form around us.

"Are you ok?"

"It was such a close call!"

"Why did you jump in front of the car?"

"It's already so late night and this is highway road!"

"You gave me quite a scare!"

"If he hadn't reached you in time!"

But all I could hear was the fast and steady heartbeat of my saviour.

"Are you okay?" I heard his concerned voice and nodded slowly.

"Here, let me help you" one of the people helped up my trembling body.

"I am...I am okay..I'm..not hurt, It's him..who need help-hey" I said as I saw him turning away and started to jog away from me.

"Hey wait-" I tried again, But it looks like he's in a hurry to go somewhere.

Who are you!?

I watched his fading form.


What the hell am I thinking!?

Did I just lost my mind?

I started to drive back.

Karan is right, I am getting obsessed with her now and this is not good.

Especially when she's my case!

We are supposed to be enemies and it will not do any good to have an obsession over my enemy.

I decided to be cold and heartless when I joined the surya group as it's MD.

I have my own plans to take care of, I can't afford to make all of my efforts to go to waste just because of a girl!

So as soon as I reached my apartment, I started to climb the steps.

"Ow.." I groaned as the pain radiated throughout my body.

Karan followed me upstairs.

"What happened to you boss? Your clothes are dirty and you look like you are in pain" he said.

I ignored him and took my medical kit outside.

"Did you have some sort of accident?" he asked me again as I took the painkiller and drank the water.

"You don't look well"

Yes, I think I am having some sort of mental disease to have been obsessed with my case.

I almost got hit by a car while trying to save the girl I am supposed to get rid of!

This is too dangerous!

I moved to the project room and started to take down everything from the Information board.

Her photos, Her details, Her magazines and anything that have any trace of her.

"Sir? What's it?.Is our project over?" Karan asked me doubtfully "Is she...Is she dead?" he asked me in shock and I stilled.

"No" I turned to him and placed the bundle of papers on his hand.

"From today onwards, trishana is your project" I said "you need to follow her and keep an eye on her, report to me if you feel anything suspicious"

Karan was staring at me.

"What!?" I am getting bothered now.

"It's the first time.." he said

"What is?"

"You giving up a case in between" he said "It must be really bad then" he stated.

"Don't talk rubbish" I snapped at him, more angry that he hit right on the spot.

"Ok..But I really can't take this job now! I Am already reviewing all the cases from the past 10 years! you can't do it to me" He said "On top of that, I have to work at Trishana's office in the morning!"

"You have to!"

"Unless you haven't noticed, I Am only one person, You need to recruit someone new!"

"I don't trust anyone"

"I am not supernatural-"

"I noticed that you are starting to talk back to me for a few times now" I took my big boss tone and looked at him.

"Er...no offense, But you have been acting unlike yourself ever since you started this project"

"That's not true"

"Yes, it is, You never wanted to participate in the real chase before, But you even broke into her house for the first time, You didn't want to bother yourself with cleaning after a "target" before, But you have started it too, and you even learnt to open the high security locker, And it's unlike you to gather private goons to have your way, But today you wanted me to go and scare trishana with some people, All of these are a first for you and to make matters worse, You are turning up late at night and wants to hand over your project to -"

"Fine, I got it" I interrupted "I will go over the other cases I asked you to check, Hand it over to me" I said.

"This is a first time too!" he exclaimed.

"What!?" I am getting irritated now.

"You giving into me!" he said "trishana must be really something to have this effect on you-"

"Karan?" I looked at him calmly.

"Yes sir, I understand" he said quickly, Gesturing with his hands that he tightly zipped his lips.

"I am glad you understands me well" I nodded and pointed outside and he walked outside.

I leaned to the chair.

Did they really leave Abraham's body on the highway?

Is it really him?

Why did not father tell us anything about this?

Does he not trust me enough?

But Abiram seemed to be unaware too.

My phone beeped and I checked my mobile.

"Emergency meeting within half an hour "

Well...it seems that I don't have to wait for a long time to know what's going on.


My heart twisted at the news.

"What's it? Why did trisha call you on the emergency number?" karthik asked me.

Shahid sat up on his bed.

"Did she find out about varsha's dad? Or...izzy?" he looked at me.

I slumped down to my bed.

"It seems that..Varsha's pappa is murdered" I said slowly "His..body was burnt too.." I added.

A stunned silence filled the room.

"If they burnt the body, How could they recognise-"

"It's him, Trisha is there with officer suresh, She called me when she identified the body" I said slowly.

"Varsha.." shahid stopped, unable to continue "Her..her only hope was to find him" he whispered.

"We need to tell her" karthik said slowly "She need to...know" he added.


I heard the knock on the door and opened my eyes.

It was very late night and I don't know why someone is knocking-

Is something wrong!?

I bolted up as varsha was already on her way to open the door.

"What's it?" Shweta, Our captor sat up "Aah" She said as she lowered her handcuffed hand back to the cot "This is hurting me!" she said.

As we had cleared only two rooms to stay here. We had to accommodate her in our room, She was on trisha's bed and handcuffed to the cot.

Karthik had brought in the handcuff to lock her up during the night time to prevent her escape.

"Varsha" I heard karthik's hesitating voice from the doorway and I switched on the light.

"What's it-" I stopped when shahid Aditya and karthik entered the room, looking worried and defeated.

I instantly know that something is terribly wrong, Apparently varsha felt it too, because her body stiffened slightly.

"My..pappa..do you know where he is?Is he with.. surya firm? Did they..did they blackmail him?" she asked and they looked at loss of words.

"Shahid!" varsha took a step towards him, who was standing near "Is something wrong?..Is he hurt?" she asked again, Her voice pleading.

"I..I am so sorry..varsha" shahid said slowly and both of his eyes filled.

"What?" varsha looked at them "karthik?" she turned to him "what..what's he talking about?" she asked.

Dread filled me.

I could read it clearly from their face, but varsha was still refusing to accept it.

"varsha, your pappa is -" karthik started

"No!" she stepped away from him "Don't tell me that he's dead! I..I will never believe it! there must be some kind of mistake, There is no way my pappa...he..he was hiding all these time, How can he suddenly-"

"Varsha-" Aditya started, But she took another step back.

"I don't believe this!" she said "There must be some kind of mistake, I..I need to see him..I..I need to make sure that..it's...it's not him!" she walked to her bag and started to search through it with trembling hands.

All of us watched her helplessly.


"I told you I'm not going to believe that nonsense!" she shouted as her belongings scattered to the floor "My...housekey.. I will wait there for papa to come home" she was on her knees and searching through the now-scattered things on the floor.

"Trisha is there" Aditya stepped forward "She's already confirmed that he's your-"

"I told you to stop!" She screamed.

I really wanted to console her, But it seems that I have no more control over my body, I was frozen in my place. The past memories swirling around me.

Varsha took the keys and got up, her hands shivering too much while she held the key tightly "I will go and-"

"You can't go out, They will expet you" Aditya blocked her way "Trisha will take care-"

"Get out of my way! I need to go there! It's my pappa! I need to make sure it's not him!" Her voice trembled and she started to break down.

Aditya engulfed her in a hug.

"I'm sorry" He said.

But varsha started to push him off, Fighting to get out of his grip while Aditya tightened his grip "I'm sorry about your pappa, Varsha..I Am really sorry...But..We..we can't let you go out there"

Even though his voice was shaking too much, He told her firmly.


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