Spartan Vs Dragon

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As Y/n was looking at the JSDF who many had looks of confusion or had a surprise look on their faces. After he ask to speak to their commanding officer.

Mindy: Y/n,I think they don't speak English.

Y/n: Oh shit. Alright so what language do you think they know of.

Mindy process the question a bit before responding to Y/n.

Mindy: Well from what I can tell from the primitive vehicles and weapons they have. I guess they were from somewhere in the 20th century give or take. Maybe they are from one of the many countries that were on earth before the UEG. So I'm going on a limb and say they are the Japanese Self Defense Force.

Y/n: You know this how?

Mindy: I've been in their communication system already. It was easy to get in.

Y/n: You didn't tell me about this before I asked them.

Mindy: You didn't ask me if I knew anything about them. Also to see how funny it would be.

Y/n: How,did I ended up with you as my AI?

Mindy: Well to bad for you Y/n. Your stuck with me to the very end. Mendicant though we would compliment each other
Which in my opinion he was right.

Y/n sigh as he could hear Mindy laughing at his reaction over their coms. Though he heard footsteps getting closer to him as he saw a scrawny man with the rank of first lieutenant with two others with him. A blue hair girl with a stick and another one with a giant axe and giving him a smile. Though he had a ominous feeling about that one.

Y/n:*though* One adult with two teen girls who own of them has a weapon more taller than most things I seen except for the gravemind. Nothing weird there. Still something is off about that one I should keep my guard up.

Third Recon  ago

Itami and his unit came out of their shock when they heard the Spartan try and say something to them. Though they didn't get most of it.

Itami: So anyone understood what he said?

Kurokawa: A little sir. It seems he was speaking English.

Itami: Great.

Kuribayashi: I can't believe it.

Mostly everyone turn to wards Kurobayashi as she was smiling and her until leader asked her.

Itami: Kuribayashi, you know who this guy might be?

Kuribayashi: Sir, he is a motherfucking Spartan from Halo.

??: Are you sure?

??2: You idiot, she is right. I can see it now.

Itami: I though it was just a game nothing more.

Kuribayashi: Well we are seeing it right in front of us sir. I can recognize the UNSC emblem from any where.

Kurokawa: You seemed excited Kuribayashi?

Kuribayashi: How can't I. I always wanted to meet a real life Spartan. I always played every halo game that came out before I joined the JSDF.

Kuwahara: I guess that explains a few things.Maybe this is proof of the Multiverse theory.

Itami: Huh. Guess I'll have to have to ask him for his name. So Kuribayashi do you know it.

She look at the Spartan and didn't recognize the armor. She shook her head and replied.

Kiribayashi: Negative. I never seen a Spartan wear that armor. Though I wish it was in the games. It looks so awesome.

Itami: Alright here I go. Hope he doesn't take it as a bad sign.

As Itami got out of the vehicle and soon made his way to the Spartan. He notice Rory and Lelei and turn to them and ask.

Itami: Why are you two going with me?

Rory:Well I heard tales of a tall knight in dark armor decimated overany legions of the Empire's forces. As well I can see that they one and taken so many lives.

Lelei: I also wish to learn more about the warrior. He doesn't seem to be with you.

Itami: You're right. If Kiribayashi is right then we might be seeing someone on a different level from the JSDF. Fine you can come with me. But don't do anything rash.

As they went towards the towering soldier. Itami he was not that big of a fan being a soldier. But he can tell that this guy means business as he can detect a deep aura around him of that of many veterans if what Kiribayashi says was right that he is the real deal then whatever the guys face many of been bad.  As he stood near him but not enough to warrant him to be  consider a threat as he saw the giant gun he was holding that look like it would be part of a emplacement or in a vehicle like it was nothing.

Itami: Well I just hope my english isn't shit.*english* um Hi me friendly.

Back to Y/n

Itami: Hi me friendly.

Y/n just tilted his head to the side wondering what the hell is he guy is speaking like that.

Y/n:*Japanese* You know you don't have to talk like a toddler.

That made Itami's eyes go wide as did the rest of the unit except for two women who were laughing at their leader's bad speaking and how the Spartan outdid him. After a few seconds he compose back and ask him.

Itami: Alright then who are you?

Y/n: Spartan-167 of the UNSC Marines and special forces.

Itami: You don't have a name?

Y/n: I do. But I don't give it out to those I barely know.

Itami:I can respect that. Anyway I'm Itami first lieutenant of third Recon. What is the UNSC?

Y/n: United Nations Space command the military branch that protects the UEG and humanity as a whole.

As Itami looks shocks that means that this guy is the real deal. Mindy on the mastodon got a message from Samuel.

Samuel: Mindy,we got a situation.

Mindy: What's the problem?

Samuel: We got a flying lizard heading to your location. I suggest you both get ready for a fight.

Mindy: Understood.

Back to Y/n before Itami was going to ask him something he revive a call from Mindy.

Mindy: Y/n we got a contact heading our way.

Y/n: Specify.

Mindy: Well it's a big flying lizard or otherwise called a dragon.

Y/n: Where?

Mindy: East. Your orders Y/n.

Y/n: Get the Gauss canon ready to fire. Prime the misssiles and plasma torpedoes ready. On my signal fire.

Mindy: You got it. Wait what about you?

Y/n the said.

Y/n: I'm going to take the fight to it.

Mindy:  Alright the let's see if the lizard can take one Spartan II commando.

As the call was cut and the mastodon's Gauss canon went online and began to aim at the direction where the dragon was coming from. Third Recon wonder what is going on.

Itami: Hey what's going on?

Y/n: Lieutenant we have a dragon heading our way.

Itami: A dragon.

As on cue there was a big roar which was hear by everyone and there they saw the red flying dragon heading their way. Third recon was getting ready to fight. That is until they didn't see the Spartan go to his vehicle.

Itami: Spartan what are.....

Before he can finish. Y/n disappeared from the spot at Lighting speed still carrying Reach. Which made everyone look shock as they saw him go fast faster than any human and anything they saw. It look like he was heading to meet the dragon head on.

Itami: Does the guy have a death wish.

Kiribayashi: No he doesn't sir. Oh man a Spartan super soldier vs a dragon. Man I wish I brought my camera.

Back to Y/n as he made good distance from the group and saw the dragon notice him. Thinking how he will be easy prey. Boy he was about to be proven wrong.

Y/n: Mindy  Status.

Mindy: The Gauss canon will be ready in two minutes. Hold it off don't let him go for the civvies.

Y/n: I don't intend to. If that overgrow reptile wants to get them. Then he will have to go through me.

After the call he got ready for battle. As the dragon came diving towards him with his mouth building up flames. Y/n aimed Reach and opened fire at the creature. As his rounds begin to hit and pierce the tough hide of the dragon. Unfortunately for it what he is facing isn't the JSDF with their weak rounds,or any warrior. He so facing a Spartan II with weaponry that surpasses anything that has been used against it. As the 12.7 FMJ AP rounds were leaving small holes here it began to bleed. As it roared in Fury and begin to spit fire at him. Which he successfully dodges and continues to fire. Until third Recon decided to join in opening fire on the beast unlike Y/n's rounds theirs keep bouncing off it.

Itami: Damn it our rounds  even 50 Cal ain't doing shut to it.

Kuwahara: Though to seems the Spartan's weapons seem to do it better than ours. How is that possible?

Itami: We'll talk about it when we are not being attacked. I need a Rocket.

With Y/n

Y/n: Come one you overgrow lizard come get some.

Y/n continue to shoot the enemy. Ignoring the JSDF trying to help him to not let the dragon target them. As he continue to pump out the bullets he received a call from Mindy.

Mindy: Y/n the Gauss canon is ready and locked on target.

Y/n: Open fire.

Back at the mastodon the canon was primed and soon light up and sent a Gauss round at mach 1 where it landed a direct hit on the dragon. Taking off the arm but also the shoulder where the meat was seen. Where it roared in pain as it began to take off to get away to recover. Though before it did. It gave the Spartan a glare as it took off and Y/n went to check on Mindy.

Y/n: Mindy are you alright?

Mindy: I'm fine but the people with me aren't. During the battle a dragon fire ball or two hit them we got a few casualties.

Y/n:*sigh* No matter where and when. There will always be civilians casualties.

Mindy: I'm sorry Y/n. I did my best to stop them.

Y/n: I know you did. But that is the nature of war and battles. The least we can do for them is give then a proper funeral.

Mindy: You're right.

Y/n nodded as he ran back to help bury the dead and check for any injured. While the battle may of been won. But it won't be the only one fought. The dragon will not escape the next time they encounter each other for the Spartan will make sure that it's dead not matter how long it will take.
Until then he will have to deal with the JSDF and have a few backup ideas for certain scenarios. For one thing is certain. He will catch the eyes of many for many different reasons. He will need to be ready to face them.

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