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Elisha hears a car park outside the house as she watched TV, she peaks out the window and sees Malcolm helping Brendan out the car. She throws open the door and gasps when she sees Brendan's state.

"What happened?"

"Business got ambushed and I was hit in the shoulder", Brendan replies,"go get the first aid kit in my bathroom's cabinet", he winces slightly as he walks to the kitchen area with Malcolm.

Elisha gets the first aid kit and return downstairs to the kitchen where Brendan takes off the bloody cloth and his shirt showing off his six abs.

She watches Malcolm clean the wound,"you'll need stitches", he informs Brendan after he gets the bullet out.

"Yeah, but I'm not going to any public place, I'll call our gang's private doctor, just band me up", he orders as Malcolm get the bandages.

"Do you need anything?" Elisha asks.

"Yes a sleeping pill to knock me out with this pain I wouldn't be able to fall asleep on my own", he sighs.

"Then take a pain killer", she says obviously.

"I'm allergic to panadol and the pharmacy is already close", he shrugs.

"Fine have a glass of milk, I'll go find your sleeping pills", she leaves.

"And I'm going home, I'm sure Draven will be finish by now", Malcolm adds.

"Tomorrow evening we're having an emergency meeting, we never been ambushed before", Brendan states and he nods. He leaves after he cleans up and Elisha returns with the small bottle of sleeping pills.

After Brendan changes into a big T shirt remaining in his boxers, he takes the pill and lay down on his bed. He falls asleep a few minutes later.


"Did she call since she left?" Marc asks Jackie, it's been two days since Elisha disappears.

"No, but this doesn't make any sense, why would she disappear all of a sudden?" She sighs.

"Yeah I mean, we knew each other for four years and lived together for three", Felicity adds as she mixes the batter for the pancake.

"Maybe you don't know her that well as you thought", Will injects.

"Although when we bring up family talk she turn ice cold immediately and shuts it down", Jackie points out.

"Maybe this got something to do with her family", Marc shrugs,"when she's ready she'll contact you guys, for now let's enjoy our breakfast and go on that day trip we planned yesterday."


Elisha wakes up at 7:35 am the next day, she checks on Brendan and sees him fast asleep. He still had that adorable calmness when he sleeps before she wakes him up and turns into a scowl.

She brushes her teeth and washes her face before she goes to the kitchen, what to make for breakfast?

She opens the cupboard, there are peanut butter, cornflakes, pop tarts, pancakes mix and waffles. She opens the refrigerator, there are eggs, sausages, bread, half gallon of milk and some fruits.

She takes out the egg and sausages then gets the waffles which she places in the waffle heater and turn on the coffee maker. She fries the egg and sausage then place it on two plates just as Brendan strolls into the kitchen with a messy bed hair.

"So you finally learn how to make breakfast", he teases as he gets a cup and pour some coffee in it.

"Yes when we moved as you know I was home alone most of the time, so I had to learn or starve since mom barely left cash and packed the kitchen with groceries every two weeks", she explains.

"I'm sure you burned a lot of your foods", he laughs.

"Yes my fry egg and pancakes also toast bread", Elisha replies shamelessly.

"And now you mastered it", Brendan smiles as he sip his coffee and she hands him his plate with the waffles, egg and sausage with a fork.

"Yep I can bake too, but let me tell you this I burnt my batches of cookies on my first three tries until in home economic at school I learnt how to bake and cook different things", she says proudly.

They sit at the dining table to eat their breakfast,"what's the plan today?" Elisha questions..

"Call my doctor to stitch this wound then we can catch up on what went on during our  senior year of high school and this evening I'll have to go to an emergency meeting with my gang", Brendan answers and she nods.

"Longest relationship?" She begins.

"Two years, yours?"

"Six months", Elisha shrugs.

"Only? Whoa."

"That was in university in high school I didn't get to as you know I was sort of engaged with Jett to marry him", she shrugs.

"Still can't believed your father did that to you", Brendan shakes his head,"so your mother didn't object?"

"Nope she stayed silent through the whole thing and even was eager to plan the wedding", she rolls her eyes.

"And let me guess, your brother just let it all happened?"

"More like put the idea in my father's head", Elisha mutters.

"You have one twisted family, you know that right?" Brendan finishes his coffee.

"Yes and my best friends had no idea about none of those things", she adds.

"You'll tell them when you're ready, no pressure", he places a hand on hers and she nods.


"Why didn't you call me last night Brendan? You know I would of answered and came in no time", the gang's private doctor scowls him.

"I didn't want to disturb you", he uses his lame excuse.

"Bull crap next time tell that air head Malcolm to drop you off at my house instead of yours", she snaps as she cleans the wound before stitching it up, Elisha is watching them sitting on the next couch.

After she bandages his shoulder she hands him prescribe  pain killer pills and leaves.

"I like her", Elisha chuckles.

"She only is snappy when she doesn't get to do her job properly, anyway Zane will be over soon", he adds.

Zane arrives one hour later with Malcolm,"hey while you guys discuss some gang stuff I was thinking about taking Elisha out for the afternoon", Malcolm suggests.

"Just make sure she comes back in one piece and no injuries", Brendan warns and throws his Toyota car keys at him.

"Don't worry I'll keep her safe and out of trouble", Malcolm's green eyes shining with mischief.

"Be safe and if he's does anything stupid run and leave him", Brendan whispers to Elisha and hugs her.

"Will do", she laughs and they leave.

"Where are we going?" Elisha asks when she buckles her seat belt.

"So you'll run", Malcolm grins,"but first I have to go pick up my cousin from his university, hope you don't mind?"

"Not at all, is your cousin hot?" She smirks.

"Well he did get lucky with our side of the family", he shrugs.

"He graduates yet?"

"Yes last year, doing his Master's in business", he replies.

So about 23 or 24 years old? Elisha thoughts.

"He's very cool, you'll like him", Malcolm assures her.

They arrive at the University of Chicago about 45 minutes later and picks up Malcolm's sandy hair cousin with hazel eyes,"hey man finally got a chick?" He teases Malcolm.

"She's not mine bro also she's single", he winks.

"Well in that case, my name is Zack", Zack introduces himself to Elisha from the back seat.

"Elisha nice to meet you", she says.

"Are you here for the summer?" He asks, "because its quite boring around here during that time."

"Roughly I am, I have to give my internship boss my answer about that job offer by the middle of July", Elisha explains.

"Oh, where you had an internship?"

"Connecticut, but if I plan to move back to Chicago permanently I can work in her expanded business here", she explains.

"Moved back? You used to live here?"

"Five years ago, I practically grew up with Brendan and Malcolm", she shrugs.

"I think I saw you once during a party during my Junior spring break", Zack says,"were you in a white dress that fitted you like a second skin?"

"Yes I think so and my hair was pulled to the left side which flowed down my shoulder at the front", she adds and he nods.

"I was thinking we should hit the mall, there's a food court", Malcolm intervenes.

"Yeah after we can chill out by a beach side with a small bar shack", Zack offers.

"Or come with me to the gym I trained, I got some sick moves Elisha", he boasts.

"In your dreams cousin, we all know I can take you down in no time", Zack rolls his eyes.

"You're on, whoever loses buys dinner tonight for the winner and Elisha", Malcolm smirks.

"Just remember I like my steak steamed", Zack says as Elisha rolls her eyes at their bickering.

"And my chicken baked", Malcolm adds.

"And what if you both fail to take each other down?" Elisha injects.

"Then we both buy dinner and a drink at a bar for you", Malcolm replies.


Elisha watches as the two guys work around in the gym, a few muscular guys check her out as they work out. Its been a while since she entered a gym much less work out, she got her body fitted into what she wanted.

As her phone rings she answers.


"Elisha? Omg you answered!" Felicity shrieks.

Sh*t she forgot to change her phone number.

"Hey city, what's up?"

"We missed you", she whines,"why did you just disappeared on us?"

"Its complicated city, but one day I'll tell you everything", Elisha swears.

"Okay, but are you okay? I mean we're still best friends so you ca-"

"Hey Elisha, have you seen my bottle water?" Zack walks to her.

"Who's that? Is that your new hook up?" Felicity gasps.

"Got to go, bye", she hangs up quickly.

"No I haven't seen your water Zack."


"Saw her yet?" Damon asks Jett who is currently in Chicago.

"Nope and we couldn't capture Brendan, his men protected him and we lost him in the getaway vehicle", he answers.

Damon curses, "my wife wants our daughter back, we missed her dearly."

"Oh cut the crap, we all know you want her back so we can get married and our gangs will be joint", Jett says.

"Yes but this is my only daughter you're talking about, the one I held in my arms when she got scared during thunderstorms or after watching a bad movie."

"Aw, does Damon Black one of the most feared gang leader of all  Georgia have a soft spot for his daughter?" Jett coos.

"Shut it and when you get more info on Brendan or Elisha contact me immediately", he hangs up.

"Well isn't this going to be a boring weekend or summer for that matter", Jett sighs and stares out his window of his rented room.

He watches the framed photo of Elisha during the spring break of her senior year in high school, her brother took out the picture without her knowing since she was in deep thoughts.


What do you think about this chapter?

Any comments on Zack?

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