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Brendan gets a call from his watchman,"yes, what is it?"

"We got two men who were trying to break into your house, we have them tied up in your basement", the man reports.


"Yes but it'll wear off soon", he replies.

"I'll be over soon, make sure they're secure and check on Elisha for me", Brendan orders,"but don't let her see you."

He hangs up the phone,"guys let's go, you other three stay here", he turns to Draven, Malcolm and Zane.

"Where are we going?" Malcolm asks.

"My house, I just got a report that two f*ckers tried to break into my house, no doubt wanting to get Lisha", he clutches his fist.

"Let's go, when I meet them please let me be the first one to punch", Malcolm cracks his knuckles.

"Be my guest", Brendan smirks.

They all got to the house fifteen minutes later, the guys went to the basement using the side entrance between some bushes and Brendan unlocks the front door. He enters and see Elisha watching a movie and eating popcorn, it was almost 7 pm so outside is getting darker.

"Hey got through with your stuff? You're back early", she looks up at him.

"Yeah I did, if you need me just send me a text okay", he locks the door and head towards the back entrance.

"I want to order pizza", Elisha states.

"No problem, but order two boxes", he nods and slides open the back glass door leading to the pool then closes it back.

He walks around to the side of the house and goes through the bushes then opens the door to the basement. He steps in just as his friends and two of his men are standing in front of the two unconscious corrupts who are tied to a chair each.

"How long till they wake?" He turns to his watchman.

"About ten, they been out for about twenty minutes", he answers.

Brendan sits on the couch and opens the mini fridge taking out beers and throwing one to each of the guys present then one for himself.

"No doubt these are Jett's men", he begins,"that means they been watching me and Jett's here in the city somewhere."

"Why would Jett even be here in the city and make his men risk entering our territory?" Zane frowns.

"Because he wants Lisha and so does her father", he replies,"I promised her that I'll keep her safe, plus we can take  her father and our archenemy down once and for all."

"So they can't get to her without going through us?" Malcolm grins.

"Exactly which makes our job to take them down easier than before", Brendan nods.

The both men wake up a few minutes later and Malcolm immediately punches both of them in the face and they groan.

"Man that felt good", he cracks his knuckles.

"I will only ask you this once, who sent you?" Brendan demands in a threatening voice.

"Like we would answer that", one of them snorts and he punches him breaking his nose.

"What the f*ck man?"

"I'm not asking again", he snaps.

"You'll have to kill me then", he smirks and Zane takes out his pocket knife.

"I wouldn't have to kill you, my friend here knows how to make anyone crack including guys like you", Brendan states taking a step back while Zane takes his place. The other one is unconscious thanks to Malcolm who knocked him out.

"The more you refuse to answer, the deeper this thing goes", Zane says and digs the knife into the man's leg who cries out.

"I told you you'll have to kill me fi-"

"Jett, Jett sent us to kidnap the girl", the other one answers immediately.

"You as*hole, Jett will kill us if he finds out we told them", his partner snaps as Zane takes the knife out of his leg and he curses more.

"Not if this gang kill us first, we aren't getting out of here alive you know that. Besides I got nothing to live for, so no threats are hanging over my head", the betrayer shrugs,"I wanted to get out of that gang long time if it will end up me being killed I don't mind", he confesses.

"You're a fool, our gang and that girl's father gang would of been joint then we would have been untouchable. Not even this gang could have touch us without being wiped out", the guy laughs dryly and Zane presses his gun into his wound leg which he curses loudly.

Brendan stays quiet this whole time, what is he going to do now? He doesn't kill anyone just like that or he'll just make his member do it after he leaves.

"What are we going to do with them?" Draven whispers,"they confessed everything they know by arguing, my guess is that they're definitely family."

"Give me time to think, let them  stay down here for the night", he replies,"with a guard of course."


Elisha wakes up next morning with a rainy weather, after Brendan came back inside last night after doing who knows what, they watched two movies together.

"Hey Lisha, are you up?" Brendan opens her bedroom door.

"Yeah just did", she yawns.

"You have a visitor", he opens the door wider and in comes a smiling Zack.

"What you're doing here? Isn't it like 9 something? She frowns.

"10:15 to be exact, I am here because we're all going to the beach soon", he replies.


"Yes, my cousins, Brendan, Zane and you if you want to bring a friend along no problem", he nods.

"Also breakfast is ready, we leave next hour the closest beach around here is like two hours", Brendan adds.

Elisha nods, he is right there are more lakes around here. That's why back in high school they would ask their parents to rent out beach houses for the weekend and don't even talk about for spring break and summer.

She brushes her teeth and walks downstairs to the kitchen,"its still warm", Brendan hands her a plate with scramble egg, fried sausage and toast with a glass of orange juice.


After Elisha finishes her breakfast, she goes  back to her room to change into her bikini and pack her beach bag. She puts on her light green two piece then a light pink sun dress over it and  texts Stephanie if she wants to come.

Stephanie replies saying that she would love to, but already got plans with her beloved fiancé. They are spending the day doing cake testing and other wedding duties.

"Lisha, time to go", Brendan calls from downstairs as she gets up from her little nap. She grabs her bag and phone then leaves the room going downstairs, Zack and Brendan are waiting outside the house for her.

"Who's car are we taking?" She asks watching Brendan's car and Zack's own.

"Zane's, but four persons will have to sit in the back seat", Brendan replies as he locks the front door, Zane's SUV pulls up in front the house.

"I call shotgun", Brendan rushes to the vehicle and opens the passenger side then gets in.

Zane and Elisha gets in the back where Malcolm and Draven are sitting, Draven is on the other end, then Malcolm, Elisha sits next to him and Zack on the other end.

"All set?" Zane asks as Zack shuts the door.

"Yes, let's roll. You can sleep on me Elisha", Malcolm whispers to her.

"Thanks, but I'm good", she rejects his offer.


After singing random songs and playing riddles for two hours they finally arrive at the beach. It already had a good bit of people and most are college students.

"Hey go find us a spot", Zane tells Malcolm,"you can go with him too Elisha."

Elisha gets her bag and goes with Malcolm to the sand to find a spot,"hey I think I see a spot over there", Elisha points over to where there's a coconut tree and no one under it.

"Let's go then", Malcolm grabs her hand and tugs her along with him. 

The guys come with a cooler, three fold in chairs and two big umbrellas, Brendan sets up the umbrellas while Zane opens the chairs and Zack takes a beer from the cooler.

Elisha sits in a chair immediately then slips on her sunglasses, Zack takes the chair next to her and Draven brings two surf boards.

"Up for a surf Brendan?"

"In a while, I'm starving", Brendan's eyes graze to where a food truck is park next to the sand not far from them.

"Me too", Zack adds as Zane sits on the other chair.

"We'll go buy the food", Malcolm offers and he leaves with Brendan.

A few girls walk pass them as they make their way to the truck and they giggle, Elisha rolls her eyes behind her sunglasses.

"Can you surf Elisha?" Draven asks.

She snorts,"me, surf? I can't even get on the board much less surf."

"Didn't your brother like won surfing competitions back in his teen years?" Zane frowns.


"You have a brother?" Zack turns to her.

"Yeah, he's older than me", she shrugs.

"I have a sister, she just started college back in January", he states.

"Cool", she nods.

Brendan and Malcolm return with the food ten minutes later, the truck is selling sandwiches, wings and fries.

"I want the sandwich", Elisha says and takes the box with the sandwich. 

Zack takes the box with wings and fries,"want some fries Elisha or you have to watch what you eat?"

"Watch what I have to eat?" She scoffs,"this isn't high school you know. "

"I know, but my sister is obsess with what she eats since she been teased back in middle school about her weight", he explains.

"Middle school, seriously? So high school didn't do her anything?"

"No before she got to high school she worked out a lot and ate less than she normally would have in middle school, our parents didn't like it but at least she didn't develop an eating disorder", Zack shrugs.

"Since my mother basically is a blonde, she always wanted to keep a slim figure so greens and exercise were like her second life. Then when I came into the world from a young age she fed me greens. I wasn't even allow to eat candy, but my friends here at school would always bring some for recess and share with me, thanks guys", Elisha smiles at Brendan, Zane and Malcolm.

"Also no matter how hard I tried I can't put on more than one pound for the most. Thanks to my mother, my diet is limited", she adds.

After they all finish eat, Brendan and Draven go into the ocean with their surfing boards, there are a few guys in the ocean surfing as well.

"Hey guys do you want to play volleyball?" We need three more persons", a brown hair girl approaches Elisha and her friends.

Malcolm, Zack and Elisha agree while Zane stays in his chair putting on his headphones.

"Guys I got three other people to join us, I'm Gail by the way", she introduces herself,"that's my brother and sister, Candice and Rory", she adds introducing her siblings.

"Cool I'm Elisha and my two friends Zack and Malcolm, they're cousins", Elisha replies.

"Okay so Rory, Elisha and Zack on one side, Malcolm, Candice and I on the other", Gail says.

"Good luck, Rory sucks at volleyball", Candice chuckles tying her brunette hair in a pony tail. The three siblings all share the same dark blue eyes.

"Shut up Candice", Rory glares at her.

"First team to get fifteen points wins", Candice says as she throws the ball to Zack.

Elisha gets into position as Zack hits the ball over the net, Candice hits it over and so it goes on.


"Any word or where my men are located?" Jett asks his second in command.

"No, my guess is if they aren't dead yet then they'll be soon", he answers.

"And the girl?"

"Brenda didn't leave her alone since."

Stupid Brendan.

"We need ideas quickly so we can blackmail Brendan or even one of his members or threaten their families so they can hand her over", Jett sighs.

"Sir I just got a report that Brendan has left the house with his friends and an unknown guy. Looks like they're going to chill somewhere for the evening", another guy walks into the office.

"Follow them, but stay hidden", he orders and they both leave.

Last night the blonde hair he saw at that bar Friday night came back again, he got to say she got some skills.


Jett's two men watch as Brendan's crew set up on the sand, while they eat the sandy hair one is talking to the girl. Then Brendan and Draven go for a surf while a college girl approaches the others and ask something.

They all get up except Brendan's second in command and go to play volleyball with the girl's other two friends or family.

"Who's that guy next to the girl who came with them?" One of them asks.

"I don't know, but take a photo and send it to our hacker so we can get details on who he is", the other one suggests.

Ten minutes later they get a report stating that the guy is Zack Ali, who attends the University of Chicago doing his Master, he's twenty four years old and has a sister who just started university in Florida. Also, he happens to be related to Malcolm and Draven, they're cousins.

"Well isn't this interesting", one of them smirks watching them still play volleyball.

"Yeah, but he isn't in the gang so we can't use him to get the girl", the other one points out.

"But they are related to Malcolm and Draven, so we threaten one of their family members, we threaten them as well which Brendan will no doubt react to", the other one grins.

"Smart, so shall we report back to boss?"

"Not yet, I'm starving", the first one gets out the black BMW and stretches then head over to the food truck. Just as Zane had the same idea as well, both them reach the line at the same time.

Zane says nothing watching the man wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses stands in front of him. He glances at the black car he came out of, there's another guy leaning against it smoking while checking out a group of girls that just walk pass him.

Strange, he could have sworn he saw that same car a few vehicles behind him back on the highway.

The guy in front of him phone rings,"yes bo- sir."

"No we're leaving just now."

"They're still where we left them."

"Yes we're leaving in five."

He hangs up and orders his food, pays and collect it then went back to his friend. They exchange a few words then get in the vehicle.

Are they being followed?

The volleyball game just finish and he sees Elisha cheering with Zack and their new friend when he collects his food. Brendan comes out of the water slicking back his black hair that sticks to his forehead, a few girls drool at that and some fan themselves.

"I think we were being followed, but they're gone now", Zane says to him and he frowns.

"When did you realize that vehicle?"

"In the line to the food truck, the guy that was in front of me came out of the black BMW and then his partner leaning against it was smoking. Plus back at the highway I could of sworn I saw a vehicle like that behind us", Zane explains.

"Maybe they're Jett's men or Damon's, but we got to be careful now, when does Zack's sister fly in for the summer?" Brendan asks.

"Soon, maybe by next week since universities in Florida kind of closes early", he shrugs, "why?"

"We have to make sure that Jett's or Damon's men doesn't mark her as a target since she's Malcolm and Draven's cousin along with Zack", Brendan replies.

"Maybe Zack should just keep his distance from us and Elisha."

"No, Elisha is already friends with him, but it'll look suspicious if they stop talking all of a sudden", Brendan shakes his head.

"Then what do we do?"

"Explain to everyone while we drive back home the situation and if Elisha wants to fix the situation a little, I'll help her at  all course", he shrugs.


Longest chapter yet.

Do you think Jett will use the information he got to his disadvantage?

How do you think Elisha will corporate with the situation? Will she stop be friends with Zack or don't do anything?

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