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"Hey which room are you staying in?" Malcolm asks a drunk Elisha who is half asleep.

"Take me home with you, my bag suppose to be in the lobby  Maria told me", she slurps. 

He lifts her up as he enters the quiet lobby, Brendan left a while ago saying he didn't feel well and Annelise told him she was spending the night at the hotel.

"I'll drop you off at my cousin's place, that's where your stuff are", he explains.

"Yes Kacy, she went on a date. I hope she gets some", Elisha giggles and Malcolm shakes his head. He gets her bag and places her in the backseat of his vehicle.

30 minutes later

They arrive at  Zack's apartment, he knocks on the door wile Elisha sleeps in his arms. Kacy wearing a towel opens the door, "oh hey Malcolm, I see you got your hands fill there", she takes the bag and he carries Elisha to Zack's room, placing her on the bed and taking off her shoes.

"Make sure to place a glass of water on the table next to the bed in the morning, she'll have one bad hangover", he says to Kacy as he place the aspirin on the table next to the lamp,"and use protection", he adds and leaves.

Kacy returns back to her room where her date is waiting, "ready for round two?"

"Of course", she locks her door.


Brendan sits on his bed with the letter, how could she do this to him?

The letter reads.

Dear Brendan,

The reason you're reading this is because I couldn't stand the guilt that is eating me away anymore. I lied Bren, I'm so sorry for that, I lied about everything. I couldn't tell you the truth because it would have broken you more than the lie I told you last year about me cheating and being pregnant for another guy.

The truth is my parents didn't want me to be with you anymore since I almost got shot once and ended up in hospital as well. It's not your fault when that happened, I followed you when you told me not to and ended up with a break arm since Malcolm pushed me from getting killed instead. I tried to explain that to them, but they wouldn't listen, then a few weeks before we broke up I found out I was pregnant.

I told my mother and she told my stubborn father (biggest mistake), they told me if I didn't end things with you they would runt out your gang and you all would of go to jail for life. I couldn't let that happen, you understand that don't you? So I came up with a lie and told you I  was pregnant for another guy and my parents sent me to another country away from you. They didn't want their grandchild to grow up around drugs, guns and gangs, they wanted him/ her safe away from you.

I'm truly sorry I didn't tell you the truth, that day I left was the most painful day of my life. I wanted to call you a lot of times and I tell you the truth, but I know you wouldn't believe me anyway. I named our daughter Lillian Brenda Jonas, yes her middle name is almost close to yours so I can always remember you.

I'm going to cut off all ties with my parents if they don't accept that I want you in Lillian's life. I don't want her growing up without a father, if you accept here's my address , I live in Brooklyn. I know you'll need time to think about it and process all this, I hope you understand why I did it and forgive me as well.

This isn't goodbye and here's a photo of Lillian when she first opened her eyes.

Brendan stares at a pair of familiar gray eyes, his daughter had his eyes and nose.

He sighs, what to do now? His mother has a right to know about her granddaughter.


Elisha wakes up in Zack's room, she has a slight headache. She takes the glass of water and take an aspirin then read the note,

Hey, I didn't want to wake you up. I am working at the café and Brendan told me he'll be picking you up around 1:30 pm.


She checks the time, 12:30 pm.  She still have some time, she'll pack and make a quick meal.

Someone knocks on the door an hour later, Elisha opens it and lets Brendan in who looks kind of pale with bags under his eyes.

"Hey, did you get any sleep last night at all?" She frowns.

"Some, I been taking coffee since morning so I'm not tired", he sits on the couch.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing and today you're going to get your first driving lesson", he grins and she nods.

"About time, any news about my father?"

"Yeah, he's in police custody right now. Not even the best lawyer in Connecticut can help him", Brendan explains and she hugs him.

"Thank you for keeping your promise."

"My job isn't quite done yet Lisha, Jett's father is still out for revenge I'm sure", he points out.

"Just had to ruin the moment, huh?"

"Always", he winks.


"I missed you house", Elisha declares as she enters Brendan's house.

"You only been gone for a three days Lisha", Brendan chuckles behind her.

"I still miss it though", she waves him off, taking her suitcase and going up the stairs.

When she falls on her bed, she calls Tony.

"Hey, how was it?"

"Good, I got drunk but my date made sure I got to my room safely."

"If you don't date him, I will", Tony jokes.

"Go right ahead", Elisha laughs,"anyway what did you do while I was away?"

"Last night, I ended up going to that club with Aaron and they since my meeting got cancelled, got drunk and woke up with a girl next to me naked", Tony confesses.

"Yes your first one night stand, Aaron must be very proud", she grins and he stays quiet,"no Tony, don't tell who I think it was,  please", Elisha gasps.

"Yes the girl was Lola, luckily we crashed at my place. I pretended I was still asleep when she got up so she gasped, dressed quickly and left. Roles are reverse now", he explains.

"Are you sure it wasn't Lisa? They both could have changed their hair back to their natural color", Elisha points out.

"I'm pretty sure it was Lola, I don't know how to act around her now", he sighs.

"Well whenever you go to visit and if she doesn't act weird around you and bring it up then be normal. You don't want to make Aaron suspicious, do you?"

"No, he's my best friend man. Plus, I don't know how long I'll be able to keep this guilt inside", Tony admits.

"You take it to your grave unless Lola or whoever you slept with says otherwise. One more thing, did you use protection at least?"

"Yeah, found a use one on the floor next to my clothes."

"Good I'm not ready to be a godmother yet", Elisha grins.

"Oh hush."

"Lisha, time for your first driving lesson", Brendan knocks.

"You? Driving?" Tony gets into a fit of laughter.

"Shut up, I am going to learn", Elisha snaps.

"Just for special effects, drive into a pole and garbage bins while you at it", he laughs.

"Ready, Lisha?"

"Yes coming, bye a**hat", and hangs up.


Evan waits for Elisha outside a bar, Kacy is already inside with her date. Brendan's Toyota pulls up in front of him and Elisha gets out, she's wearing a cocktail peach dress and nude heels.

"You look nice", Evan compliments her.

"Have her back in one piece by 1 am no later", Brendan warns.

"Shut up and go get Anne, you got a reservation", Elisha shoos him.

"1 am no later or you're dead meat", he drives off.

They enter the bar and sit down at the booth where Kacy is shamelessly making out with her date.

"Leave it for the bedroom", Elisha coughs and they stop, Kacy fake glares at her.

"What can I get you guys?" A waitress approaches their booth.

"Two portion of onion rings, four glasses and a bottle of your strongest wine", Kacy orders.

"I'll have a beer", Evan adds.

"No, not tonight. You're drinking", Kacy shakes her head,"no beer."

He sighs and says nothing.

"So you have your own business?" Elisha asks Chad, Kacy's date.

"Not exactly, my father does but it will be handed down to me once I graduate next two years", he explains.

"He's filthy rich, don't let the way he dresses fool you", Kacy laughs leaning into him.

"I am not a millionaire baby, not yet at least. My family just own a hotel here and a three in Miami", Chad states.

"Yes three big ones which make millions every year", she says.

"Before you met Kacy, have you dated other women or models?" Evan questions.

"A few women nothing serious", he shrugs,"most was after my money well father's money since I just have an allowance for my monthly needs."

"But when the business is handed to you, you'll be a millionaire?"

"If the business runs smoothly then yes in a couple of years", he nods.

"Why are you so suddenly interested in Kacy?" Elisha frowns, something's fishy. He could date any woman he wants, why settle for Kacy who just finish her first year at university?

"Because she's pretty and didn't even recognize who I was when I introduced myself which made me even more interested in her instantly", he watches Kacy who blushes.

"Well since her brother isn't here to tell you, you break her heart I break your face", Elisha warns him.

"I wasn't planning to and the good thing about this is, my university isn't far from hers so I can visit her every weekend if she wants me to", Kacy gasps at his words.


"Yes, if you give us a chance", he nods.

"Let's take it slow first, since you're leaving soon Thanksgiving you'll meet my parents and brother."

"And you'll meet my parents before that, I can assure you that my mother would love to meet the girl who caught my attention", he says honestly.

The rest of the night, they drink, eat, talk and laugh. Also, finished two bottle of wine.

Chad called his personal driver for the night, dropped Evan off first followed by Elisha at Brendan's house and carries Kacy with him to  the suite he is staying in his father's hotel.

"You're so sexy Kacy", he whispers in her ear and she kisses him, wrapping her legs around his waist. He walks and place her on his bed, hovering over her,"let's get you out of this dress."

She giggles because of her drunk state.


What did you think about the letter?

Any suspicions that Layla's daughter was Brendan's?

Should Malcolm and Elisha date?

What will Annelise do when Brendan tells her about his daughter?

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