A better future for acmedelle

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Grand slappy smiled, "I knew those boys could do it"

Yakko rides the horse back to the forest, the wind howled, choirs filled the air and the Giants stopped attacking.

Gala flies the fire salamander in the air, giving him a sky dive.

Dot, Wakko, daffy, bugs Rudolph and the rest of the comeduldra people walk out of the forest.

Wakko and dot hugged, "I'm sorry I left you behind Wakko, i guess i just want to leave the life as a princess"

"It's ok dot, things changed, I was just so desperate to protect Yakko, the only brother I ever had, I forgot about the sister who was always there for me, when Yakko shut me off"

Then daffy hugs bugs, "I missed you buddy" he cried, "and I'm stubborn enough to admit that"

Bugs chuckles at him and hugs him back, "good to see you too doc"

But Wakko and dot remembers pinky and brain, Minerva and skippy looks up in the sky and she found something.

Then skippy looks down and saw his aunt slappy.

"Aunt slappy" he dropped his spear and ran to her hugging.

"Oh it's good to see you skippy, you really have grown"

"Look at the sky. I just didn't realize there so much of it" Minerva points out.

"34 years..." Freakzoid says

"5 months..." skippy added.

"And 23 days" Freakzoid says again.

The reindeer move out in freedom, Rudolph runs to join them, while Gale signals to Wakko and dot that her Yakko has returned.

They turned to see Yakko approaching them nervously, he didn't know what to say.

All they know was: his hair was fully white....

"Yakko? Is it really you?" Wakko asked.

"Wakko! Dot!" He says their names softly.

Dot runs over to Yakko while Wakko stays behind as she starts crying tears.

"ah!" Yakko winced as dot pulls him in a bear hug.

"We thought we lost you" dot says.

"Lost me? You saved me" he grabs her shoulders.

"Oh good" Then she started hitting him, "THATAS FOR SCARING US AND THATS FOR ABANDONING WAKKO, don't...you...ever...leave...us like that again"

Yakko ran as he was trying to escape his sister's rage.

"Ah ok ok, I guess I deserve that"

"You do deserve that"

But he stopped feeling the pain when he saw Wakko turning away from him.

"Wakko" he walks up to him and grabs his shoulders, Wakko brush hai hand off.

"You broke your promise, you said we were doing this together but you lied to me, all you care is about yourself"

He crossed his arms not showing Yakko his tears.

"Wakko, i was doing this for us, and I do care about you, I had to do it, I had to save our family and fix what our grandfather caused"

"Yeah, I met grandfather"

"You have? Where is he?" Yakko asked.

Then dot grabs his shoulders, "don't worry, he's gone for good"

Then Yakko turns Wakko to him and wipes his tears away with his thumb, then Wakko brown hugging him.

"I was lost till you guys found me, you sibs saved me"

"Again" they both says as yakko touches their shoulders, And, wakko dot, acmedelle did not fall"

"We didn't?"

"The spirits all agree, acmedelle deserves to stand with you Wakko"

"Me? What about dot or you"

"Don't be silly" dot says, "I'm going to be a farmer"

"And You did what was right, for everyone" Yakko says

"Did you find the fifth spirit?" Wakko asked

"Yes...i am the fifth spirit"

Wakko and dot gasped in surprised, "You are the fifth spirit" dot asked.

"You're the bridge" wakko added.

"Well, actually, a bridge has two sides. And a mother had three kids. We did this together. And we'll continue to do this together" he holds his sobs hands.

"Together" dot and Wakko says together.

Then they heard bugs and daffy running, "hey! You guys are okay!"

But then he saw yakko's hair and he was surprised as daffy was.

At the same time, Rudolph runs over to him.

"Wow doc, You look different. Did you dye your hair or something?" Bugs asked as daffy examines him.

"Something like that" Yakko says as she smiles at his sibs.


"Hmm maybe I should dye my hair green" daffy asked.

"Don't dye your hair" bugs scolds him.

"Wakko, I need to ask you a question"

"Sure what is it"

"Do you wanna build snowmice?" Yakko smiles.

"What?" Wakko chuckles.

"Thank goodness, water has memory" Yakko says as a flurry surrounds him and he brings pinky and brain back.

Then dot and brain smiled, pinky and brain opened their eyes and they weee surprised when they saw each other.



The two hugged and they face everyone, "wakko, dot" And when he turns to Yakko he scolds at him, "Yakko"

And Yakko shrugs his shoulders, "You all came back!" Pinky cheers, "I love a happy ending! I mean I presume we're done Or is this putting us in more dangerous situation gonna be, a regular thing?"

Brain grabs his hand and assured him, "No, we're done pinky"

"Well...not exactly"

They see the giants blocking them, they started to panicked till Yakko approached them.

He and the sibs touched the giant's nose and they befriended them.

Wakko and dot reunited with Freakzoid.

"Acmedelle's okay" wakko tells him.


"Comeduldra is beautiful" Yakko says.

Then he was approached by slappy and skippy.

"You know You belong up here" slappy tells him.

"I took an oath to always do what's best for acmedelle Luckily, I know just what that is" he looks up at Wakko.

"I still don't know what transformation means" pinky asked.

"It's simple pinky it means-" brain tries to explain.

"I feel like this forest, has really changed us all" Yakko says as he hugs Wakko and dot.

Then Wakko looks up at him, "I'm going to miss you yakko"

"Me too Wakko, me too, but whatever happens I always love you, you too dot"

"Looks like you're going to be shutting us out again"

The three share a laughed, "go Wakko, go fullfill our family's destiny"

"But what about you"

"I'm needed here but I know you are going to do great for our kingdom"

Cutaway to acmedelle, it was one year and wakko's coronation as he was about to be crown king of acmedelle.

But how will I be king without you

Pinky and brain will guide you, I know you will do great

"Presenting, his Majesty, king Wakko of acmedelle"

After Wakko was king, he walks in acmedelle greeted by his people.

He comes across freakazoid who was reunited with his love one, then he saw pinky and brain roaming around while riding Rudolph.

"Oh, hehe, hey guys" he waved as he saw they were...well dressed.

"Oh...you guys look, great" wakko says.

"I Don't you brain we should've wore something else" pinky says.

"That's not what he's saying"

Then he was greeted by general Freakzoid, "Your Majesty" he bowed.

"General freakazoid, uh...I'll be right back you guys"

Pinky bad Brian saw Wakko walking with freakazoid to the the unveiling of the new statue im the middle of acmedelle.

"I'm so proud of him" pinky cries.

"His brother would be proud" brain smiles.

"Our lands and people, now connected by love" wakko says as he and freakazoid reveal the statute to be young king William and Angelina.

Then he was greeted by gala, "Hi Gale, you like it? Oh, do you mind? I've got a message for my sibs" wakko hands gala a origami letter.

The two letters flew in the air, one flew to the east where bugs was rounding the reindeers with daffy helping him and inside the paper landed on a table where dot was drinking coffee, she saw the paper and opened it.

"Oh it's Wakko" she read the paper, "oh we'll be there"

Then the other went in the forest, it passed by slappy and skippy who was introducing his aunt to his kids.

Then Yakko catches the paper, "Thank you" he reads the letter.

Charade's Friday night, don't be late.
And don't worry, acmedelle is doing just fine.
Keep looking after the forest. I love you....aw I love you too, lil bro"

Then he gets a another letter form dot, "aw...I love you too sis, Hey Gale, we're going for a ride, wanna come?"

Gala summons the water horse, "you ready?" Yakko asked.

He then turns the horse into a ice sculpture and they ride.

"Ahhheeeooo..." he rides on the ice, he was coming back home.

His father and mother looks down form above and as Angelina falls in king William's arm, they smiled to see that their kids brought peace with not only acmedelle but to each other.

The end...

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