Undercover Part 11

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Rescue. The hardest part to write. Well, this will have some Sabezra. Maybe a hug or a kiss! Also Kanera too. Shipping coming true. Well, enjoy.

Ezra's POV:

I'm glaring at their female inquisitor. She was just filing her claws. The med-bay is so boring. Especially since I have Ms. Don't Move Or I'll Kill You watching me.

"Why are you glaring at me?"

"I am hoping you'll spontaneously combust."

I got a smack for that. So worth it. Now I'm watching the plain white wall. Sabine would be dying in this plain room. No color and no explosions.

Then I remember I kind-of left her. Dear God she is going to kill me. She will do a million times worse then any of these imperials could do.

I'm going to have pink, sparkly hair for the rest of my life. Or paint bombs on all my stuff. Clothing will be gone. Zeb's teasing non-stop. Chopper's teasing non-stop. Maybe staying here is a better option.

Decisions decisions. I need to make a list of the pros and cons for each. Then I have to still contemplate which one I will choose. I hear Kanan's groan in the back of my mind. I'm just joking. I am definitely going to the rebellion.

I feel something enter me. I whip my head around and see a syringe. It's emptied. Suddenly, parts of my body are like lava. Others are cold that it hurts.

I start writhing in pain. The female just laughs and starts another syringe. I try to move but all limbs are strapped down.

"Ready for another one?" she asks. I shake my head violently.

"I'll take that as a yes." The syringe enters me. All thoughts fizzle out. The female grabs my chin and forces me to look at her.

"We should use the whole tray. What do you think? Say yes or no," she asks. I try to form a word. But once I open my mouth, a scream comes out.

"I'll take that as a yes." She preps another syringe. This is going to be long night or day. Which ever ends sooner.

Time Skip

20 syringes. Why? Why give 20 painful syringes to the person who is trying to heal up from the last torture session? Guess we'll never know.

Where am I now? A cell, strapped to a torture table. I guess 20 syringes was not enough. I've been awake for the past couple minutes and I'm just waiting for the terrible trio. Or horrid duo. Or maybe it will be a disastrous solo.

The door opens to reveal a disastrous solo. The Sith Lord himself, Darth Vader. I am so dead. He walks in and his breathing just echoes in the cell.

The silence was getting at me. Me being me spoke. "So are you just doing electricity today or are we trying something different."

Vader looks surprise that I spoke. I kind-of am too. "Today, you're coming with us to Coruscant." A growing pit was in my stomach. I was scared. But I'm going to get through this.

"So when're we leaving?" I got a shock. The Emperor will kill me. But he won't get anything. I will make the Rebellion proud. Those are my final thoughts as a syringe enters me. Everything turns black.

Cliffhanger. Sorry for the wait. School starts tomorrow and so don't want to go. I will try to get the next part out sooner. I have practice almost everyday of the week. I want the new season. So badly. It kills me everyday. I need Ezra and Sabine and Kanan and Hera and Zeb and Chopper. May the force be with you, always. Long live SWRebels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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