24. Part 2

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Brendan wakes up with a major hangover, last night was something else. He drank until he couldn't remember anything, there were stripper but him, Malcolm and the groom to be didn't touch them.

He checks the time, 11: 45 am. The wedding is starting at 4 pm and the reception will be at Stephanie's father hotel.

"I have one bad headache", Malcolm groans, he is on a couch.

"Hey, I brought you dudes aspirin for that headache", Stephanie's fiancé, Nick enters with two glasses of water. He ditches his glasses and trade it for contacts which is the same color of his eyes, blue.

"Thanks man", Brendan takes one of the glass and the small tablet.

"Ready to marry Stephanie in a couple of hours?" Malcolm asks him.

"Yes, she's the love of my life. I love her, you know seven years ago I wouldn't imagine me the nerd in our grade getting marry to the most popular girl in our grade", he chuckles.

"I know right, you avoided our group like a plague", Malcolm nods.

"Who's your date Malcolm? I don't want no solo guy at my wedding."

"It's Elisha", he says proudly and Brendan chokes on his drink.


"Yeah, hope you don't mind though, we're just friends", Malcolm adds.

"Not at all, I was expecting Evan would be her date after all there's no doubt he's interesting in her", Brendan shrugs.

"Well she agreed I can be her date for the evening, I can't let her go by herself it'll look embarrassing."

"Lunch is in thirty minutes then I'm leaving to go to the hotel to get ready. Although I'll have three hours and half after till I have to be by church", Nick states.

"Oh yeah, Brendan and I still have to pick up our tuxedos at the store", Malcolm adds.

Nick leaves them.


"Omg, don't tell me you guys are still sleeping!" A voice exclaims waking Elisha who had a major headache.

"Shut up Maria I am trying to sleep!" Stephanie yells.

"Do you know what time it is? It's almost 12, what time did you went to sleep this morning?" Maria shrieks.

"A little after 3 I think."

"Stephanie get up, your wedding is in four hours. Seriously, you have a mediocre appointment with your bridesmaids in forty minutes", Maria states.

"The dresses are here", Mrs. Gunner announces.

"What time is it?" Sarah yawns.

"Almost close to 12", Elisha gets up.

"What? We're going to be late for our appointment", she gasps, getting out her bed quickly.

"Rise and shine sleep beauties", Maria opens the door, she has the same color hair as Stephanie.

"Why didn't you wake us up earlier? I still have to shower", Sarah rushes around the room.

"Well sorry, I just arrive here and see you guys had a wild night. Stephanie isn't even half awake yet and its her wedding, ugh why did I agree to be her Maid of Honor? My wedding alone was stressful", Maria sighs.

"Girls wake up, you got an appointment at the hotel's spa in forty five minutes. So you have forty five minutes to get up, have something light to eat and shower", Stephanie mother says.

"My head is killing me", Stephanie whines,"I need an aspirin Maria and have the dresses arrive yet?"

Elisha goes into the bathroom after Sarah comes out, she brushes her teeth and takes a warm shower.

45 minutes later

"Alright girls you got two hours and a half. When you're done back to the room to get ready", Maria says as they enter the spa where women are waiting for them.

"The bride and Maid of Honor please follow me", a woman steps forward.

Stephanie and Maria leave while Elisha and the rest of the women take a seat to get a mediocre and pedicure treatment.

"This is the life, I can get use to this", Sarah says.

"You're telling me", Annelise adds.

Layla left early this morning to go get ready at her parent's house and feed her baby.

"I can't believe Layla is back though", she adds.

"I had my suspicions that she would have come after all she is Stephanie's best friend", Elisha shrugs.

"But how did she know where we would of been?" She frowns.

"Good question, maybe her mother told her."


Brendan sits down next to Annelise in the church, Elisha is next to him with Malcolm on her other side. Nick is by the altar waiting with his best man on his left, it is some minutes pass 4.

The music begins 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran, everyone stands. The three flower girls come in first then ten bridesmaids and grooms enter. Maria comes in next smiling, follow by a very astonishing Stephanie and her father.

Nick's eyes are on Stephanie and full with love and adoration, she smiles at him and blushes slightly. When she gets to the altar, her father whispers something to Nick who nods and takes Stephanie's arm; everyone sits down and the ceremony begins.

"Who's wedding will be next?" Elisha whispers to Brendan.

"Maybe yours", he smirks.

"We are gather here today, to join this man and this woman in marriage....", the priest begins.

"I love weddings", Mrs. Gunner says as she wipes her eyes with a tissue, she is sitting in front of her son, his date and his two best friends.

45 minutes later

"I Stephanie Jensen, promise you Nick Anderson that I will always love you, be faithful to you, be there with you during good and bad times, for richer or poorer and in sickness and health", Stephanie vows,"also to talk things through when there are problems", she slips the ring unto his finger.

"And I Nick Anderson, promise you Stephanie Jensen that I will cherish you forever, love you unconditionally, always be faithful and honest, be with you in good and bad times, in health or sickness and for richer or poorer from this day forth", Nick promises and slips the ring unto Stephanie's finger.

"Wow that is serious commitment", Annelise mutters.

"You're telling me, you must be really in love to make that sort of commitment and stick to it" Malcolm adds.

Mrs. Jensen is crying as her husband is rubbing her shoulder, Sarah is trying her best to not let her tears fall.

"I pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss your bride", the priest shuts his book.

Nick and Stephanie kiss and the wedding guests all cheer,"meet Mr and Mrs. Anderson", the priest claps.

The flower girls follow by the bridesmaids and grooms, then Maria and the new married couple leave the church.

"They're going to take pictures, see you at the reception in one hour", Mrs. Jensen addresses the guests.

"Hey you going with them to take out pictures or you want to just go straight to the hotel for the reception?" Malcolm asks Elisha.

"Hey Brendan, I promised Stephanie I would take out some pictures with her, Elisha you should come too", Annelise says.

"I'm coming, Malcolm if you want to go straight to the reception you can. I'll meet you there in one hour", Elisha says.

"Okay, I'll go catch a ride back to the hotel", he nods.


Brendan watches as the bridal party takes tons of pictures the married couple, the married couple with their bridal party, Nick with his best man and the bridegrooms, Stephanie with her Maid of Honor, her parents and her bridesmaids. Then with Annelise, Elisha and Layla?

She's here? He frowns. 

Of course she will be, why didn't he thought of that.

"Hey son, I see your ex is here", his mother stands by him.

"I should have expected she'll be here, she's Stephanie's best friend after all", he shrugs.

"Just focus on Annelise and you'll be okay, if you want to talk things out with her that's fine too."

After Annelise and Elisha finish, they come over to him.

"Selfie", Elisha takes quick photo with him and post it on Facebook.

"Ready to go?" Anneliese gives him a quick kiss on his lips.

"If you are", he places a hand on her waist.

"Yeah I-"

"Hey guys, heading back to the hotel now?" Layla approaches them,"oh hey Brendan, wasn't expecting you here?"

"Hey, Stephanie invited me and Anne is my date", he replies pulling Annelise closer to him.

"Actually we're dating", Annelise adds.

"Oh", Layla says, but she had a pain expression which disappear as quickly as it came.

"We're heading back to the hotel now", Elisha intervenes so there is no awkward silence.

"I'm going to catch a ride, see you there", she leaves.

"She still have feelings for you Brendan", Annelise states the obvious.

"So you saw it too?" Elisha asks.

"Obviously, you will have to be blind not to see it", she chuckles.

"We're over Anne, she moved on not to mention have a kid as well", Brendan waves them off.

The girls gasp.

"You're blind, she still have the hots for you", Elisha states and Annelise nods.

"You guys are talking nonsense, she doesn't have feelings for me", he shakes his head.

"We're going to prove you wrong", Annelise vows and grabs Elisha's arm pulling her along to his vehicle.

He sighs.

When they get to the hotel, there are many people in the lobby waiting for the new married couple.

 Malcolm is there waiting for his date, when he sees Elisha; he smiles.

"Good you're here, let's go find a good table", he takes her hand.

"Guys we'll see you at the table", she turns to Brendan and Annelise.

"Sure", Brendan nods.

They find an empty table with four chairs close to the appetizer table. Malcolm pulls a chair out for Elisha to sit and he sits down next to her.

"These decorations are amazing", She comments.

"Yes preach and blue are nice colors", Malcolm nods.

Brendan and Annelise come ten minutes later and take their seats as the married couple and their bridal party enter the room.

"Mr. And Mrs. Anderson", the speaker for the evening announces and everyone claps.

They go to the head table and their bridal party take seats reserve for them at the front.

Elisha sees Layla sitting a few tables away from her group with her parents and holding a curly black hair baby.

"Food will be serve and then people can share their experiences about the bride or the groom", the speaker adds.

"Gonna say something Anne?" Brendan asks his date.

"Maybe, but I don't know Stephanie that good like you guys do. I met her in senior year of high school, you knew her since elementary school", she shrugs.

"Remember in second grade when Elisha accidentally dump red paint in her hair", Malcolm laughs.

"It wasn't an accident, I did it on purpose since she told me my hair looked like a bird's nest", Elisha confesses and they all laugh.


"I have things I'll like to say about both bride and groom, first I would never imagine you guys getting marry to each other. In high school you guys were from totally opposite social group, who would believe the popular girl and the nerd of our old high school would of ended up together?" Malcolm states.

"Yeah", Layla says.

"Anyway let's start with Stephanie or hot tempered girl I used to call her from second grade all the way up to sixth grade. For those of you who were in our second grade class, who remembered Elisha dumping red paint in Stephanie's hair?" He asks and the crowd laugh, a few people around his age and the groom put up their hands.

"And who remembered when Nick lied and said he fell in a puddle in third grade when he came inside from recess with his pants wet"? Everyone erupts with laughter and Nick fake glares at Malcolm. 

Stephanie laughs,"I remembered that, I even started calling you wet diaper."

"I am not done yet, in sixth grade we had our school dance", Malcolm smirks,"Nick and Stephanie danced together for the first time well for two minutes since Nick kept stepping on her foot."

"My two left feet baby", she kisses Nick.

"The real reason for that was because her best friend Layla dared her and if you know Stephanie like I do, she never backs out of a dare."

Nick watches Stephanie and she grins innocently,"I thought you told me that you danced with me because you felt sorry for me?"

"That too, I did felt sorry for you. Your date ditched you", she shrugs and laughter erupts again.

"Thank you, oh and Nick tutored Stephanie in sophomore year in high school", Malcolm adds and goes back to his table where his friends are weak with laughter.

"I can't believe you actually did that, you just spilled their most embarrassing childhood memories", Brendan chuckles.


Annelise is talking to Stephanie and Maria, her Maid of Honor. Brendan is sitting by the table by himself, Malcolm and Elisha are dancing.

"Hey, mind if I sit here?" Layla approaches him with her baby in her arms.

"Sure", he shrugs and sits down,"she has your hair", he comments.

"Yeah, my little angel. I named her Lillian", Layla looks down at her sleeping child.

"What happened to her father?"

"He doesn't know she exist", Layla looks him in the eyes.


"We broke up", she looks away.

"So the guy you cheated on me with.."

"We broke up, it didn't work out", she sighs as tears begin to fill her eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He turns her face back to his, her hazel eyes full with pain and regret.

"I.. I got to go", she gets up quickly.

"Layla, what's wrong?"

"N.. Nothing, enjoy your night", she shakes her head and leaves.

He sighs, he looks to see Anne dancing with Malcolm now and Elisha chatting with one of Stephanie's bridesmaid.

He gets up and goes in the direction where Layla went, she heads toward the lobby to go out front.

"Layla, stop", he catches up to her before she steps out the hotel.

She turns around with tears in her eyes,"I'm so sorry Brendan, I really am", she hands him a letter and leaves quickly.

"Wait", he rushes out the door just in time to see the taxi pulls off.

He opens the letter and what he he reads next breaks him more by every sentence.


What did you think?

Why Layla ran? Why is she sorry?

Did Layla and that guy she cheated on Brendan with really broke up or is there more to that story?

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