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After Y/n and the JSDF return to the caravan of people. Just as Mindy told him they did took some civilian casualties. For a moment it brought Y/n back to a flashback of something similar during the Human covenant war. Still he didn't let it falter on his duty as he along with the soldiers of the JSDF help bury those who died. It took them a bit until night but after the last of the dead was buried Y/n walked up to Itami who was talking to someone. It seems the convoy was leaving with some having relatives and other lodging or home ready. While others were left since their families were killed during the attack. Thankfully the mage Lelei help him be able to communicate. His impression of the girl was kinda weird for one of her age. She seemed to ask a lot of questions about him or his stuff collecting knowledge. He could kinda understand so he answer some of it to the best he can without revealing any Top secrets. As well he made a mental note. When he got back to base. To work on the new gear and weapons he,Mindy and Samuel are going to make. Since the dragon made it clear that they might need for firepower and more variety in case of other scenarios.

As third Recon was talking about what is their next move is. Y/n looked over to the ones that lost their families and home.

Mindy: Y/n are you alright?

Y/n: I am Mindy. Though.....

Mindy: I know big guy. I'm worried about them as well. You know we could bring them with us.

Y/n: What?

Mindy: I know it's a risk but hear me out. It'll be a little trade if we can give them a home and necessities. Then they can give us Info about the culture and what is more to this planet. As well try to figure out the name of this planet as well.

Y/n: What's wrong with Midnight?

Mindy: It just doesn't sound right. Still I think you can understand them more than they do Y/n. Since.......

Y/n understood what she meant. How he could relate to them losing family and their home. Sure Reach wasn't were he was born and the other Spartans weren't blood related. He still was proud to call Reach home and those in the Spartan II program he called family. Since they trained and lived together as one big family. Though when the War was in full swing. As it raged on more of his brothers and sisters were being put as MIA. It was a move by ONI to paint them as invincible to kill as they were still fighting out there. But Y/n knew the truth that they are dead most likely due to where they were sent. As well during the fall of Reach when he and John were evacuated. Seeing the covenant plasma bombardment on the world he and many others called home. It filled Y/n with anger and hatred for failing to keep Reach from Falling to the covenant war machine.

Still while many would of seen it as the last days of Humanity. Y/n didn't we instead continue to fight and he help the soldiers regain hope after the destruction of the first halo. As well the fall of the covenant help end the war with the truth revealed. Either way, he remember that he can't stop fighting now.He owns it for his fellow Spartans and the soldiers who fell on the line of Duty.

Maybe that's why Mendicant gave him a second chance. To remember and honor their memory and continue to March forward no matter, where he is or the time. He will continue on his duties as a soldier and fight where he needs to be.

As Y/n finish up his thoughts. He looks over to see Itami walking up to him. Already guessing what he might say to him.

Itami: Spartan,I just want to say thanks for getting that dragon to fly away. Your weapons did more than ours did.

Y/n: Your welcome Lt. What are you going to do with the refugees?

Itami: We are going to take them back to our base. Also my superiors want to meet you in person. *though* This is crazy. If I didn't see what this guy's can do I think he can take on the JSDF if not the whole world on his own. What's next he has a ship.

Y/n:Understood. Guess that makes sense since this is first contact with unknowns for both of us. *though* Still I get a feeling that this will be more than just a friendly talk about getting to know each others history. Hopefully things don't turn ugly. Lieutenant I'll be going to my vehicle and when your ready I'll be right behind you.

Itami: Alright then.

Y/n walk away from him as he went to got into the mastodon. Though before he went in he saw the woman with a small stature looking a bit sad and having tears in her eyes.

Y/n:Guess she isn't use to civilians casualties or is she feeling sad for them. Either way, being a soldier is no easy job.

Y/n then walked up towards her as he placed his hand on her shoulder. As Kuribayashi look up to see the Spartans neon green visor as he said.

Y/n: Are you alright Sergeant?

Kuribayashi:*sniffles* I-Im fine sir. It's just..

Y/n: It's not your fault.


Y/n: That you blame yourself for this you did your best to stop that dragon. What you did out there was what any good soldier would've done.

Kuribayashi: But we didn't kill it.*gets a bit teary*It got away and many innocent lives were taken. As well those refugees have no one.

Y/n: Then don't let their deaths be in vain soldier.

Kuribayashi: *dries her eyes*What do you mean sir?

Y/n: They knew that death would come for them. Still even if their deaths weren't sure. Those men and women choose to save the lives of the children in hopes of them being safe and find a place where they can be. You,me and every soldier who fought own them that much. As for the dragon. Next time it won't be around for much that much I promise. Now the questions is. Will you do the same?

She look shock at his little speech but soon. As she looked up and back at him and with fire in the eyes she responded to him.

Kuribayashi: You're right Sir. Let's get these kids back to base and be ready if that lizard ever shows up.

Y/n underneath his helmet had a small smirk as he saluted at her while saying.

Y/n: Then let me be the first to say. It'll be an honor to fight with you ma'am.

Kuribayashi was shock that a Spartan. The super soldiers she admire during her childhood was saying that and saluting her. She had a light pink blush as she saluted back.

Kuribayashi: No the honors all mine sir.

As they drop the salute Y/n went back to the mastodon. While Kuribayashi went back to her Humvee while her blush was still there and her heart began to race a bit after he talk with Y/n. Back to him as he enter the driver seat he heard Mindy say.

Mindy: So what happen?

Y/n: Noting much. Just helping a fellow soldier Mindy.

Mindy: Sure. Not that she is a beautiful woman with a "unique" figure. Right.

Y/n cocked his head sideways and ask her.

Y/n: What do you mean by that?

Mindy: Nothing.*though* Oh man even if I got rid of his sexual suppressants. He will still be clueless about it. Man do I have my work cut out.

As the Humvee's force off followed by the Mastodon. For this story will take a turn when certain things will happen and mostly will revolve around Y/n and his friends. Whatever it will be. He will be ready to face it,but not alone.

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