Alternate ToftA Part 14

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Hey guys. This has been fun and long. But it has come to an end. I might just cry. But the ending of this means new ideas and well just more fun. I can do more things like this. Or different. I can do father and son, mother and son, brother and brother, or Sabezra and Kanera. Tell me your thoughts. Here you go. Enjoy!!!

Ezra's POV:

I gasp. My eyes shot open. I was trying to get air into my lungs. I try to sit up but pain. Pain shoots from well everywhere. There were no more coherent thoughts.

I tighten my hand around Kanan's. He brought me back. The light was over me but I urged myself to live. To survive. It worked.

A weak sigh escapes me. I look around. Zeb was right next to me with a relieved look. Sabine look downright overjoyed. Color seems to be returning to her face. Then Kanan looked exhausted but happy. I smile and close my eyes for some sleep.

Ashoka's POV:

All of us breathed a sigh of relief. Ezra woke up. He was breathing. He slowly closed his eyes to go into a deep sleep. Zeb was watching him like hawk to make sure he was breathing. Sabine found a first aid kit and some other Rebels help her with some of the injuries. There were still too many.

Kanan was still holding his hand making sure he stays alive. I don't know what he did but whatever it was it worked. I'll have to ask about that on a later day. For now we must relax and heal. Both mentally and physically.

The fact that Ezra could hold his own was impressive. Especially since he was only training for a year. Kanan and I need to discuss his training. I watch as the blue hues of hyperspace fade into a black void.

Time Skip

Ezra's POV:

I wake up again. I had a mask on me and it was circulated air for me. I was so tired. Must be the drugs. Everything was hazy. But all in all I felt a lot better. My broken bones were mending and breathing wasn't the hardest thing in the world.

I was okay. I wasn't going to be tortured. Well, maybe that might not be true. There is still Hera to deal with. Soon the drugs take full affect and I go back to sleep.

Hera's POV:

Kanan's eyes are permanently blind thanks to the Sith Lord Maul. Ashoka is fine and back to work. Ezra is still in the med-bay and will be until he is 17 or doesn't attract trouble.

He had several broken bones, cuts, and even lightsaber marks. There was evidence of electricity. It hits me hard seeing my youngest weak and injured. I want to keep him away from all danger. All of them. But in a war we must all fight.

We took a jump into a random spot and  Ezra was given to the medical team. He has been with them for 4 days. Kanan and Ashoka have been checked but they mostly were concern with Ezra.

Ezra has been in and out of it. The medics have been giving him heavy sedatives. His boy must heal naturally so no bacta tanks. Despite most of our requests.

Kanan hasn't left Ezra side since we got to the base. At least he goes to eat and sometimes sleep. Ashoka just jumped back into work and every now or then checks up on Ezra. The rest of us go visit Ezra whenever we can. I've been assigning tasks to many do the Rebels giving me little time with Ezra.

Zeb and Sabine visit everyday with Chopper. They give me updates on his condition when their is improvement. We are like a real family.

I walk into the med-bay and I get to Ezra's room. He had a respirator to keep him breathing when his ribs were healing. Also, there was some damage to his chest and the doctors didn't want any unfortunate surprises.

Sadly, all the doctors here were not the most knowledgeable. They did the best they could. They mostly do blaster wounds and minor cuts. Maybe a broken bone or two. Ezra was in critical condition. His life was in their hands.

His legs and arms were healing nicely though. His nose was set. There were a lot of white bandages all over him. His arms and his chest were covered. It saddens me more than anything.

Today Ezra was awake. He looks more conscious then ever before. I walk closer to him and hold his hand. I smile and he looks my way.

"Hey Hera," says Ezra. His voice was quiet and raspy. Well, the respirator might be the problem.

"Hey. How ya feeling?" I ask. I start moving my hand through his hair. It seems to relax him.

"Better. But I am probably not leaving this place anytime soon," he jokes. I chuckle. Ezra cast a glance to the machine on the other side of the bed.

"What?" I ask. The blanket was over his chest and legs. He was wearing a white shirt with some white pants. His skin was a little paler but I knew once he was out it'll disappear.

"I saw the same machine on the Destroyer. What does it do?" he asks. He barleys talks about his time imprisoned. Maybe only Kanan and Ashoka hear this stuff. They both say that Ezra will tell us in time. He just isn't ready.

"Well, it makes the mask work. It is also controlling the dosage you get from the IV. It is, right now, telling us about your condition and what else needs to be healed. Like your ribs and some other things." Ezra stares at the machine. Then he blinks and returns to me. His hand tightens around mine.

"Thank you. Once I am healed, I will give you guys the story. Kanan and Ashoka think it's for the best." I am in shock. I lifted my hand from his head and hold his other hand.

"Ezra take your time. We want to know. But this ordeal has been horrible. You can tell us when you are ready. Okay?" He nods. His eyes start closing. I release him and watch as he falls to a soundless sleep. Well, except for the respirator. I smile at the sight.

Mother and son. I love writing stuff like this. Well tell me your thoughts. I have some new ideas. The next part will be the finale. It has been fun. I let him live. The Jedi is in me. Not much but there is one. The rest of me is all Sith. May the force be with you, always. Long live SWRebels!!!!!

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