chapter 3

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         guys, I'm really sorry. Stupid me! I feel like kicking myself. I thought d previous chapter was lost and was blaming wattpad all along. Now this is the same chapter posted again in another form. Pls tell me which of the two is better n il unpublish the other! Sorry fr d inconvenience.
         I, along with my family stroded into the party hall, I saw many amomgst the population swooning at us. Girls on me and Sahil and guys on Ahana, our little sister. Mum and dad were no less even if they were aged.  Our family could always be mistaken for some royal family.

            I quickly strided towards the drinks counter and got myself a cool drink.

          As I was sipping my drink, something caught my eye. Looks like this party id gonna get interesting for sometime. I quickly walked over to the guys eyeing Ahana. Glancing over at Ahana I rolled my eyes. How could I blame them if my own sister was wearing such figure hugging clothes.  That girl was always fond of attracting unwanted attention. 

             "Hey", I greeted them, they replied without even glancing at me. Looks like they are Ahanastruck!

         "Whats with you guys staring at that young girl. Looks like your eyes are gonna pop out."


            After a little pause, the guys mumbled a "whats your problem dude?" "Nothing, its just that you guys staring at my sister like that is giving me the creeps and I want you to stop doing it." With this said I started walking away.

          They gulped guiltily as they finally saw me and managed to stutter a sorry.  I nodded and walked away. I knew this was bound to happen. While girls managed to flirt with me I didn't understand what possesses the guys when they see me, they usually start blabbering.

       Not their fault probably, it was in my manner of speech and the authoritative look I acquired from dad that generally gave them red alert or might I call alert vibes. Thats how those guys agreed to my order without me having to tell them off twice.

          Satisfied with myself I joined my mum seated with some random lady. As soon as I made myself comfortable, the lady started speaking about marriage and started asking me a dozen dumb questions. With a "I will marry when I find the right girl aunty" I sat back again. Though said politely, my answer forbid further enquire. 

           Just as I thought I was finally done with all of this, in walked a girl and my mum's 'mother' mode switched on and she started nudging me.  I Smirked as I excused myself before mum suggested something that would humiliate me or give any wrong ideas to the girl.

        Searching for an isolated place where I would be able to find some peace of mind, I walkef to the garden area where I could see my little sister looking bored out of her wits sitting with some girl. A laugh escaped my lips as I imagined a big "rescue me" written on her forehead.

           As I was standing staring into the sky, something or more precisely someone crashed into me.

            I turned around to be captivated by two mesmerising green orbs. Eyes I have never laid my eyes on. That green was an unusual one. Seemed like it held deep secrets.....ones I could write a whole book about.

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