Alternate ToftA Part 13

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I am a really mean writer. Two cliffhangers in a row. Must be from some of my books. Well it is all borrowed time anyway. 😰😢😭😰😢😭😰😢😭. Comment if you know this quote. Hits me every time. I saw Wonder Woman and I cried. It was so sad and amazing. It was a perfect movie. Well here it is. Enjoy. Tell me your thoughts. Again don't kill me. Here you go.

Sabine's POV:

The door opens and Ashoka's hand flew and their blades activated with a hiss. I hear a darker hiss meaning Vader was in there. Zeb and I enter and Ezra was locked onto a torture table made for someone a lot bigger.

On the floor, was a gaping hole. Traces of acid. What were they doing to Ezra? At least he was conscious but there were multiple blood stains. He was staring at Ashoka and Kanan. Vader was there distracted by their fighting at least.

I go to the control panel and push a few buttons. Ezra is released and falls into Zeb's hands. Zeb had his ears down. He was smelling all the blood and burned flesh and clothing. Like Ezra was nothing, Ezra was thrown over Zeb's shoulder. We started running.

I was ahead shooting at any trooper coming our way. Zeb was doing all the heavy lifting. We turn the corner and there stood Agent Kallus, bo-rifle activated. I hear Zeb growl.

"You!" Hatred and anger laced that one word. He helped did this to Ezra. My blasters point to his head. If he thinks he will live, then we have a problem.

"Hear me out. I was the one who sent you the information. I didn't hurt him the way they did. I would never stand by at the torture of a child," Kallus says. He looks honest and true. Zeb must have believed so because he ran past him with Ezra still on his shoulder.

We ran after him and in a minute we were at the Phantom. Zeb lays him down on multiple seats. Zeb then put his ear to Ezra's unmoving chest. He isn't breathing.

I rush to Zeb's side. Zeb starts pounding Ezra's chest. There was no response. Zeb continues CPR. I was frozen. Ezra can't die. There was moisture on my face. Maybe it was just sweat. Zeb continues to pound his chest getting no results.

Ashoka's POV:

The syringe was flown straight into the floor. The acid made a hole in the floor. Anger was all I felt. Vader will pay. I won't go easy.

When I woke up, I saw Kanan. It was just an hallucination. But then I felt Ezra's pain and fear. He was going to be killed. Both Kanan and I tried to get out but then Sabine and Zeb came. My weapons were handed to me and I just jumped into Vader.

Kanan and I have tried to hit Vader but he was able to deflect all three of our blades. We force push him back and sprint towards the Phantom. We need to get out of here before Vader catches up.

I help direct Kanan through the countless turns. Finally we were standing at the entrance of the Phantom. We get in and shut the opening.

"We need to get going if we are going to get out," I say. Then I notice the limp body of Ezra. He was lain across multiple seats. His chest wasn't moving. Both of our breaths stop.

Zeb tries to do CPR again. Kanan falls next to Zeb and holds his hand. Sabine was a pale ghost next to Ezra. None of the Rebels were moving. Deep down I feel Vader. He's almost here. I snap out of my depression and grab the controls of the Phantom.

Zeb's POV:

I felt the kid's heart stop about halfway there. I started CPR immediately but it wasn't working. None of it was working. The child was so still. So damn still.

I didn't want to get this far just to lose a member. He is my friend. My brother. It was horrible without him. Now life without him was unimaginable. I kept pounding on his chest trying to get anything. Sabine was pale and she was barely breathing.

Kanan and Ashoka rushed in the Phantom. They were gasping but in good health. I return to Ezra smelling the blood again.

Once I entered the cell, blood was all I smelled. Ezra was coated in it. Even if he lives, he will be stuck in the med-bay till Hera says so. So forever.

Kanan comes next to me and grins the kid's hand. There was a cloth covering his eyes but other then that he seemed fine. Ashoka was at the ship's controls. We were detaching. I hold Ezra's body still to prevent further injuries.

Kanan was still holding Ezra's hand. Probably doing something with the mysterious force. I just hope it works. Sabine is able to knock out of her gaze and starts ordering the other Rebels to hold on. Ashoka then flies us straight into the space battle.

Hera's POV:

I must say, we aren't doing horrible. We have only lost a few fighters and most of the ties are nothing but dust. The Ghost's shields were only at 64% but we have hit the Destroyer multiple times.

Sato's ships were doing well too. We might just get out of this alive. I blast a tie and I do another round to the Destroyer.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the Phantom. Great, they made it. I open the com link between me and them. Maybe I can get their status.

"Specter 2 to Phantom. What's your status?" I ask. There was silence until I hear the static on the other end.

"Fulcrum here Specter 2. Most of us are fine. Ezra. . .," a silence fell between them. "He needs a lot of medical attention fast." My heart skips a beat.

"Got it Fulcrum. Go get out of here. We'll meet you at the Spot. Specter 2 out." I throw this thought out of my head. I need to stay concentrated. Hopefully Ezra is okay.

Ezra's POV:

I died. One minute I was breathing and in a ton of pain. The next there is no pain just darkness and silence. I must say I really like it. It might be boring but there is no pain.



Suddenly there is pain to my chest. It was like someone was pounding into it with their fists. Why would anyone do that to a dead body?

Realization hit me hard. They're theming to revive me. But who are they? I can't remember much of me being alive but hopefully it was good.

This continues for a while but I didn't breathe in the air of life or however it works. Finally, they stops but after a hand grips my hand like no tomorrow, the pounding continues. Come on! Can't I die in peace.

"Ezra," a voice whispers in my head. That name sounds familiar but o don't know. I go inside my mind and figure out a way to reply.

"Who's that?" The pounding stops and I wait for some reply.

"That's you," I hear the voice say. It was calm and nice. I wanted to keep hearing this voice.

"I'm Ezra. Then who are you?" I ask. I didn't want this voice to leave. Maybe if we keep talking the pounding will stop for good.

"I'm Kanan, your master." I see a light across from me. But this Kanan person kept me from going to it. But if he was my master maybe he was bad to me. Maybe he was the one who brought me pain. Deep down though I know that isn't true.

"What do you?" I ask. I hear a chuckle from the voice. Is that a funny question?

"I am a Jedi and you are my apprentice. I am your master to help lead and teach you in the force. The force is the thing that surrounds and binds us all together. It is the thing holding us together." Suddenly images flash through my mind of training, using the force, and the first time the force was explained. A tear escapes me.

I saw all of it. My whole life and the bad and the good. I saw my old family but I saw the new one as well. Finally, I saw my torture all over again. Tears were falling freely. I was on my knees. The light seems closer now, coming to sallow me up.

"Now please come back to us." The voice says. Gentle, warm, loving all the things I want. I see the light again. It was over me now.

"I will."

Kanan's POV:

My hand slips out of his. Sweat clung to my entire being. I was shaking slightly. Hopefully Ezra comes back. He has a strong will and I know he can get through this.

I still felt that tether between us. I reached to it barely grasping it. But once I got a hold of it, I didn't let go. I wasn't going to let Ezra go. I couldn't let him with his life ahead of him.

Ashoka got us into hyperspace sometime ago. How much time passed? Zeb stopped doing CPR knowing it was pointless.

I look at the lifeless body of my Padawan. I hold his hand and gently push his raven hair back. Smiling at him. My heart skips a beat when I feel his hand tighten around mine.

There you go. May the force be with you, always. Long live SWRebels!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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