Jimin Creaming His Pants Over Eye Contact

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VidCon was, as always, overwhelming.

VidCon was like a maze. Countless creators and fans alike swarmed the halls. Mark, Charlie, and Y/n arrived together, and as normal, they were late. The Anaheim Convention Center had multiple floors, and the creator hall was on the second one in the 208 sector specifically. Mark had a map he needed Charlie's help with, and Y/n focused on staying alive despite the mass of human beings bumping and jumping all over the place to speak to their favorite creators.

More than just YouTubers were present; TikTokkers, models, Instagrammers, and far more took up every inch of the place. Y/n had her gripes with YouTube, but she had to admit VidCon was a cool opportunity to bring fans and creators together. Hell, even other creators together. Y/n had a feeling she'd see many people she liked there.

However, too many fans were already approaching them for photos and autographs. Mark, Charlie, and Y/n obliged to the photo requests, though autographs were reserved for the meet-and-greet hall upstairs, and they were sure to inform their fans about that. All of Y/n's group opted to give free autographs as, for them, it was a great opportunity to give fans something to remember them by. Unfortunately, most large creators said no to autographs and kept it as a meet-and-greet only. She understood why; there were hundreds if not thousands if not tens of thousands of fans there to meet them, and autographs slowed things down to the point where some fans might not get to meet their faves. Still, Y/n wanted to give autographs to whoever she could.

Y/n stuck close to Mark, but as soon as they moved closer to the elevator that could take them up to the creator's floor, they saw Charlie waiting there, and they met up with him. Y/n gave him a quick hug despite how he disliked social interaction and was awkward. He was shorter than Jimin, which meant it didn't take much to be taller than him. He, like Jimin, had short rage. One time, he was interacting with a fellow creator, and when he said he was 5'6, she said "You're only 5'6?" That led to boss music.

"You came?" Charlie asked Y/n with a quirked brow when they pulled away. "Why?"

"Gee, good to see you too, Char Char."

"Oh God, Jimin's rubbing off on you." Despite the banter, Charlie chuckled. "Mark convinced you to go to this thing?"

"Somehow, yep. Still wondering how the heck he managed that. You and him are competing for the best puppy eyes."

Charlie's puppy eyes widened at that. Charlie would never admit it, but he had some of the best puppy eyes on planet earth. They were as dark brown as Jimin's. Jimin had the advantage of having a button nose to top it off, but Charlie had the height to make him look more innocent. But she'd never say that out loud. Yeah, she liked living, so she decided against it. As much as Charlie was short, he was still YouTube Jesus thanks to his long, dark hair that went down past his chest with the matching beard. It didn't help that he had a sleeper build. Without a shirt, he had abs and muscles that could put Jimin in a coma.

"Never say that again," Charlie said in his classic monotone voice, and Mark and Y/n laughed at that, taking turns clapping his shoulder before backing away and accepting defeat. The man didn't want to be disturbed, so they left him be. "I'll meet you guys up at the meet and greet hall. Jimin just texted me to say he's here, why don't you go pick him up? For once, I think there's someone here he wants to see more than me."

Y/n couldn't disagree with that. For once, there was someone other than Mark that she wanted to see, and, well, that made her a simp, didn't it? Welp, she was too lazy to care, so she said her goodbyes to Charlie before grabbing Mark by the hand and dragging him off toward the entrance, where she imagined Jimin would be.

Problem: VidCon was huge. Like, huger than all her exes combined. And that was saying something. Trying to find Jimin in that madness could prove problematic, but she had Markiplier on her side, or Markimoo if you wanted to make him huff like a toddler. Mark could use his buff body to shield her as she searched for Jimin.

They made it back to the lobby, where countless fans piled in. Mark got bombarded by fans asking for autographs, and he had to decline for the time being, but he did take a few pictures as fast as he could. It took another ten minutes before they got to the real front part of it, where Jimin most likely would be. Mark checked his phone, but there were no texts from the Dior boy. Not yet, anyway.

"Where did he go? We didn't take too long, did we?" Y/n asked over the loud chatter of others.

Even if Jimin were in the vicinity, locating him would be nearly impossible. After all, her senses were overwhelmed by all the people. It smelled of sweat, people bumped into her, the conversations were loud enough to pierce her ears, she saw nothing but heads and bodies, and her tongue could taste the bodily fluids oozing off the ones around her. To be fair to them, California heat was no joke, and that when combined with a shit ton of humans packed into a convention center made for more heat than she could imagine. She too was sweating and contributing to the smell, but at least she wore the strongest deodorant she owned.

"Wait, is that him? Is he... talking to Jake Paul?" Mark asked, and even with a million other voices masking Mark's, she could hear the pure terror in his tone, and she felt the same. Jake Paul was like the villain of YouTube who had gotten in more controversies than anyone could count, and he was best known for constantly saying he was going to fight Mike Tyson and making that cringe song It's Everyday Bro. She chose to push that out of her memory.

What mattered most was Jimin, and with the help of Mark, she spotted him. He was, in fact, speaking to Jake Paul, though from her position, she could tell it wasn't by choice. The fake smile gave it away. So, she decided to rescue him by jumping and cupping her hands over her mouth.

"Park Jimin!"

Jimin stiffened, and then, they made eye contact. She froze as well, not expecting the sudden gaze. Yeah, he was far more beautiful in real life. His eyes were beyond captivating, and they took the throne as the best puppy eyes. His dark hair parted to show off his dangerous forehead, and his plump lips were heaven, to say the least. However, what she didn't expect was his next move.

He started sprinting toward her...


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