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Its been two weeks since Elisha arrived at Brendan's house, after what Zane told them what happened while they played volleyball, she wanted to help. Zack and Elisha barely went out, but video call and texted majority of the time, last Thursday he came over for a movie night.

Today is Monday and Zack's sister is arriving later, Malcolm promise to take Elisha with him to meet her later. 

She'll be staying at Zack's apartment for the summer.

In one month time it'll be Stephanie's wedding and Elisha is so excited, been a while since she went to one.

"Hey a café needs some more employees", Brendan places the newspaper in front of Elisha while she eats.

"Oh I remembered that café, we used to go there every Tuesday and Thursday back in middle and high school", Elisha says.

"Yeah and I'm sure you'll get hired since the owner will remember you also I kept my thirteenth birthday party there", Brendan states and she nods.

"I'll go after breakfast, do want to come with me?" She asks.

"I'll drop you off, but I can't stay I got some business to handle", he explains.


Elisha's outfit for the day is a high waist denim jeans and a elbow length V neck top with a pair of flats. She puts her brown blonde hair into a low pony tail and some lip gloss on her lips.

"You look nice, let's go", Brendan got his keys and they leave the house together,"do you have your license? Remember when both of us planned to get it the summer before senior year in high school?" He ask as they got into the vehicle.

"No I didn't get it because my father thought it was to dangerous for me since people were targeting him when we moved, but I knew that was a lie because no one in their right mind would dare target or threaten him", Elisha scoffs.

"Want to get it before the summer is over? I can teach you the basics then you take the test", Brendan offers.

"You would do that for me?" She gasps and he nods,"thank you, you're my best friend forever."

"I thought Zack was your best friend", he teases.

"Oh hush, you know you're my only best friend, we been friends for over fifteen years."

"Surprisingly we didn't fall for each other, fifteen years is a lot", Brendan points out.

"You're telling me."

Brendan drops off Elisha in front of the café then drives off, he calls Zane,"send two of my men to keep watch over Elisha, she's applying for a job and Jett's gang will probably target her soon."

"A job? Are you sure that's safe for her giving the circumstances?"

"Well she's been inside all day for two weeks straight, I for sure would of gone crazy doing nothing all day", Brendan points out.

"Okay I'll call two persons", Zach hangs up.


"Hey I saw you are looking for new employees", Elisha approaches the cashier.

The cashier smiles, Elisha reads the name tag Evan. He got chocolate brown hair and emerald eyes.

"Hey", he says showing his left dimple which Elisha swoons mentally at.

"Is your boss there?"

"She's in the office, want me to go call her?"

Elisha nods.

A girl enters the café, she's wearing the latest clothing line and a pair of Gucci sunglasses with some nude pumps in her feet, her blonde hair wavy and purse hanging off her shoulder.

"Excuse me, can I have a milkshake please and make sure its the low fat one", she takes off her shades and watches Elisha.

"I don't wo-"

"Now! I got places to be", she snaps.

Evan comes back with an elderly woman in her fifties,"Lisha dear, is that you?" She gasps,"look how you grown", she hugs Elisha.

"I am waiting on my milkshake", the girl crosses her arms.

"Evan take her order, I'm going to interview Elisha", miss Miranda says.

Elisha goes with miss Miranda to her office and take a seat,"so how long have you came back?" Miss Miranda asks.

"Two weeks, Brendan was the one who told me about here", Elisha replies.

"Oh yeah Brendan, how is he going by the way? You guys finally dating like I predicted?" She teases.

"He's fine and no we aren't dating, we're just friends."

"That's what they all say, did you know after you left he worked here for the summer?"

Elisha shakes her head.

"Yeah, anyway since I knew you majority of your teenage life, I'll hire you. At least Evan will have another female partner to work with since my other one is always running late or not showing up at all, but I can't fire her until I get more employees", miss Miranda sighs.

"Is Evan related to you?" Elisha questions.

"Yes he's my nephew, his father is my brother. He's graduating from college this fall and been working here since his junior year in high school, part time and full time during the summer. He goes to the university not far from the city", she explains.

"Okay so when do I start?"

"Now if you like, you can be by the cash area while Evan do the orders and then sometime teach you how to make different milkshakes and coffees", miss Miranda says and she nods.

Elisha spends the rest of the morning taking orders and the money while Evan and another worker did the orders. She got a lot to learn and decided to do full time until the summer ends, then in a couple of weeks she'll have to tell her internship boss her answer about that job.

"So here for the summer or temporary job till you settle in?" Evan asks as they sit for lunch.

"I practically grew up here in Chicago, but roughly here for the summer. I got a job offer waiting for me back in Connecticut at the internship I did when I started university", Elisha explains.

"Cool when I graduate this fall I'm going into the business industry like my father. He got some people he knows that I should check out in January", he explains and she nods.

"I graduated two weeks ago and planned to fly to Europe for the summer and stuff before going back to Connecticut to work, but stuff happened so here I am", Elisha adds.

"Europe whoa, big continent. I went to Paris two summer back for a week with my family and ex girlfriend", Evan says.

"Ex girlfriend?"

"Yeah, she fell for someone else at least she told me before cheating on me. We ended on good terms though, we chat occasionally and the guy she fell for is good to her. Now they're somewhere in Los Angles for a movie he got a part in", he explains.

"Its an actor?" Elisha couldn't hide her surprise.

"Yeah went to acting school for three years, graduated last year top of his class and took every auditioning opportunity he got, now he finally got a part in a movie not at as the star or the co star though, but will make an appearance throughout the movie."

"Wow, so she never stopped giving you information about what's happening", Elisha retorts.

"Nope been so for years, we always talk about what's happening its a majority deal."

"Wait so your ex girlfriend was your best friend?" Elisha gasps.

"I know its surprising we still get along, like our break up didn't really affect us at all. It hurt a lot when she told me have to break up, I didn't talk to her for like two weeks then my mom knocked some sense into me and I realized that I should be happy for her no matter what. We made a promise when we were nine years old that no matter what happened, we'll always support each other and be there for them. I told her before she went to LA that if he breaks her heart I'll fly to wherever she is and break his bones."

Elisha laughs, if she didn't move then maybe Brendan would have said those words to her.

"Tell me about your relationship? Currently in one or.."


Malcolm arrives to pick Elisha at 4 pm at the café, Evan and her make a great team and miss Miranda teased them when she saw how close they are to each other already.

"Malcolm, here to order?" Miss Miranda asks as Elisha is baking cookies in the kitchen area.

"I'm here to pick up Elisha, how long will it be till she gets off?" He answers as Evan watches him silently.

"About ten minutes, she's just finishing up baking cookies. Have a seat and a drink", miss Miranda suggests.

"You're Evan right? I remembered playing baseball against your school back in high school", Malcolm watches Evan.

Evan scoffs,"you guys cheated, we would have won if you said I was safe, but you lied and said I wasn't and we both know I was safe."

"Wow still holding that grudge against me man? Its been like five years now", Malcolm rolls his eyes.

"Hey you're here, I'll be done soon", Elisha comes out with the cookies and place it in glass case where the rest of sweets are and goes back to the kitchen area. 

Malcolm observes that Evan watch her every move.

"Elisha and I practically grew up together, I can help you get closer to her", Malcolm grins.

"Why?" Evan frowns.

"Because I saw you were totally checking her out, but its up to you if you want the help", he shrugs,"it's not like she got a guy best friend and other guy friends for that matter", he adds.

"Fine I'll put the past behind me, if you give me her phone number", he states.

"You don't got her phone number as yet? Man you're slow in your game, you need to step up", Malcolm shakes his head.

Elisha finishes up a few minutes later, waves Evan goodbye and leaves with Malcolm to Zack's apartment.


"You're finally here, heard you got a job. How was it?" Zack hugs Elisha.

"Great my partner is great as well", she replies.

"And he happens to be none other than Evan", Malcolm adds.

"Wait the guy who had a grudge against you?" Zach chuckles.

"Not anymore", he grins.

"So where's your sister?" Elisha ask.

"Kacy, someone's here to see you", Zack calls and a girl emerges from the kitchen, she's a little shorter than Elisha with dark blonde hair and hazel eyes like Zack.

"Hey my name is Elisha", Elisha introduces herself.

"I know who you are, Zack wouldn't stop talk about you", she laughs,"neither Draven or Malcolm especially ", she rolls her eyes.

"Kacy wanted to know if that café you got the job at still hiring people", Zack says.

"Yeah she can check it out tomorrow or Malcolm can just drive her there", Elisha nods.

Kacy rolls her eyes,"who said I wanted a stupid job? I just reached here, give me a break."

"But you're the same person who said,'I want to buy my own thing, I don't need my brother paying for me', so this is your opportunity and also to help me pay the bills", Zack states.

"Fine, but I'll get to the stupid café on my own", she goes back to the kitchen.

"Well isn't she just a nice and well mannered girl", Elisha says sarcastically.

"Yeah she can be a bit dramatic, but overall she's really nice", Zack shrugs.

"Well she definitely hiding it a lot, where's Brendan anyway?"

"His mother's house, do want me to go drop you off there since you met Kacy", Malcolm offers.

"Nah I wanna hang out here a while", Elisha shakes her head and takes a seat.

"I'm going to catch up with some old friends", Kacy gets her purse and her phone.

"Don't be out late and call me if its anything", Zack says taking a seat next to Elisha. 

Kacy frowns slightly and leaves.

"She doesn't like me that much, huh?" Elisha sighs.

"She doesn't like any girl who I socialize occasionally with after what Olivia did. Also, don't tell anyone this but I got my suspicions that she might have a crush on Brendan", Zack whispers.

"She met Brendan?"

"Once back during spring break. We went to a little party with our cousins and she wouldn't take her eyes off him all night", he explains.




What do you think about Evan & Kacy?

Do you think Kacy has a crush on Brendan or someone else?

Do you think Evan and Elsiha will get closer or Zack?

So many questions, so many ships, so many choices.

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