#24 The silent witness

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I am still handcuffed to the cot and I watched them as they were filled with grievances.

All of them were silently crying and I suddenly wanted to disappear to thin air.

Even though varsha's dad's death have nothing to do with me, I feel guilty now.

Suddenly, I was too tired.

Tired from running away, Tired from hiding, Tired from not facing the truth..

I am the only daughter of surya narayan and directly or indirectly I am responsible for all their crimes.

My mom wanted me to escape that house, She said there's no need for me to get entangled because we are entirely different, But it doesn't feel like that anymore.

I can't hide away from their sins, It will keep on coming back to me.

Nandana's smiling face flashed through my eyes again and I tried to not think about her.

Instead, I watched them- varsha slowly calmed down, Her sobs slowly dying and her eyes filled with a terrifying coldness.

"How did he die?" She asked.

Nobody moved or attempt to answer her.


"Varsha, you need res-"

"No karthik! Tell me what happened, I deserve to know what happened to my pappa!" she said adamantly.

"He..fell down from a building"

"Fell down? My pappa fell down?"

"Then why did they say that it's a murder?" she asked again "Even if my dad fell down, Surya group would have made it to look like a suicide since he was running from the shareholders and he had to give up the company, But what made the police suspect that he's murdered?" varsha asked.

Everyone looked uneasy again.

"Are you still keeping things from me!?" she asked angrily.

"Varsha, we will fill you everything when-"

"No! tell me now! I need to know what happened to him!"

"Varsha please-"

"I am his daughter!" she shouted again.

"His body was burnt and he was found at the highway" shahid said and silence filled again before varsha break down crying again.

"I..I need to go.." She sobbed and Aditi held her close.

"Varsha, You can't appear there, Surya group people will be closely watching" she said "Mahesh has a grudge against you"


"You can't go there" Aditya said firmly.

"I will go and help trisha" karthik spoke up "I will ask my dad about this case too" he said.

"Yes, That's better, Since they wanted the world to know that it's a murder, surya group will be planning something big" shahid said.

"My..pappa.." varsha sobbed "it's all my fault, He was supposed to go abroad, But he stayed behind for me.."

"Don't torment yourself like this, Varsha, You stayed behind for your pappa too, If anyone's to blame, It's the people who did that to him!" karthik said firmly.

"Here take this" Aditya brought a glass of water and pills "It will help you sleep" he said.


"No varsha, You can't go there, They will be expecting you to turn up" he said firmly "besides, You are the only person alive who's connected to the latest industry"

So after varsha took the medication, Everyone stayed with her till she slowly dozed off.

Still sobbing in her sleep.

"What are we going to do now?" shahid asked slowly.

"I am going home now, I will see my dad and see if I can get any informations" Karthik said

"Yea, Trisha must be alone too, It will be very difficult to go through it alone" karthik said.

"I will stick close to varsha, She..she will need all the support" Aditi said "I can understand her pain"

"Trisha said varsha's friend sam is helping her with everything there" Aditya said.

"The guy who was helping her from the hospital?" shahid asked and Aditya nodded.

"That's good, She will not be alone" karthik said.

"What are we going to do with her?" Aditya turned to me "It seem that Izzy is really not with them" he said.

And everyone stared at me.

"I..I am so sorry..I know I don't deserve to even apologise now" I said quietly "I..I won't blame you even..even if you kill me.." I said slowly, Meaning each word.

"I ran away from my home because of my brothers, But I reached back here because of them too, I can't hide anymore" I said.

"Your life is worthless to us" shahid said angrily "And we are not surya group to kill anyone who opposes us" shahid got up and looked at the rest of his gang.

"Release her first thing in the morning, I don't want to see her here anymore" he said.

"Let me help you then" I said slowly and and everyone looked at me like I'm crazy "I am being honest, let me help you with the fight" I said again.

I had been thinking about this whole thing from the moment I went through the case files they had on my dad and brothers.

"Do you think we are doing this for fun?" karthik looked at me "you just saw what happened-"

"I am serious! All this time, I thought that as long as I am not involved in my family's war, I would be out of it, but now I know that not only the people who are doing the evil, But also the people who closes their eyes against them are criminals, let me do this, I don't want to run away anymore"

"You want to join us to clear your conscious?" Aditya mocked "Be thankful that we are letting you go in one piece!"

"But I really-"

"Hold it if you still want to make it out of here, Shahid is right, I really can't tolerate you here" Aditi warned and I shut my mouth.

But I will not run away anymore...I too want to fight..

This is the last thing  I can do for Nandana.


"I too didn't know about this!" Abiram looked green with jealousy that father had entrusted mahesh with this mission.

"It's not a big deal, Now you all know"

"It is a big deal" I said slowly "I Am the crisis manager here and you should have told me about this plan beforehand" I said angrily, Looking at mahesh "And it was me, Who made all the necessary arrangement for Abraham to escape from India and get trapped abroad, If you were going to do this, Why did I have to go through all those trouble?" I said.

"There, He does sounds reasonable" Abiram said, Siding with me for the first time in his life.

"And you Abiram!" I turned to him "I clearly told you to take your hands off from my project, This is the last time I am warning you" I snapped at him.

"This is why you don't get along with anyone, Arjun" father spoke up, Looking irritated at the argument that was going on "You need to think before you speak-"

"I am sorry but I don't know how to sugarcoat my words" I said angrily "If you think you can plan and go ahead with the plans, Then there is no need for me to be here!" I said.

"Arjun! You are being disrespectful!" Raghav sir said.

"I can't tolerate it when you are breaching the contract! When I joined surya group, It was clearly stated that nobody can interfere in my projects, And Abraham was supposed to be my project-"

"Are you questioning my authority, Arjun? It was a last minute plan and I didn't have enough time to arrange a conference" Father said.

"But you had time to inform about it to mahesh!"

"You really are ungrateful, Arjun, After all the things father has done for you, You are still-"

"Enough!" father shouted and silence filled the room "one more word and I will throw you out of the room, Abiram!" He looked really mad now.

"But it seems to me that Arjun is really upset about Abraham's death to be reacting like this!" Mahesh said "why else would he act like this in front of father!?" He said.

He is trying to trap me.

Everyone in the conference room knows that I don't like to resort to violence to solve the problems, And that's what makes me the weakest and undependable in father's eyes.

The more cruel his sons are, The More assured he is that we are fit to rule his corporation.

And mahesh has a way to expose my "weakness" whenever possible to show my father that how "unfit" I really am to have power.

"You are right" I said "I am really upset about his death because I know that palace group will get away with it, They are strong and steady, It would need more than a rumour to shake them! It was really a stupid idea to try and trap them because of something that's not even sure"

"We just need power over their management" ED pramod said.

"Even if we get together the directors with majority shares and request for the voting, Anything can happen during the presidential election, A lot of things can go wrong" I said

"I knew the risks when I was getting involved" father said "you need not worry about it, I already checked all the details mahesh gave me, we have a 90 percent chance and it's difficult to come by"he said.

"How reliable is his information?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Hey!" mahesh got angry "you are-"

"Just know this, Mahesh" I said deadly "if the presidential election of palace group didn't go as planned, And the murder charges is cleared from their name, The case will be turning back to us-who recently merged with his company, I hope you will have a good solution if that happens!" I said and silence followed.

"We have a high success rate here, let's be optimistic here" Raghav sir said.

"But let me ask you" Abiram turned  to mahesh "If you already threw him down the building, Why did you burn his body too?"

"It's obvious" I said darkly "first thing, Everyone should be aware that it's a murder and second,We want as much  public attention as possible in this case So as to bring down the stock market of palace group"

mahesh looked rather surprised.

I got up from my seat "Since I didn't have anymore thoughts on this subject, I would like to leave early, I have a court session tomorrow morning"


I am exhausted mentally and physically.

Everything is over finally.

I stayed back near his grave as the people started to walk back.

"Trishana, Are you okay? You don't look good" Sam, Varsha's friend who had helped me with the funeral arrangement and other things asked me.

"I am okay" I assured him "Thank you so much for today, I don't know what I would've done without your help"I told him.

"You are too polite" He said "Varsha's pappa is as good as my own father"He said "After she disappeared from the hospital, I was worried about her, I tried to contact her, But I couldn't" He said.

"She's safe" I said "She wanted to come here today, But We were worried about surya group"

His face darkened.

"Tell varsha that if she ever decided to sue mahesh for attacking her, I would be more than happy to be a witness" He said "I want to do at least that for her" He added.

"I am sure that varsha will be very happy to hear from you" I said.

"Please take care of her well" Sam said "If you want any help from me, Contact me whenever you need me" He said "Tell varsha that" He added.

I nodded slowly "I will sam, Thank you" I said.

"Aren't you going back?" He asked me and I realised that we are the only people remaining near the grave now.

"You go back, Sam" I said "I would like to stay here a little while more" I said.

He gave me one look and nodded.

"Don't stand here too long then" He said and he too started to walk away.

I took a deep breath and turned to the grave.

"Uncle, Varsha is practically locked up in the house, But you understand, right?" I wiped my eyes slowly "She will come and visit you as soon as she can, But please protect her in the meantime" I added.

After his body was finally given back by police, I had arranged a quick and small funeral per varsha's request, Only a very few close relatives attended it, Sam was one of them.

It looks like people hold a grudge even after a person's death Because Abraham's funeral consist of only a few people despite of him being a successful and influential businessman at one point of time.

It also reminded me of my dad, How I had to send my dad and mom away.

I am still lucky...I could stay with my dad when he was sent away.

I am not like Aditya, Aditi and Varsha who had to send their parents away and could not even attend the funeral.

And I am not like shahid, Whose wife was thrown into the sea.

I was still staying beside the grave as I heard footsteps.

Everyone has already gone back, who is so late to come!?

I slowly turned to the side and was shocked to see mahesh surya narayan.

My body froze and I fisted my hands tightly as he placed a large Wreath on the grave.

"I hope you will be in peace now" he said loudly and took a step back and turned to me.

"Trishana" He nodded in acknowledgement "you are a very loyal friend, Even arranging the funeral for your friend's Dad" he said.

"Mahesh surya narayan, Mark my words, you will pay for this, I will make sure that all of you will pay for this!" I gritted my teeth.

"I wonder how long you will have the safety of the officer suresh kumar" he stood in front of me "If something happens to you, Is there someone in your side who could arrange a funeral for you?" He leaned down slightly "don't worry, I will come and visit you, Trishana, with a beautiful wreath, Big and beautiful than this one here" He whispered evilly and took a step back "stay healthy"

I stood there, frozen as he walked away from me.

How long?..How long will it take us to get them?


"What made you think that it's palace group?" I asked my dad as he sighed and leaned back to his chair.

"Mr.Abraham merged his company with surya group and I doubt they will kill him now" he said "And all the existing evidences point towards palace group"

"Why would they kill him? palace group is the biggest corporation in India, Even surya group was a part of it"

"Exactly" dad said "Both are rivals and they were competing in the fashion industry" he said.

"What will they get if Abraham is murdered, He already decided to join surya group" I said

"He decided to join, but he didn't sign the papers yet" dad explained "Even though latest fashion was sinking, it had a lot of potential, It was the leading company after surya group and palace group in fashion industry, when a lot of money is involved, Anything is possible" Dad said.

"But it's too obvious, palace group killing Abraham for deciding to join the surya group, I don't think they are that stupid" I said.

"If the merging was completed, Surya group would have been soaring high in the fashion world, why would they kill Abraham if he decides to join them?"

"What if he was blackmailed to join?everyone knew that he had refused before-"

"The condition is different now, He had a choice before, but after his company sinked and the only way for him to survive was to merge with surya group to let his company live" Dad said.

He didn't know that varsha is with me. The press conference by Abraham to join surya group was not true, It was to save his daughter, But I can't tell my dad that.

"I have another reason to suspect them" dad said after a while "There is a real fight going on inside both of these companies, Over years, I had witnessed a lot of surya group's manipulations and power struggle, But palace group's reputation is too good" he said "too perfect to be real for a corporation, do you understand what I mean?" he asked me.

"You mean, They are well prepared?"

Dad nodded "it's almost like a mafia" he said "they have power, money and reputation, All the board members are loyal and things are strictly confidential, no news comes out of there" he said.

"You mean, they could be even dangerous than surya group?"

"Possibly" dad said "Do you know the 'Dream Land'"?"

"The smart city? what about that?"

"That area is under their control, the common people are blind and follows whatever is that the palace group want them to do, So they have a strong political stand too" he said.

"This is the first time I am hearing this, they look well...organised"

"They are, They throw money and influence people and politicians and they are considered to be the royal family too" he said "we can't even approach them, what's worse is, They don't leave trail behind" Dad stopped.

I nodded.

If they are that powerful, I am sure that they would have done double the crimes surya group have done.

"The chairman of palace group is a Stubborn old man who knows how to control his Kingdom well" Dad said "I heard that he rarely attends any meetings, He is abroad most of the time and visit the company only on rare occasions, So the employees don't even know him well" he said.

"Then who is running the company now?"

"One Mr.Gangadhar,  He is the archenemy of surya narayan" Dad said "Both of them worked for the ex-chairman of palace group before he died"

"This is quite interesting than I thought!" I said thoughtfully "I am glad I decided to visit you-"

I stopped when I heard two sharp knocks on the door.

"I am glad that you dad and son is getting along well" Amma said "As always, I Am out" she added.

"Amma! you are home!" I walked to her with wide hands and engulfed her in a hug "I missed you soo much!"

"Don't lie! You are just working on a assignment, karthik, not even calling me "

"Sorry amma, I was too busy, you know how my works are" I said

"Or do you have a girl already?" Amma narrowed her eyes at me and the first face that flashed through my mind was Aditi's.

I smiled.

"I don't" I said and Dad and she looked at each other.

"You..you are seeing someone!?" She asked me again.

"No, Amma, I am  working, Not dating" I said again.

She nodded slowly "okay" she said.

Why did I think of her all of a sudden!?

She's not a girl that I am interested in like that, She's a girl I likes to annoy!

"I know a really wonderful girl who will be right for you" Dad said and I looked at him.

It is so unlike him to say something like this!

"Amma, You should be careful, It looks like dad knows a "wonderful" girl" I quoted and he laughed.

"She's like a daughter to me, Smart and intelligent girl; Her name is trishana, She's passionate about her reporting" Dad said and I looked at him in surprise, Before I burst out laughing.

"You...mean...trisha!...She and me!.." I said in between laughter.

Dad narrowed his eyes at me.

"Do you know her?" he asked me.

"Yea..uh..I mean, who doesn't know truth tv reporter Trishana" I said quickly, now trying hard to control my laughter.

"She's no longer reporting now" Amma told us matter of factly "She is the head of the magazine "truth" now, I heard that she was kicked out from her own company, smart girl she is, to not give up" Amma said.

"See, Even your amma likes her" dad told me and I chuckled.

"Are you seriously going to arrange a blind date for me?" I asked "Don't worry, I can find myself a girl, You both don't have to go to so much trouble for me" I added.

"See, He's already seeing someone!"


The girl took a step towards me, her short dress was clinging to her like a second skin.

"Arjun.." She leaned to me and took the glass from my hand and I closed my eyes tightly, Irritated.

"Drinking alone is not fun, let me keep you company" she purred seductively.

I opened my eyes.

"Leave" I ordered.

"Do you really want me to leave?" She leaned closer to me "let me keep you company-"

"Who's there?"

I raised my voice slightly, even though the music was blaring in the night club, The manager appeared beside me.

"Take her away!" I said and she looked at me indignantly.


"Now!" I shouted and the manager turned to her.

"Miss, you can't be here, this is-"

"Arjun surya narayan!" she turned to me angrily "So the rumours are right!You don't like girls!" she shouted and I looked up at her.

"Leave now if you want to enter this club in the future" I warned, irritated now.

"You are reserved and you don't go out with girls, You only turns up with a girl when it's absolutely necessary during parties and even when you ask out a girl, You don't take them for a second date! You like men!" she screamed.

"Miss! You are being disrespectful!" the manager said "Apologise now!"

"Let her scream her lungs out, Nobody will hear her anyway" I said and got up.

I was in my night club at my reserved spot and nobody usually visit me there.

"And you are right!" I  took another sip from my glass "I don't like girls like you!" I said "You are not bright, brilliant and beautiful!" I slurred "You cant stand firm at the face of death" I took another step forward "You can't compromise on your appearance and I bet, you can't even hold a camera properly" I said.

"Boss, you are drunk!" karan appeared on the doorway, then looked at the manager "take her out of here" he ordered.

Then he turned to me.

"She's the top model in our firm who promotes the cosmetics, You told her that she's not bright, brilliant or beautiful?" He said "You can't talk to girls like that"

"She's annoying me! This is why I don't like them"

"If it was not for trishana, I would have believed the same thing too" karan murmured.

"What does trishana have anything to do with this!?" I shouted now.

"Boss, I am your PA, I know you well" he said, "bright brilliant and beautiful? Stand firm even in danger?Hiding the real self?" he asked me "you were talking about her!"

"She's no more my project, So stop talking about her!" I said.

"It's a pity that you have fallen for the wrong girl, sir" he said "you know you can't be together, moreover, I don't think she has even noticed you all these time" he said "she's too fixated on Abiram and Mahesh"

"What brings you here?" I looked at him sternly "I am off duty!"

"This is sunday night, You better come back"

"Why?.." I turned to him "why should I join that damn company -"

"You are totally drunk!" he exclaimed "let's go back now!"

"How long will I have to put up with them?" I mumbled as I slumped back to the settee "everything was going well until she turned up"

"Yea..yea" karan nodded as he took my blazer "let me drive you, boss"

"My case is already dead" I whispered "Abraham is already dead, I don't want..I don't want trishana to be dead too"


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