Alternate ToftA Part 1

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You guys decided that I do the one where I torture Ezra a lot and there is Ashoka and not blind Kanan. You guys say I'm mean to Ezra. Summary:

Alternate ending to Twilight of the Apprentice. Instead of fighting Ashoka in the end, Vader knock outs all three Jedi and takes them. Vader tortures them all but mostly Ezra. Will the three survive? Will they escape?

Well here is the first part. I think this one will be like the Maul and Ezra one. Many parts but still good. Well tell me your thoughts. I love all your comments. Enjoy and let's see how this goes.

Ezra's POV:

Ashoka was still inside the temple. Once I had my master inside the Phantom, I ran to her side. She was talking to Vader. Part of his mask was destroyed and it was creepy.

"I won't leave you. Not this time," Ashoka says and her voice is loud and clear. She needs to come. This is a Sith Lord for crying out loud.

"Ashoka come on. We have to go," I yell and Ashoka wasn't listening. No. I won't leave without her.

"Then you will die," Vader says and advances toward her. I run to Ashoka but then I see her fall. What?

The Sith Lord then comes towards me and my master. I back away but I feel lightheaded. I turn to face the Phantom and see Kanan collapsing too.

The ground was coming fast to me. I hit my head then all was dark and faraway. We're going to die. My eyes roll back bringing me to unconsciousness.

Time Skip

My head was pounding. My muscles feel like I ran 10 light years. Wait. Malachor. Vader. Ashoka. Maul. Kanan blind. Lightsaber destroyed. Going to die. But I didn't.

I got something a lot worse. I am now a prisoner to the empire. Did my friends get this unlucky? Are they alive? Maybe they need my help.

I open my eyes to see a dark cell with some red. I was laying on a metal bench the imperials call a bed. I try to rub my eyes but I can't move my hands.

I had cuffs blocking any circulation into my wrists and hands. What's worse? My hands were behind my back so my arms were extremely sore. The cuffs weighs a lot, too. These are design specifically for me. Great. I roll my eyes and sit up.

After taking a few moments trying to find a way to sit, i find it and survey my surroundings. No vents. Only one door with hand print activation. There was only my bench and nothing else. Yet.

I struggle in the restraints and try to stand. Big mistake. I felt dizzy and light headed again. I sat back down immediately and try to connect to the force. I thought I was going to be blocked off but I wasn't.

I felt Kanan and Ashoka but also Vader. That son of a bantha. He has taken too much already. I won't let him take my spirit, my will, and my dignity. Once I see him. . .

The door slides open to reveal the black menace. I start at the ground losing all my courage form earlier. What did you expect? This is VADER!!! I am dead!!!

He just stares at me expecting me to do something. Yeah I have common sense so doing something means losing a limb. The logic isn't hard to see.

"Padawan Ezra Bridger. You have caused the empire much trouble and even more once you trained to be a Jedi. Tell me where are your rebel comrades and I might spare your life," he says. His mechanical breathing was freaking me out. It sounds like he is a living machine. I need to say something powerful and strong willed.

"Then you'll just have to kill me," I say and I stare Vader straight into his eyes. Or where they should be. I held and Vader breaks off first. He rolls up his glove and shows a control panel. I wonder what it's for?

The cuffs. Sudden realization hit me and hit me hard. I look down and see a lot of pain coming from those to me soon. I struggle to get out of the restraints but got no where. I look back up at Vader and he found the right button.

He pushes it and electricity runs through my whole body. Every bone was shaking. Every muscle was tense and electrified. My body withers and shakes like no tomorrow. My back arches for one second. The next I am curled up in a ball. I scream until my throat is hoarse and bloody.

I won't tell him anything. He can do whatever he wants but I am not going to kill my friends. My family. Kanan and Ashoka could be going through this too. They wouldn't want me to just give up. They would want me to stay strong. I am really good at pep talks with myself.

After who knows how long, the electricity dies down and I am just twitching. My hair was burning I think. I just smell smoke. I was somehow still on the bench barely. I try to move away from the edge, but my muscles shock me from the inside. Pain is all I feel.

"I will ask this again. Where are your rebel comrades?" Vader asks. He is starring at me and I see his hand lower to the button. I close my eyes in anticipation.

When no electricity comes for a few moments, I open my eye and see Vader waiting. What? I just continue to close my eyes and do nothing.

"So be it child," I hear him then the electricity tore through my body again. It was worse. I fall off the bench onto the cold floor. I shake and I swear my mind was being electrocuted. I couldn't think one straight thought.

The electricity dies slowly, leaving me twitching. I smell my clothes burning. I open my eyes but they're only slits. Vader is standing the same spot unaffected and ready to push the button again. I was tired and weak but I still won't tell him anything.

"Are you ready to reveal anything child?" Vader asks and I close my eyes. Control my breathing and try to find inner peace. Once I find it, I open my eyes and stare down Vader.

"Just push the button already," my voice was strong. No hesitation or fear came from me. I wait for the inevitable fate.

Vader is in shock. He didn't expect me to keep fighting. He didn't think I would want more. He thought I would beg. He thought I would have broken by now. Not the case.

"If you insist," Vader says and pushes the button. I feel the electricity but I feel stronger now. I shocked the Sith Lord. Maybe I could get out here. Maybe all of us can get out of here.

Once the electricity dies, Vader instantly pushes the button again, giving me break to breathe. My screams fill the cell and I sense amusements from Vader. I shake and wither even more. Moving even more.

"Once you are ready to tell me something, this will end," Vader says. I open my eyes still shaking in pain. I see him barely and knew my response.

"I will never tell you anything," I says and then close my eyes feeling the electricity race across my body. Vader push some more buttons that increase the intensity of the electricity. Just great.

"Then this will never end," he says and watches me. Watches me scream. Watches me shake. Watches me twitch. Watches me convulse. Watches me never get use to the pain. He isn't affected by it at all. My torture has just begun.

Hope you like. And yes re torture has just begun for Ezra, Kanan, and Ashoka. Don't worry they are still alive just in a different cell suffering the same thing. Maybe. We'll see. Tell me your thoughts. May the force be with you, always. Long live SWRebels!!!!!!!

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