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       Break time came quickly and we made our way to the cafeteria. Ashley, Tibbi, MJ(Mary Jones) and I took trays and took the same food; fried rice and chicken with fanta. The aroma was tickling my nostrils. The thought of eating alone made my stomach grumble.

       Of all the four of us, MJ was the science student. The science students, always acting like they know all. *Eye roll*

      "Mel, be calming down small small naw. The food isn't going anywhere." Ashley laughed and others joined.

       "Abeg free me jare, I'm hungry." (Please leave me alone). I replied as we all made our way to a table at the center of the cafeteria.

     We all settled down. Ashley sat by my right and Tibbi by my left side. MJ sat beside Tibbi. "So Ashley, you, Harry and I are going for that literary and debating competition in that school." I said as I took a long sip of the chilled fanta.

       MJ almost choked on her rice. "With Harry? The fine boy with the swag??"

      "Yeah, that one." I replied dryly. Ashley gave me a knowing look and I rolled my eyes.

      "MJ, Eniola and I are going for their maths quiz." Tibbi scrunched his nose . Eniola is that one bitch that loves frustrating people like us. She thinks she knows all and loves being bossy. Her father is the owner of a petroleum refinery in the country and her mom is a super model.

      "Hello." A deep voice said from behind. My breath hitched. It was like time stopped and everywhere was quiet. MJ was already waving dreamingly.

     "Thanks for letting me here." The dude said.

      Ashley adjusted her glasses and raised her head. "The last time I checked, you were not invited here."

     "You should listen to the civic teacher in class. Right to freedom of movement." He tsked.

      Ashley muttered something under her breath about being stupid. Typical Ashley.

     We looked at each other and  continued eating. MJ was eating with caution, wiping her mouth after every spoon. I just rolled my eyes.

     "So, I'll be hosting a party on our roof, in our penthouse. Just for fun." Ashley spoke after a brief moment of silence.

    "I'm in." We all chorused, except from the intruder.

Ashley raised an eyebrow that asked 'aren't you coming?'

    "You all are supposed to be studying, for your quiz and debate." The guy, greek god, Harry drawled.

"Spoilsport." Ashley muttered.

Shortly, our 'queen' arrived.
"Tibbi, MJ, my house after school. Hey, Harry, how are you doing?" Eniola walked towards Harry, placing her palm on his chest.

He swiftly removed her hand. "I'm -uhm fine." He replied more like asking a question.

I snorted aloud. All eyes turned to me and I shrugged.

"Does Linda have anything to say?" The bitch said raising her perfect left eyebrow.

"Other than saying your presence here is choking and your flirting us pathetic, I think I'll pass." I downed my already warm fanta.

"Is our little Linda jealous?" Harry smirked. How the hell did he gain confidence in this short while?

I just rolled my eyes and replied, "just because every female in this school admires you doesn't mean I do."

The table was quiet, until Eniola took some rice from my plate and it landed on my face. I took a deep breath. I took Ashley's half bottle of fanta, got up and downed the content on Eniola's newly made box braids.

Everyone at the table gasped, only Ashley cheered.

"I swear, you'll pay for this. I'll make sure of that. In a way that you'll never have thought of." She shrieked as she stormed off.

     "Feisty! I like that." Harry clapped.

The ding of the electric bell signalled the end of the break period. Talk about right timing. We all packed the tray into the trash can and headed to our respective classes.

Her words rang in my ears, "I swear, you'll pay for this. I'll make sure of that. In a way that you'll never have thought of." She might be a barking dog, but I know what she's capable of doing especially if it involves ruining her physical appearance.

               ~*       *       *        *       *~
"Mel, my baby." Mum sang as she hugged me and kissed my forehead. "How was school today?" She asked.

        Well, pardon me. I never got to introduce myself properly. I'm Bakare Melinda. Only my family members and Ashley call me Mel. Others call me Linda or by my full name. I attended Crown High School. I can proudly say my father is a Senator and a businessman. My Mom is a pharmacist and my sister works as an accountant. I'm currently in my final year in high school, I'm an art student. I love food, just like my Mom. And finally, my love life sucks.

       "Uh... School was okay. Why so happy? Not that it's a bad thing, it's just... Unusual??"

      "Can't I be happy again? Anyways, I got promoted at work." She said smiling.

"Wow. Congrats Mom. This calls for celebration. Let me go change." I turned to go upstairs.

       "Not so soon. Who was the person that brought you home? Who's car was that?" Mom asked.

"Oh. I forgot to tell you. A new student transferred to my school and he said his house was on our street. He then gave me a ride." I said waving it off. "It's nothing really."

Well, I think he was transferred since I've never seen him before.

"Melinda, just be careful. With the elections coming up, and your father contesting in whatever post in the elections, you can never tell who's after us. Please, I don't want to loose any child. It's only you two I've got. I don't have money as ransom o." She said pleadingly.

I went to her side to give her a hug, "Mom, it's fine if you don't want me coming home with others. It's okay."

         I hope.

In as much as I did not want to think about it, I had a strong feeling something wasn't adding up. I unconsciously dipped my hand into my shirt pocket as I ascended the stairs. I found a note:

"I'm counting to five, there won't be a six."

What the hell does that even mean?

I decided on a double update ✨

Well, I'm happy Mrs. Bakare got promoted, we know about Melinda now.

The quiz is coming up soon. And Melinda is feisty?🤔

Does anyone see something strange coming up?

And the guy who brought her home, an impersonator??

Is Eniola's threat empty?

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