Getting the Band(shell) Back Together

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The McGees and Scratch are stepping off their car ready to enter Brighton Hills, Brighton's nursing home. "Hey, this isn't the National Taco Convention!" Scratch angrily throws his "Taco Loco" hat on the ground. He then shapeshifts into a hand pointing at Molly. "You lied to me!" He said. "Yeah, well, if I'd told you we were volunteering, you would have complained the whole way here." Molly said. "Wait, wait, wait, wait. We're volunteering? At a nursing home? On purpose? Over my undead body!" Scratch shapeshifts again into a wall, blocking the way in. "Hey Scratch, wanna know my favorite thing about ghosts? You can walk right through 'em!" (Y/n) said. The McGees walk right through Scratch with ease. Scratch changes back to his normal form. "What you people just did is considered VERY rude in the Ghost World!" He shouted. "C'mon, Scratch. Volunteering bonds us McGees together." Pete said. "Well, I'm no McGee." Scratch said. "Good point. What is your last name?" Sharon asked. 

"I'm a one-name icon, baby!" Scratch puts on some star-shaped sunglasses. "Uh, are you sure? 'Cause I thought your last name was... " Darryl presses a button on his Obnoxitron, making a blech sound. Both laugh. "Ah, man, you get me every time with that thing!" Scratch said. "We had to buy our son a toy called the "Obnoxitron"?" Sharon asked. Pete smiles nervously as Scratch starts pressing different buttons on the toy. Inside, music plays. Sharon is giving Senior Aerobic classes. "Right arm! Left leg! Jazz hands!" She said. "Can we pick up the pace, dear? We don't exactly have all the time in the world." An old lady asked. Sharon picks up the pace. "You heard her, double time! Left! Right! Left! Right!" She said. In another room, Pete is taking suggestions to present to the City Council.

 "Well, that's a great suggestion!" He said, holding paper and notepad. "You work for the city? Because I have a few ideas." An old man said. "Oh-ho! Let me be your mouth. I'll pass 'em right on to the City Council!" Pete said. The old man starts hitting Pete with his cane. "One. Libraries. Why should my taxes pay for books so other people can read for free?" He asked. "Oh, boy." Pete said to himself. "Public parks." The man continued. Meanwhile, old people are playing cards. Scratch passes each player to help Darryl cheat. "Darryl, they got nothing. That guy over there?" Scratch points to an old man with glasses covering his cards. "One of his cards is a napkin." He said. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm all in." Darryl pushes a stack of candy forward as his bet. At the other side of the room Molly and (Y/n) are talking to a woman.

"Wow, Patty. You've lived in Brighton your whole life? My family and I just moved to town." Molly said. "Hmm. Well, we all make mistakes. Mine was Bobby Daniel, and he rode a motorcycle. Hmm-mm-mm..." Patty said. Molly moves aside. "Uh, that's, um..." she said. "Hey, I think that guy with the napkin is cheating." Scratch said. "You mean he's also cheating?" (Y/n) snarked. "I was looking for sympathy, not judgement." Scratch said. Molly looks at a photo. "Patty, is that you? What is this place?" She asked. "Oh, the old Brighton Bandshell. We used to have concerts on that park. Everyone would bring a picnic and dance to the music. Anyway, a tornado tore down the whole bandshell in '79." Patty said. "That's terrible!" Molly and (Y/n) said. "Oh my gosh, that's awesome!" Scratch said. Molly and (Y/n) glare at him. "I mean, tornadoes are awesome, not, uh, it's not awesome that her special place was-" he said. "Uh-huh." Molly said. "You know, ruined." Scratch said. "You're getting there..." (Y/n) said. "But to be honest, I don't feel too bad about it 'cause I'm not really invested in this woman. I'm not even sure who she is." Scratch leaves. "Why didn't the city rebuild it?" Molly asked. 

"Not a priority", they said. Brighton isn't what it used to be." Patty said. "Scratch, we know what we need to do next!" (Y/n) said. Scratch comes back with a pizza in hand. "I'm really hoping it's order a pizza, with pineapple this time! But I really fear that it's gonna be something about putting the bandshell... " he said. Molly excitedly hugs him. "Yes, you get me!" She said. "Oh, I get you alright! I get you and your sister 24/7!" Scratch said. Pete is at the City Council, taking all the suggestions from the nursing home there. "And finally, the citizen proposes charging for... green lights. Not exactly sure how we'd even do that..." Pete said. "We'll take all that under advisement, McGee. Well, I have a hot date with a cool lady. See what I did...So, if there's no further business, this meeting is adjour—" (Y/n) kicks the door open. "Mr. Mayor, I've got business so further, it'll melt your mind!" (Y/n), Molly and Darryl enter the room while carrying a project. Scratch and Sharon follow behind. "Hello, Brighton City Council! I am Molly McGee, and this is my twin sister (Y/n) and my brother Darryl." Molly said. "Sup?" Darryl asked. "My kids! Participating in local politics! I've never been more proud." Pete said. "Consider the future. It's where we'll spend the rest of our lives, but what will it hold? The Brighton Mega-Arena!" (Y/n) removes the sheet covering her arena model. "It's a 60,000 seat sports complex." She said. Darryl presses a button in the Obnoxitron making cheering sounds. "A music venue!" Molly said.

There's an electric guitar noise. "A world-class water park." (Y/n) said. And splashing sounds. "A dog run!" Molly said. Darryl presses the wrong button and screaming is heard. "Whoops, wrong button." Darryl presses the button with dogs barking. "And a donut shop!" (Y/n) said. Sharon then throws donuts to the council. "So what do you think? Let's build this baby, right?" Molly asked. "Ms. McGees, your proposal is certainly bold, but sadly, a 60,000 seat "Mega-Arena" is too big for a small town like Brighton. Thank you and we do hope you'll come back someday with something a little more realistic." The mayor said. (Y/n) turns around heartbroken just to then turn towards the Mayor, smiling. 

"Psych! That day is right now!" She said. Molly grabs her model of the Mega-Arena and smashes it on the ground to reveal a much small bandshell model. "The new and improved Brighton Bandshell!" She said. Pete gasps. "A bait and switch!" He said. "I watched them build both models and I still did not see that coming!" Scratch said. "We just learned about the original Brighton Bandshell and how much it meant to the community." (Y/n) said. "Whoa, whoa." The mayor chuckles. "Hold on. We're not gonna rebuild the bandshell." He said. "But..." Molly said. "Times are hard, and we simply don't have the money for the bandshell. I'm sorry." The mayor said. Molly and (Y/n) are disappointed. Sharon tries to take away one of the donuts she gave out but Molly stops her. "No, Mom. They can keep the donuts. Let them feast on the carcass of a young girl's dreams." Molly said. As the McGees leave, Scratch tries to throw a chair, only being able to make it fall over. "It's OK, honeys. We know you tried your hardest." Sharon said. "Thanks, Mom, but that wasn't our hardest. If they won't give us the money to fix the bandshell, then we're gonna take it to the streets!" (Y/n) said.

Molly: ♪ Just give ♪

Chorus: ♪ Give back ♪

(Y/n): ♪ Give what you can ♪

Chorus: ♪ Give back ♪

Molly:♪ It's time to prove

you're not a jerk ♪

♪ Come help your fellow man ♪

♪ Just give ♪

Chorus: ♪ Give back ♪

(Y/n): ♪ Whatever you got ♪

Chorus: ♪ Give back ♪

Molly: ♪ It doesn't need to be a lot ♪

♪ But we'd prefer if it's a lot ♪

Chorus: ♪ That's not enough ♪

(Y/n): ♪ Give more ♪

Chorus: ♪ Still not enough ♪

Molly: ♪ Give more ♪

♪ When you stop and think about it ♪

♪ What do you really

need your money for? ♪

Man: Uh, food?

(Y/n): Oh, yeah, that's a good point. Here ya go... in cash!

Chorus: ♪ Give back ♪

Molly: ♪ Your 90-inch TV ♪

Chorus: ♪ Give back ♪

Molly: ♪ Your cryptocurrency ♪

Chorus: ♪ Give back ♪

(Y/n): ♪ Your giant SUV ♪ Which, to be honest, you should probably consider selling anyway. Electric cars are affordable, and reliable, and we could each do a little bit more to decrease ♪ Our carbon footprint ♪

Molly: ♪ Everybody pitch in

Write down your ATM PIN ♪

Chorus: ♪ Give back ♪

(Y/n): ♪ Take a look inside your heart ♪

♪ Then liquidate your assets ♪

Molly: ♪ And give ♪

Chorus: ♪ Give back ♪

(Y/n):♪ Give us money ♪

Chorus: ♪ Give back ♪

Molly: ♪ Just give ♪

Chorus: ♪ Give back ♪

(Y/n): ♪ Give us money ♪

Chorus: ♪ Give back ♪

Molly: ♪ Just give ♪

♪ Us money ♪

Molly and (Y/n) are outside checking the money they've gotten so far when Scratch arrives with a sack full of money. "Consider the fundraising over. Your hero has arrived!" He said. "Uh, where did you get so much money, Scratch?" (Y/n) asked suspiciously. "Well, you know, I'm very good at numbers. I just crunched 'em, I stretched 'em, I analyzed my accounts, I timed the market—" Police sirens are heard from the distance. "Did you rob a bank!?" Molly asked. "Molly McGee! Do you really think so little of me?" Scratch opens the sack when a dye pack explodes on his face. "It was a credit union." He said. "TAKE IT BACK! TAKE IT BACK!" (Y/n) shouted. Later, the twins are counting the money they have collected. "Whoa. We raised a lot of money... But it's not enough. We can pay for the materials, but not the labor..." Molly said. "Oh, gee whiz, well, there's no way we can build the bandshell ourselves. You know what? To cheer us up, let's go down in the park and make fun of babies! Little dummies can't even walk. I mean, why do they make shoes for 'em?" Scratch asked. (Y/n) sighs. "You're right about one thing, Scratch. We can't build the bandshell ourselves." She said. "I'm glad you're finally coming around to reason on this one, (N/n)." Scratch said. "No, I mean we can't build it alone." (Y/n) said. 

"Oh, no. I don't like that face. The reeks of hope!" Scratch said. "But what if the whole town pitched in?" Molly asked. "Oh, no! Stop turning, wheels in Molly's and (Y/n)'s head!" Scratch said. "We'll have a community work day!" (Y/n) said. "No one's gonna work for free!" Scratch said. "Um, yes they will, because people care, Scratch. They'll show up. You'll see." Molly said. "And then you'll see my famous "told ya" dance." (Y/n) starts humming and dancing. "Ugh, cringey..." Scratch said. "That's just a little preview for ya." Molly said. Molly and (Y/n) go again to the streets, posting flyers, to recruit people help build the new bandshell. Once done giving out flayers, Molly, (Y/n) and their family wait at the park with the material ready to build the bandshell. No one shows up.

 "People are totally coming, don't worry." Molly said. (Y/n) drums her fingers. "Any... second now... Ok they're not coming." She said. "Oh, excuse me, coming through, boy, it's so crowded around here." Scratch chuckles. "Hey (N/n), how you doing? Oh sorry, you know, I was trying to remember who it was that was gonna do the "told ya" dance. Was it you, or was it?" Scratch starts dancing. "Na-ta-ta-ta! Ta-ta-ta-ta told ya!... Ah, it's no fun if you're gonna be sad. Tough break, (N/n). I'm not... Not really great with the feelings stuff, so I'm just gonna..." Scratch pats her shoulder. "Give you one of these... " he said. "I guess it's just us. Anyone know how to use a table saw?" Molly asked. Clattering sounds are heard. "Darryl, not now with the Obnoxitron." Sharon said. "It's not me!" He argued. Patty and her friends from Brighton Hills show up. "Patty!" Molly and (Y/n) said. "Sorry we're late. Some of us don't travel as fast as we used to." She said. "Then we better get to it!" Molly said. "And, uh, hey, Scratch? Told ya." (Y/n) pokes Scratch's nose and starts dancing.

♪ T-t-t-told ya

T-t-told ya ♪

♪ T-t-t-t-t-t-t-told ya ♪

"And this is the part where I go like... bam! Told ya, na-na, bam! Told ya! It's got another three minutes." (Y/n) said. Patty and her friends look at each other, wondering what she's doing.

♪ Give, give what you can ♪

♪ Just a couple hours of your day ♪

♪ Can help make the world

a better place ♪

♪ Lend a hand ♪

♪ Grab a tool ♪

♪ We don't mind a little drool ♪

♪ 'Cause there's nothing better

Than building all together ♪

(Libby passes by with the softball team)

Molly gasps "Libby!"

♪ Come donate your energies ♪

♪ Give! ♪

♪ Spackle all those crevices ♪

♪ Give! ♪

♪ Take a break and catch some Z's ♪

♪ Oh wait no, that man's deceased ♪

An old man passes away

Scratch pushes the man's soul back. "Hey! Get back in that body!"

Old Man: Now let's get back to work.

♪ Just give ♪

♪ Give your day away ♪

♪ Grab a nail gun and go nuts ♪

♪ Give your day away ♪

♪ Shout out to the guy

who brought donuts ♪

♪ Give your day away

Give! Give! Give! Give! ♪

♪ Let's make

a better place to live ♪

♪ All we need to do is give ♪

The bandshell is finished and everyone is chatting. "What do you think, Patty?" Molly asked. "Oh, it's beautiful!" She said. "Yeah, we tried to make it match the original as close as we could." (Y/n) said. "No, not this. This!" Patty signals the crowd. "This is the Brighton I remember. Thank you, dears." She said. "Well, Miss McGees, I must admit I'm impressed. You brought the whole town together and got the bandshell built. So... who's gonna play it?" The mayor asked. "Oh. Oh, no, okay, I didn't think about that. Uh..." Molly said. "Oh boy." (Y/n) said. Darry starts playing with his Obnoxitron. "Not you, Darryl!" (Y/n) shouted. "He's so good on that thing!" Scratch said.

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