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Jimin realized why he hated VidCon.

Being a content creator meant he got out of social interaction in-person. He didn't have to talk to anyone if he didn't want to. His main priority was answering fan comments across his social media sites, but otherwise, he didn't have to worry about actual speech. That was why he chose his career and why he thought it was so awesome. Not that he minded talking to fans in-person. No, that wasn't the problem. Fellow content creators were the problem.

Somehow, Jimin got stuck nodding and fake smiling to everything Jake Paul said. Why in the sweet lord heavens was Jake Paul talking to him? Jimin was just walking by when the crazy dude came out of nowhere to speak. Jimin was half-surprised he didn't say it's everyday bro. He had a beard that spiraled out of control and made him look like blonde Santa.

Well, could be worse. Could be SSSniperwolf talking to him.

However, a miracle came when he heard his name called out in the crowd. He stiffened at the familiar female voice, and Jake Paul stopped his tirade about boxing, too. That was Y/n's voice, and Y/n shut up Jake Paul. Fucking Christ, he was going to buy a damn ring as soon as VidCon ended. Anyone who could make Jake Paul shut up deserved his hand in marriage.

He didn't have the politeness to excuse himself from Mr. Paul and instead whipped his head around to see the eyes of the woman he was falling for. For the first time since he had met her over a month ago, he was seeing her eyes in real-time. In-person. That was the one and only time he didn't mind social interaction. At least, in-person social interaction.

Through the thick crowd and loud voices from fans, he could hear her calling out his name, and the eye contact had him freezing. His hands shook by his side as his feet carried themselves to his destination, brushing by countless people as he got smooshed over and over again. Although he didn't have claustrophobia, he felt restricted in that moment. Scared that someone would get between him and her. That caused him to fight harder, ignoring the smell of sweat mixed with overpriced hot dogs in the air as he made his way through the men and women (most of which taller than him) blocking him from sweet Y/n.

"Y/n!" Jimin shouted, ignoring the smiling Markiplier by her side by accident and instead engulfing her in his arms. He pounced on her, almost knocking her to the ground if it weren't for Mark holding them upright. He mumbled out an incoherent "thanks" to Mark before squeezing the woman in his arms, laughing from the contact and wishing he could feel her warmth forever.

"Missed me?" she asked, her breath tickling his ear as he buried his head into her neck.

"Shut up and hug me, L/n."

"You got it... Parkie."

If that weren't the first time he was meeting her, he would've cursed her out and said some teasing things to her, but he couldn't bring himself to retaliate. He chuckled and shut his eyes, breathing in her strawberry scent and enjoying the way her hair brushed by his cheek whenever he moved his face to get closer to her. He didn't know why he wanted to eliminate all proximity between them, but he couldn't help himself and gave in to his desires, holding her back and feeling the pretty blouse she had on.

"I'm here too, guys," Mark said.

At the same time, Y/n and Jimin said, "Shut up, Mark."

"Ouch. Charlie's here somewhere-"

"Charlie!" Jimin jumped back and yelped, snapping his head around to see where Charlie was. Nowhere to be found, of course. Wonderful. He had chosen Charlie over a hug with her.

"Is Charlie more important than me?" Y/n asked with a quirked brow, and Jimin broke into an intense sweat.

"Uh... uh... shit, this is a trap, how do I answer this?"

Mark placed a hand on Jimin's shoulder and squeezed. "Be calm. Think it through. Deep breaths."

Jimin took a few deep breaths before answering. "Yes."


Jimin ran away before Y/n could grab him by his fat, juicy ass and punt him to Jupiter. Mark laughed at them, which wasn't a surprise, and Y/n seemed like she had to bite back her huffs and puffs. Of course, it was all fake and overdramatic for sake of being overdramatic.

As expected, Jimin came running back to hug her again, squeezing the back of her head and pulling back to give her an eye smile as if he never left to begin with. As if they had been friends for years and he was seeing her for the first time in ages.

"I never thought I'd get to meet you, let alone so soon," Jimin whispered. Roaring crowds attempted to mask his gentle voice, but that didn't stop him from speaking to her and only her.

"Best meet and greet ever, right?"

Jimin chuckled and pulled away with a cheeky grin. He booped her nose with his index finger. "Damn right, but it'd be even better if we were with Charlie..."

"Am I chopped liver?" Mark asked from behind them, pointing to himself as if he were a holy being. "Why do you guys care about Charlie and each other but not me? Hey! That's unfair! I'm the reason Y/n's here in the first place, so you should be bowing to me, dammit."

Well, Jimin couldn't argue with that, so he did an overdramatic bow to Mark, treating him like the holy being he seemed to think he was. By the time he stood upright again, Jimin was snickering to himself at Mark's antics.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, let's just go to the meet and greet now, alright?" Jimin asked, and Mark stomped his foot like a toddler before agreeing.

Jimin walked side-by-side with Y/n the entire way up to the second floor to the meet and greet hall, and from there, Jimin met Charlie and almost fainted, to which Charlie, once again, called him a cocksucker. The day was too busy and full of meeting fans to interact much with his friends, but one thing was for sure.

He liked Y/n. He liked her a lot.


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