The (Un)natural

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Molly and (Y/n) are cheering up the Lemmings team while they are playing a softball match. "Whoo! Let's go Lemmings!" Molly said. The ball gets hit by the bat, two girls from the Lemmings team try to catch it while Andrea, who is checking her phone, ignores the game. "I got it!" The twins said. They both crash each other and the ball touches the ground. "And be aware of your surroundings. You gotta believe and be aware of your surroundings!" (Y/n) said. "..and I terrified one William Palmer...Scare Report done and off to the Ghost Council it goes!" Scratch opens a portal and throws the report. It lands on a Ghost Council member's face. "Now what's going on here?" He asked. Molly points to the team score in the board. It shows "Lemmings: 0 and Guest: 19" "Nineteen to nothing? Ugh. Is there like, any other team we can root for?" Scratch asked. "No, Scratch. Look, all that Libby and the Lemmings need to succeed is a little encouragement!" Molly said. "And nobody encourages harder than us." (Y/n) said. 

"Well, that's true." Scratch agreed. "And once the Lemmings start winning, that'll "en-happify" out little town in Brighton!" Molly said. "En-happify?" Scratch asked. "It's a word..." Molly said. The sound of a ball getting hit by the bat is heard in the background. "That ball's going right to Libby! You got it girl!" (Y/n) said. Libby gets distracted and hit by the ball in the head and falls to the floor. "Nope, I can't put a positive spin on it. They are terrible..." Molly said. After the game Molly and (Y/n) go to see Libby. Sheela and Kat pass by, defeated, as the losing team. "I don't want to play anymore." Kat said. "Why do I even try?" Sheela asked. "That was some really great standing in the field, Libby." (Y/n) said. "It was outstanding, um, standing." Molly added. "It's okay, Molly. We know we're awful. Thanks for coming though. It was nice to hear your cheers... over all the weeping." Libby said. Scratch poofs in. "Welp, time to call it a day, huh? We should really get going. I got a nap with my name on it." He said. "The Lemmings don't believe in themselves, Scratch." (Y/n) said. "They don't believe they can be winners." Molly said. "Well, they believe correctly, Moll, because, follow me on this..." Scratch forms the word ¨LOSERS¨ with his arms. "They're losers." He said. "Hey, everybody deserves a chance to succeed." (Y/n) said. "So, what if we joined the Lemmings and taught them the power of positive thinking?" Molly asked her sister. Molly and (Y/n) run to the infield. The background changes to rainbows and unicorns to reflect their energy.

"A lifetime diet of animated films has taught us that as long as we believe in ourselves, we can do anything!" Molly said. Scratch approaches them and ¨pops¨ the background. "Yeah, okay, but, uh...have either of you ever even played softball?" He asked. "Us? Play softball? Is that what you're asking?" (Y/n) asked. "Have we ever played it?" Molly asked. "Yeah." Scratch said. "No." (Y/n) said. "Have we wanted to play it?" Molly asked. "Also no." (Y/n) said. "But are we gonna play it? Heck to the yes!" Molly throws the softball ball to the air. This falls back and hits to a Lemming member in the background. "Sorry!" She said. Later at another game, Molly and (Y/n) are wearing the team clothes and are trying to encourage the team members. "Okay, Lemmings. To win this game, all we need to do is believe in ourselves." Molly said. "We're winners¨ on three. One, two..." (Y/n) said. The team members ignore them. "Three? We're winners?" (Y/n) asked. "I'm hungry..." one of them said. "I think we could've planned that better." (Y/n) said. "Okay, good enough." Molly said, and (Y/n) face palms. 

"For the Skylarks, batting first, Tammy Myers!" The announcer said. Tammy walks self-assured to the infield. She grabs the softball bat and takes her stance. "Let's see what you've got, kid." She said. (Y/n) stands in pitcher position, preparing herself to throw the ball. "Phew.. Just Believe." (Y/n) attempts throwing the ball, failing miserably in the process. The Skylarks members laugh at (Y/n)'s lack of softball playing skills. "Is there a circus in town? 'Cause there's a clown on the mound!" Tammy said. "Hey!" Molly shouted, glaring at her. Scratch notices how the other team members are making fun of (Y/n). "Whoo! How dare you make fun of (Y/n) McGee? That's my job!" He shouted. (Y/n) tries throwing the ball again, suddenly the ball gains a blue glow and starts to move on its own. Tammy tries hitting it but fails. "Strike one." A man said. "Lucky Pitch..." Tammy said. The ball is thrown again and Tammy misses it. "Strike Two." (Y/n) throws the ball a third time. Tammy tries hitting it multiple times only for the ball to avoid all her movements. "Strike three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. You're out. Three times." he ball returns to (Y/n). "Ho-Ho! Let's hear it for the power of positive thinking." Molly said. It turns out it was Scratch the one who was possessing it to help (Y/n) win the game. "Hahaha, Ow!" He said. Scratch continues helping Molly and (Y/n) win the game without them knowing.

♪1,2,3,4 woo!♪

♪If you believe♪

♪That's all we need to win♪

♪If you believe♪

♪We can do anything♪

♪Everybody, all together♪

♪Wanna hear you sing♪


♪If you believe♪

♪If you believe♪

"That's the game! The Lemmings win!" The announcer said. To celebrate, The Lemmings members carry Molly and (Y/n) while they chant their names. "Molly! (Y/n)! Molly! (Y/n)! Molly!" They shouted. (Y/n), Molly and Scratch are resting in bleachers. Molly talks to Scratch about how she and (Y/n) made the team win. "Yeah, we started a little rough, but, man, I guess positive thinking can really super charge you, because we CRUSHED IT!" Molly said, high fiving (Y/n). "Hahaha, Yes, you, and (Y/n), Molly, certainly crushed it on your own. Hehehe." Scratch laughs. "What're you doing? Why're you laughing like that? Why..." (Y/n) gasps. "It was you and your ghost-y powers! That's why I was good! You cheated, Scratch! Why would you do that?" She asked. Molly gasps and crushes Scratch with a hug. "Is it because we're friends?" She asked. "No! It's not, ugh... Listen! If somebody's gonna crush your spirits.." Scratch shape-shifts into a bigger red form. "IT'S GONNA BE ME!" 

Scratch returns back to his normal blue form. "Sorry, I screamed, but I just... Point is... I cannot wait until the next game when we do it all over again!" He said. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, Scratch! We're not doing this again! We may have just cheated, but we are no cheaters!" Molly said. Suddenly Scratch has an idea, for a moment he shape-shifts into a purple form with a mischievous grin on his face, then he changes back. "Girls, you said it yourselves! Everybody deserves a chance to succeed. Well, today the Lemmings tasted victory.. For the first time in their miserable lives, they believed in themselves!" He said. "Miserable's kind of..." (Y/n) said. Scratch points to the Lemmings member's families. "And look at the parents!" Parents are celebrating as well. They throw a car upside down. "You wanted to en-happify Brighton, right?" He asked. "I know it's, it's technically wrong to cheat, but to help Libby and the Lemmings and Brighton..." (Y/n) said. "Wrong feels kinda right...?" Molly finished. "You just won yourself a hug. Bring it over here!" Scratch embraces Molly and (Y/n) into a big hug. "Ugh, oh, okay, okay, okay, okay. But only until the Lemmings believe in themselves!" (Y/n) said. "Not one second more!" Molly agreed. Scratch lets go of them. "Absolutely! And also, I stopped listening after you said, Wrong feels right." He said.

♪If you believe♪

Male voice: And cheat a little.

Singer: ♪That all we need to win♪

♪If you believe♪

Male voice: And cheat a little.

Singer: ♪We can do anything♪

♪Everybody, all together♪

♪Wanna hear you sing♪


Male voice: And cheat.

Singer: ♪If you believe♪

Molly and (Y/n) are giving a speech to the Lemmings team. The members are finally looking at them. "Lemmings, we weren't supposed to make it to the Tournament Final, and yet here we are. Our town is proud of us. I'm proud of us. And now we are ready to face off against our arc-rivals, the Skylarks!" (Y/n) said. "And it's all because we believed in ourselves!" Molly said. "What?" Libby asked. "Girls, we're winners because of you. The rest of us, we're still terrible." Libby said. "Very terrible...Awful." the twins said. "I'm here just 'cause I like the uniforms." Andrea said. "Of course." (Y/n) mumbled. "Look, we know we stink, but it doesn't matter, because we've got you two to mask the scent of our incredible stinkiness. You are our team deodorant! Now let's get out there, Lemmings, and watch Molly and (Y/n) win this championship for us!" Libby said. "Yeah! Yeah!" The team said. All the members except for Molly and (Y/n) take their position. Scratch appears besides Molly, playing with the softball ball. "Hey, Moll, look what I'm doing with my tongue!" He said. "We're cheating for nothing, Scratch. Our teammates don't believe in themselves." Molly said. "They only believe in... us, their team deodorants. That's not my favorite nickname." (Y/n) said. "Yeah...Ah, well, there's nothing you can do. Except keep on cheating!" Scratch said. "Yeah, there's nothing we can do." Molly said.

Time Skip

"So, that was easy, I mean, we're up 18 to zip. And now all we gotta do is nail this one last out, and we're champions!" Scratch said. Suddenly a ghost portal opens behind Scratch. The Ghost Council is summoning him. " Uh-Oh..." Scratch tries holding on to Molly's glove. "Oh, no! The Ghost Council is summoning me!" He said. "What? Now? I can't do this without you!" Molly said. "They have terrible timing! Look, just stall and I'll be back as soon as I can...!" Scratch can't hold on any longer and gets sucked into the Ghost Portal. "Hey, Hey, There's my guys. Look, you know, I'm in the middle of a thing right now. It's pretty important..." he said. "We just wanted to discuss your Monthly Scare Report, Scratch." One of the them said. "On page three, it says you scared Billy Palmer..." a Cyan Ghost said. "But then, on page five, it says you terrified a William Palmer." A Blue Ghost said. "Are Billy and William the same person?" A pink ghost asked. "I don't know. Maybe?" Scratch asked. "They are." The cyan ghost said. "Which means you're one scare short for the month, Scratch." The pink ghost said. "Scare someone..." the blue ghost began. "TODAY!" All four said. Scratch is sent back to Earth, 

where the softball game is taking place. "Sorry, Moll. Ghost work thing. But, good news, I'm back! So let's get this baby wrapped up..." Scratch looks up to Molly's and (Y/n)'s faces, they look very nervous. Then he looks at the board. It shows "Lemmings 18- Guest 17". "What the hey! You gave up 17 runs and the bases are loaded?! How?" He asked. "I don't know, man. I don't know. It's a blur of bats, and balls, and humiliation." Molly said. Tammy walks to batter position. "I knew you'd start losing sooner or later." She said. "Lucky for you two, I'm back. Now let's just take this jerk down. I'm thinking a fastball up her nose. If you know what I mean." Scratch said. "No, Scratch. She's gonna finish this game herself." (Y/n) said. "What? No! We just need one more out! Think of the Lemmings, Molly! Think of Brighton! En-happify them!" Scratch said. "We want to en-happify Brighton. But we did all this to help the Lemmings believe in themselves. Well, now it's time I believe in the Lemmings. So, no more cheating!" Molly said.

 "Okay, I mean, it's your loss. Literally, 'cause you will lose." Scratch said. "Ugh! Stop talking to yourself and pitch!" Tammy said. Molly throws the ball at Tammy. She hits it hard and the ball hits one of the Lemmings' players. It keeps hiting players and bouncing all over the infield while the Lemmings try to catch it. "Ugh, Don't worry, I got this." Scratch said. "No, the Lemmings got it!" (Y/n) said. The softball ball starts falling to Libby's direction. "It's going to Libby! You can do this, Libby!" Molly said. "Believe in yourself!" (Y/n) added. "Believe in yourself, believe in yourself." Libby said. "Oh, it's bad. I can't watch." Scratch said. "Believe in yourself, believe in your-" Libby is hit hard in the face by the ball. "Oof!" (Y/n), Molly and Scratch said. Libby sits up. She notices that she caught the ball with her mouth. She pulls it out along with one of her tooth and shows it, indicating that the Lemmings won. The team celebrates their win by carrying Libby.

♪If you believe♪

♪We can do anything♪

♪If you believe♪

♪That all we need to win♪

♪Everybody, all together♪

♪Wanna hear you sing♪


Accidentally, Libby falls and hits the floor hard. "Ooh!" Libby in a wheelchair holds the softball trophy. One of her arms and one of her legs in a cast. The rest of the Lemmings are with her while (Y/n), Molly and Scratch are sitting on the bleachers. "I'm so proud of this team. The Lemmings really pulled it together to win this thing!" Libby said. "We did it, Scratch. The good people of Brighton are happy because the Lemmings, even Libby, believe in themselves!" (Y/n) said. "And the best part is, it was an honest win." Molly said. "It wasn't." Scratch said. "The only part anyone will remember, was an honest win." (Y/n) said. "You may have won today, McGees, but tomorrow you'll still be pathetic. Hahahaha!" Tammy said. "Oh, hey, that reminds me. I'll be right back." Scratch quickly flies off. A loud roar and Tammy's scary scream can be heard, indicating that Scratch went to scare Tammy off. He returns to Molly and (Y/n) a second later holding a pen and paper. "So, is that Tammy with a Y or an I?" Scratch asked with a smirk.

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