Undercover Part 10

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So we are getting close. Thank the force. But then I go this from @jedirogue :

Evil. Truly evil. I want answers. What is it? Please. I am not breathing properly anymore. I need season 4. Help. Help. Help. Season 4. Ezra. Anybody. That isn't Vader, Thrawn, or anyone in the empire, Maul, and Star Wars hating people. I hear the new season will come out on September 23. That is too far. Light years away. Light years I say. This chapter will make me feel better. Here you go. Enjoy!

Ezra's POV:

Me and my big mouth. I deserve a prize for it. I'm in medical and probably will be for the next week. It hurts to think of breathing. And also physically breathe. Almost all my homes in my body are either broken or fractured.

The breathing mask is really annoying. I'm getting shots every couple hours that block the force. Lastly, the male inquisitor's feet is on top of my chest. He is currently sleeping. I have my limbs strapped down so I am stuck suffering.

The door opens to reveal Vader. Maybe he can get rid of this inquisitor. He walks over and the male wakes up all of a sudden. He bows and I roll my eyes.

"You were suppose to inform me when Bridger was awake," says Vader. His tone was cold and sends chills up and down my spine.

The inquisitor stays bowing. Smart. "My lord. It won't happen again." I resist the urge to smile.

"It better," Vader now turns to me. Karabast. "You are to be transferred in two days. The Emperor wants to see you." No. No no no no. I won't survive. The Emperor will kill me. He'll break into my mind and find the location of the base.

Two days. I need to either escape, which is highly unlikely, or hope my friends get here in time. I keep a calm face and the inquisitor leaves. It was only me and Vader.

"The inquisitors did a good job. Medical found you in a pool of your own blood. Tomorrow Thrawn and I will take our chance of getting any information." I just keep the passive look and Vader just stares into my eyes. I'm sort of creeped out. But a Sith Lord has that effect. The female inquisitor walks in and takes watch.

What do they think I will do? The thought of moving a finger hurts. I thought of taking a breath hurts. I'm not going to be stupid and try to escape with no weapons and no contact to the force. The empire, still as stupid as ever.

Kanan's POV:

I wake up groaning. All my bones hurt. But I actually got a glimpse of Ezra. He's at Mustafar for sure. But for how long?

They snapped a lot of bones. Cut him and mentally tortured him. They almost ripped apart his mind. Ezra was barely able to keep high shields during the whole thing.

Now fear and still pain come in waves. Huge waves. I try to contact Ezra but he isn't letting me near his mind. I'm impressed but also worried. The only thing that could do that is. . . the Emperor. Oh no.

We can't come a day early. We don't have all the supplies and ships. I take a shaky breath. My chest feels crushed. I don't know how Ezra's even breathing.

I grab my comm. "Hera, can you come over to my room. Or do you want me to come over there?"

"What's this about, love?"


"Come over here to the meeting room. Some of them want to hear this."

I nod. "I'll be there." I walk to the meeting and I still keep getting stares from people.

"Kanan, what is it?" Hera sounds worried. But aren't we all. Word of Ezra's sacrifice was all everyone was talking about. Many were scared that he was going to be executed.

"I know for sure that he is on Mustafar.  And I think they're going to transfer him. Soon," I say. I hear several gasps. I also hear many whisper to each other.

"Thank you for this information, Master Jarrus. But the earliest we can come in is two days," says Bail Organa. I nod.

"As soon as we can leave, we must. We can't lose Ezra to Emperor." Determination came wth every word. I feel a slender, small hand grip mine. I squeeze back and smile for Hera. We'll get him back. I know it.

Time Skip

Ezra's POV:

Stupid Empire. Stupid torture. Today was only suppose to be Thrawn and Vader. Not an early dose of inquisitors. At least not as bad as yesterday. No wait. . . it is.

I'm strapped to the same bloody, standing torture table. Most of the lights were off. It was black with hints of red. So Sith Lord. I feel Vader getting closer and closer. Time for more of this so called fun.

The door hisses open. Vader and Thrawn walk in. Both walk in with so much confidence and precision that sends chills down my spine.

Thrawn's eyes rake across my body. I feel like I'm being studied like an artifact. Oh wait. . . I am one. Vader's mechanical breathing was the only sound in the room plus my labored breaths. But who cares about those.

"Ezra Bridger. Finally we meet face to face," says Thrawn. I don't even hide my eye roll. That earns me a nice long shock. So worth it though.

"I would watch your actions, boy," Vader says. "And your mouth." I just stare into Vader's mask hoping my glare would kill him.

"So, Bridger, what did you learn at our meeting?" I revert my gaze to Thrawn. My face was emotionless. I won't give him anything.

"Nothing." A small smile forms on Thrawn's face. "But also everything." A frown replaces the smile really fast. I smile. Mistake.

Another nice long shock. Still so worth it. Thrawn not wanting to hear anymore of my cryptic nonsense. He'll probably be spending the next couple of days figuringout what I meant. Now I understand why Yoda always spoke in riddles. It is funny seeing people try to understand them.

"The Empire will not tolerate disobedience," Vader says. I get another shock and another and another and so on. After what seemed like hours of shocking, Vader finally decides to change things up. And by that I mean, he brings some torture droids.

Pain and blood. They shock me too. Give me tons of shots. At points I was on fire, while at others I was freezing to death. Worst of all, more broken bones. The fact I'm still awake says a lot.

Vader lost amusement from me being in pain. He let me be taken to medical. In the medical bay, the female inquisitor just touches me face and hair. Creepy. Finally, medical gives me sedatives. I drift into a dreamless sleep.

I feel like I went easy on Ezra. But that might be because Ezra has a life changing moment. He might die. Or Sabezra might happen. Please. Please. Please be the second option. Well hope you like. Love the comments. Keeps me going. May the force be with you, always. Long live SWRebels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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