Chapter 11: destroying the bridge

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The flurry of pinky and brain blew pass the waterfall and turned into a pile of snow with a couple of violets in it.

When Wakko an dot tan out the cave, Wakko fell on his knees, he broke out crying, he lost everything: his parents, his brother and now pinky and brain, he felt like he lost hope, like everything was gone and there's this another he can't do anymore.

But dot was trying to think of a way to save the forest.

" ok What do we do now?" She asked but she turned to see Wakko broken down, "Wakko?" She asked him for guidance because as the only oldest brother now, she looked up to him, she always looked up to him even when Yakko shut them out.

"Everythings gone for, Yakko pinky and brain, all because of grandfather, it's because of our family's horrible history it's killing the forest, it's because of our ancestors Yakko is gone, everything's changing and I hate it" more tears steamed down his face.

"It's going to be ok Wakko" dot tries to calm down his anxiety, she bends down wrapping her arms around him and pulls him close.

"Dot...why did you become a farmer with bugs?" Yakko asked.

Yes...after dot got married, she and bugs agreed to become reindeer farmers, they have a small cottage farmhouse a but farther from acmedelle.

"Because we wanted to have a small life, to grow a family"

"But you're going to be the next line for queen after me and yakko, what happens if that day comes, what then for!"

"The Next Right Thing" She starts to sing.

"I've seen dark before But not like this
This is cold This is empty This is numb

"The life I knew is over" wakko sings with her.

"The lights are out Hello, darkness I'm ready to succumb we follow you around we always have" she takes wakko's hand and they walk.

Wakko sings "But you've gone to a place I cannot find This grief has a gravity It pulls me down But a tiny voice whispers in my mind "You are lost, hope is gone"

"But you must go on" dot sings, " And do the next right thing"

"Can there be a day beyond this night?" Wakko sings, "I don't know anymore what is true, I can't find my direction, I'm all alone The only star that guided me was you" he looks up at dot

"How to rise from the floor When it's not you I'm rising for? Just do the next right thing" they ran and jump in a tree.

"Take a step, step again It is all that I can to do
The next right thing" dot sings as they landed down.

"I won't look too far ahead It's too much for me to take But break it down to this next breath" wakko sings.

"This next step This next choice is one that I can make So I'll walk through this night" dot sings

"Stumbling blindly toward the light And do the next right thing And with the dawn, what comes then" wakko sings

"When it's clear that everything will never be the same again? Then I'll make the choice
To hear that voice" dot sings

"And do the next right thing" they both sing the last part together with a perfect melody.

They look up to see the bridge, then they turned to each other and nodded.

"We got it destroy that bridge" dot says as they both ran.

They rushed through the woods, pushing through the trees.

"SO HIW DO WE BREAK THE BRIDGE" Wakko asked as he shout.

"I Don't know, I thought you might know" dot says.

But as they get through the trees, she pushes him back, he stops and looks up, he was shocked.

When they see the rock giant...


Then dot got an idea, "that's it, HEY! Wake up!"

"Huh" dot waves her arms to make the giant see her/

"Wake up!!!"

"Dot what are you doing?" Wakko asked.

He panicked when the giant woke up and saw dot, he slowly comes after her.

"The giant Wakko! He cena break the bridge"

Wakko knew what she was thinking and he does the same, "HEY!" He waves his hands to grab the giant's attention, "Come and catch us! Come on!"

"Come on ugly"

The Giant woke the other giants and they chased dot and Wakko.

"That's It, Keep coming!" Dot shout at them.

Then They stopped and duck when they saw the giant throwing larger rocks at them.

"Well That worked too" wakko says.

"This way guys"

Daffy and bugs rode on Rudolph but they felt the ground shaking, "Wollongong" bugs say which was a code word for Rudolph to calm down when something scares him.

"What was that?" Daffy asked.

But they looked up and their faces dropped when they saw the giants.

Freakzoid with his soldiers saw the giants heading to the dam, "What? They're leading them to the dam!"

Wakko and dot tan as much as they could but the giants made it a struggle for them as the giant stomps make them bounce.

And when the giant tries to stomp on them, they were saved by bugs and daffy.

"Bugs!" Dot shout his name as daffy was terrified.

"AH! What are you crazy, he could've crushed us" daffy exasperated.

"Well it's a darn shame then, I would've thrown you off, ok dot, I'm here. What do you need?" Bugs asked her.

"To get to the dam!"

"You got it!"

The giant throws trees at them but Rudolph leaps over them.

Then the giants try looking for them as they arrived to the dam.

"Thank you!"

Wakko and dot ran to the bridge as daffy looks back to see the giants getting closer.

"Whatever you plan on doing, you better do it fast"

"Wakko! Help me up!"

Wakko gives dot a boost up the dam...

"We'll meet you around!" Wakko tells them as for grabs his hand and helps him up.

But when they get up, they were surprised to find Lieutenant Freakzoid.

"Lieutenant Freakzoid" they both said.

"Your Highness, I see What are you doing? Let me help"

Dot and Wakko smiled as they wave for the giants.

"We need to get the giants attention" wakko says.

"Ah excellent PLAN, hey, big guy, over here"

But just then king Salazar jumps in front of Wakko, dot and Wakko were surprised to see their grandfather alive and in person for the first time.

"What do you two think you're doing"

"The dam must fall. It's the only way to break the mist and free the forest" dot told him, "we'll doing what you should have done, fixing our families mistake and name"

"No! Don't you see magic makes people think tiger in power, for others to fear"

"That is not true grandpa" wakko yells at him.

Then Lieutenant Freakzoid steps up, "my king the first is suffering because of the dam and because of you"

"Lieutenant Freakzoid, you sworn to protect Arendelle at all costs!"

"I swore to protect the royal family and helping others, I was not told to hurt the innocent"

"Acmedelle has no future until we make this right! You betrayed everyone grandfather!" Dot tells him.

King salvar was shocked, "How do you know that?"

"Our brother gave his life, for the truth. Please, before we lose anyone else...we know your good inside, we are your family after all" wakko begged.

King Salazar was trying to process everything when dog takes his hand but he pulls his sword.

"It's obvious I didn't kill your brother fast enough"

He swings his sword to dot, screaming, Wakko saw and he grabbed Lieutenant Freakzoid's sword.

He was surprised but Wakko blocked king Salazar's sword form dot, she flinched but she saw how he pushes king Salazar away and lures him far from her.

" GO! Destroy the dam! I'll distract him"wakko tells her.

Dot looks back and saw Lieutenant Freakzoid and the other acmedelle soldiers making noises by gaming their shields with their swords.

"Yeah! Yeah! That's it, Destroy the Dam, come on!" Dot cheers.

Meanwhile Wakko was battling with his grandfather, they clashed their swords together.

"Throw your boulders!

"That's it"

The giants started to throw their boulders to the dam, it send them running.

Dot and Lieutenant Freakzoid saw Wakko was still fighting the old king.

But king Salazar turn and his wife's open wide in horror when he saw the dam was getting destroyed.

He turns to Wakko, glaring at him, "What have you done"

Dot rubs further to the dam, getting the giant's attention, they destroy more of the dam, dot tries to run but she ended up falling.

"AH!" But she was caught by Lieutenant Freakzoid, "Hang on your majesty" then bugs helps her up.

Then everyone focused their attentions to Wakko and king Salazar.

He knocks the sword out of wakko's hand, Wakko watched as his sword fell down in the ocean.

Then he turns to king Salazar as he was about to finish Wakko.

"It's over! I won! You are just as useless as your brother! You and your siblings aren't fit to rule a kingdom or to be king or queen, your finished"

But Wakko turns to see a boulder hurdling towards them.

"My son was a fool to raise children with magic, all it does is make you weak"

"No! Grandfather your wrong, magic doesn't make you weak, it makes you stronger with the ones you love that helps you and Yakko is a great king, he's a better king then you'll ever be and I'm not finished you are"

He kicks him off and as he ran, king Salazar turned and he screams: "AH" he saw the boulder coming towards him, it hit him and he fell with the dam.

Wakko was about it fall in the river when Rudolph saved him.

The dam broke and the magic was freed, all the spirits saw.

The pile of snow of pinky and brain glowed, and The Yakko unfreezes into an ice statue and falls in the river, the water horse saw and saved him.

Everyone from acmedelle saw the flood was heading to acmedelle, then Yakko comes to the recuse on the horse, he gets in front of acmedelle and he and the horse team up together and he builds a giant ice shied over the flood blocking acmedelle from getting destroyed.

He breaks down the ice and the flood comes down.

Acmedelle was saved...

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