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Brendan watches the room fill with most of his men expect Malcolm, Zane is standing next to him with his arms cross and Draven eating a bag of chips sitting on the couch to his right.

"We all know why I called this emergency meeting", Brendan begins and the men nod,"any ideas to why we been ambushed and why our business partners for years wants to wipe us out because his right hand man was shot dead last night?"

"I think its Jett, we all know he's been trying to kill you and wipe us out for three years now", a guy points out and Brendan snaps his head to him.

"Not bad, but I think its more to why Jett ambushed us. Why would he go through all that trouble and shot that guy dead just to get to me?"

"The parcels obviously", Draven answers,"after we left because we got out numbered the parcels weren't there this morning."

"It could be the other gang who took it, they paid us the money for it", Zane points out.

"While we shoot to protect ourselves, they slipped out and left without us knowing", Draven states.

"Well I have made an conclusion, Jett's gang has to be the one who ambushed us or Damon and to be honest I don't know which one is worst", Brendan says.


"Told you I can take you down", Malcolm has Zack in a neck lock.

"Whatever man, just let me go", he grumbles and his cousin let him go.

"So dinner's on you man", Malcolm grins.

"Where do you want to eat? I got to be back at my apartment by 10, got an exam tomorrow", he replies.

"Wait you got an exam? Then why did you come?" Elisha gaps at him.

"I  wanted to hang out with my best cousin, been a while", he places his arm over Malcolm's shoulder who elbows him.

"Whatever, let's go I'm hungry."

"Hey guys, been a long time since you ate here", the waitress with auburn hair approaches the table where Elisha and the guys are sitting.

"We had our reasons", Zack clenches his jaw.

"Give us a few minutes to look over the menu Olivia", Malcolm suggests as he picks up the menu, she nods and move on to another table.

"Do you know her?" Elisha frowns.

"All to well", Zack mutters,"I started dating her during my freshmen year at high school then she broke things off with me two years later saying it was all a dare and those two years meant nothing to her and I won her one grand from her friends because I was clueless and had no idea that she was cheating on me most of the time", he explains.

"Bitch like her", Malcolm mumbles,"but karma got her back, she was kicked out of college during her first year and landed a part time job here while working at another diner in the morning since her parents aren't supporting her when she failed to try and get back in college or do night classes", he grins.

"And last year she gave birth to her one year old son who is staying by her aunt until she gets back from work for a few hours, the sad thing is she doesn't know who the father is since it was a random hook up", Zack adds.

"Damnnn", Elisha whistles lowly.

"You're telling me, she got it hard", Malcolm says as Olivia returns with a smile but her eyes are mostly on Zack.

"Ready to order?"

"Yes diet coke, mash potato with steak and some peas", Elisha orders.

"I'll have the same as her but with a soda", Malcolm adds and she turns to Zack.

"And you?"

"Burger combo, onion rings and a soda in the bottle", he says not looking up at her.

She leaves as Elisha whispers to him,"she still wants you."

"Really? Too bad because she should have think about what she was doing when she broke my heart", he says bitterly.

"You'll get better eventually, just look at me single and enjoying life for now", Elisha points out.

"I bet you had guys lining up to get your number when you first started university", Malcolm teases.

"Especially at parties, man those hungry guys wouldn't keep there eyes off me", she laughs.

"I wouldn't blame them, you're gorgeous", Zack winks just as Olivia returns with their orders to catch Zack's last words to Elisha. 

She slams down the drinks on the table a little too harsh while eyeing Elisha up and down every few seconds or so.

"Your food will be here shortly", she grumbles and leaves.

"See? I told you she still wants you, she totally jealous of me", Elisha states.

"I don't care if she's jealous, she made up her mind years ago", Zack snaps.

"Sorry was just joking", Elisha turns a little pale.

He sighs,"I know, these final exams are stressing me out and it runs for another week."

"I know the feeling", she nods.


"Hey Lisha get up, mom will be over soon", Brendan shakes his best friend and roommate awake.

"What?" She yawns and open her eyes,"what time is it? "

"A little pass 9, after Malcolm returned you almost midnight last night you took a shower and fell asleep", he explains,"why did you get back so late?"

"Oh after dinner, we drove around a little,dropped off Zack at his apartment and-"

"Zack? As in Malcolm's cousin?" Brendan frowns.

"Yes that's if you know anymore Zack name Zack Ali?" She smirks.

"Touché, anyway continue."

"Then Malcolm decided we go watch a movie which we debated on what movie to watch for a good ten minutes until a guy who was passing suggested what movie for a new couple on their first date to watch", she finishes.

"New what? You and Malcolm? A couple", Brendan goes into a fit of laughter.

"Hey Malcolm isn't a bad guy, he's quite nice", Elisha defends her new friend.

"Yeah if you're into the nerd type these days", he shrugs," anyway mom will be here in an hour, we're going out for lunch today", he adds.

"What?! And you're now telling me this? Out, I got to go find my outfit", she pushes him out the room and shuts the door.


"Elisha dear, how was your first three days here been?" Mrs. Gunners ask her as she arrives.

"Good actually, Brendan been a great host and housemate", she smiles.

"Of course, you think I'll let you starve while you're here", Brendan scoffs a little.

"That's one thing you wouldn't let happen dear", His mom smiles," anyways your father called last night Brendan, why didn't you pick up?"

"Because I got nothing to say to a guy who walked out on his family without an explanation and leaving my mother heartbroken", he snaps.

"Maybe he wants to explain why he did, talk to him please. I don't want to be the reason why a son and his father are broken apart", she pleads.

"I'll think about it, I got to get going I have some stuff to handle", he grabs his keys, kisses his mom on the forehead also Elisha's and leaves.

"You know he used to have a crush on you during high school", Mrs. Gunner smirks.

"Nah I think it was always Layla", Elisha shrugs.

"Oh I think you're right, he did date a girl named Layla for two years", she agrees.

"Why did they break up?"

"I'll let Brendan tell you why", Mrs. Gunner smiles,"I'm in the mood to bake, let's make cookies and cupcakes", she suggested and Elisha nods.

"I think we'll need more ingredients though, like flour, chocolate chips and whatnot", She adds.

"I'll go get them", Elisha offers and take the money then leaves to go to the nearby grocery store.

She walks down the block and turn right to the main road, she passes a grocery store when she was coming with a taxi on Tuesday. When she arrives a few minutes later, she gets a basket and search for the things on her little list.

"Elisha is that you?!" A high pitch voice shrieks. 

She turns from the shelves she is standing in front of and see who the voice belongs to. Its Stephanie, her ginger hair ex classmate since middle school and teammate on the softball team in high school.

"Stephanie hey, look at you", she chuckles, Stephanie is wearing the latest clothes out with a Gucci purse.

"Yes after high school I got into modelling and I worked on my personality and met my fiancé four years ago", she smiles.

"That's great, what about Layla? When last have you seen or talk to her?" Elisha questions.

"Since last year, she moved and hasn't been heard from since then. Are you here for the summer? My wedding is the ending of next month", Stephanie explains.

"Yeah I think I'll be still around that time, I'm actually staying at Brendan's for while", she replies with nod.

"Oh you guys finally dating?" Stephanie smirks.

"No, its not like that we're just best friends", Elisha shakes her head.

"Mhm, anyway I just came to pick up a few things, talk soon here's my number if you want us to hang out", she gives her, her phone number.



Jett sips his beer as watches out his window of his room, he is sitting on the small couch while the woman he brought here last night is slipping on her dress.

"I had a great time, we should do it again soon", she kisses him and leave. Just another one night stand to occupied his mind for a couple of hours instead of his problems that erupted a few days back.

"You just love to disappear huh Elisha? This time I guarantee you I will catch you", he vows,"then to make sure no one disturb or track us down, I'll wipe out the shadow gang and their leader", he watches the framed photo of her which is on the table next to his bed.

He answers his phone when it rings and sigh when he sees who's calling,"what?!"

"Is that how you answer your phone Jett?" The woman sighs.

"I'm busy, what do you want?"

"When are you coming to visit us?" She asks.

"I don't want anything to do with you, I got enough problems", he snaps.

"Why are you still mad? It's been-"

"I don't care, don't call me again or else I'll make your life miserable more than it is already", he hangs up.

This is why he hasn't been to Chicago in a good while, how did she even get his number?

A few hours later, he leaves his hotel room and walks down the block to the bar he goes to in the late evening for a drink and maybe a hook up.

"You're back again, same order?" The bartender asks and he nods just as a group of girls come in laughing in their short skirts and matching purple jerseys. The tall blonde hair one catches his attention when she looks over at him with a small smirk.

This is going to be a fun night.

"Something smells delicious", Brendan comments as he return back to his house about three hours later when Elisha get the  ingredients.

"We made cookies and cupcakes, try one", Elisha smiles and hands him a chocolate chip cookie.

"Mmm its good", he says and takes three more from the plate then two cupcakes.

"Leave some for Zack, he'll be coming over later with Malcolm and Draven", Elisha says.


"To hang out, we're going to watch a movie and play have I never with beers", she explains.

"You know beer and you don't get along well", he points out.

"I got years of how to handle my drinking limits, I'll be fine", Elisha waves him off.

"Well I did your laundry for you Brendan, so I'm going to call it a evening", Mrs. Gunner says.

"Mom you didn't have to-"

"I wanted to so be thankful and tomorrow Elisha and I are going out, we're having a girl's day for ourselves", she adds.

"Then let Zane come with you, I need to make sure Elisha stays safe", he demands.

"Of course, she told me all about her family and father. I don't mind at all, but let him keep his distance", she says.

"No problem."


Who do you think called Jett?

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