chapter 2

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             After the 1 hour long skiing session with Sahil, I went back to our suite and after a quick shower got dressed in my casuals while grabbing a black leather jacket to complete the bad boy look I was going for today.

           As soon as I, Sahil, Aanya, along with mum and dad entered the party hall, everyone's eyes landed on us.  Come on ya people! Dont you have anything better to do then staring at every person entering here! Sure we all were attractive, who am I kidding? We were hell lotta attractive. Dont judge me, I was just stating the truth.

          As we walked past the crowd to greet the hosts, I caught a few guys staring at Aanya. How many times have I told this girl to dress a little bit more modestly but she always ended up wearing something figure hugging. How did mum and dad approve her dressing this way? Sighing internally, I went towards the guys. "Hey", I greeted. "Hey man, wassup?" They replied in a monotonous tone resuming back to checking Aanya out.

         "Nothing much, just wanted to make sure you guys stop staring at my sister like you have never seen a girl before, just diverting attention you know." , I cooly stated causing them to gasp.

         I might have not threatened them or anything  but my mere statement had shaken them up. Happens with everyone.  I guess its just in my personality, genes inherited from dad.

            "Sorry", they hardly managed to stutter. I left them staring at me with open mouths while I walked away triuomphantly. Now, what am I exactly supposed to do? I went towards my mum sitting with Mrs Hussain, our host's wife.

              I went and took a seat besides my mum. "Looks like someone is still mumma's boy, huh?" Mrs Hussain smirked causing me to groan. Who on earth told ladies that sitting beside your mum indicates that a person is mumma's boy? This was the umpteenth time someone was teasing me this way. Well, to be honest it was the truth so who was I to protest?

             Just as a young girl joined in I made up my mind to leave. Mum can start pairing me up with anyone, anytime and I had no intention of embarrassing myself. Just as mum started to nudge me, I excused myself. Winking at mum, I motioned he that I was escaping causing her to glare at me. No matter how much you glare, I'm going queen Victoria. Smiling to myself I made myself towards the garden area.

             While standing in a corner, I observed all the people around me. Sahil was chatting with two girls while Aanya was sitting with some girl, probably her age looking bored. The look in her eyes seemed like she would runaway any second. Some girls passed by, clearly checking me out and sending me flirtatious smiles.

          "Salam, whats a guy like you doing all alone in a party like this?". I turned around to find myself staring at the most gorgeous lady I have ever laid my eyes on.

             Staring intently at her greenish brown orbs which had some flecks of a color I could not describe, I was lost for words. For the first time in my entire life, Arhan Ahad had been left awestruck and speechless...

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