Chapter Four : Bargaining

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     * There won't be a part two for Anger it's just gonna go into this chapter also trigger warning, read everything with caution.*

   The feeling had become unbearable, he  clawed at his throat, choking on air, Which Danny found  quite humorous considering he is dead, and didn't need to breath. Danny  busted through the door of the fentons house hold, throwing the door off its hinges, engulfing his body into darkness. He  frantically tried to take shelter from reality. The world was screaming at him,  His mind was shouting, it was too loud, he couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't take it, he needed everything to just shut up, he needed jazz. He needed her to help stop this God awful feeling. " JAZZ, JAZZ." He cried out for her.

  He had hoped that she would come running down to his side,  shushing him as she was running her hand  through his hair to soothe him. He was met with darkness. He wanted his family back, he would do anything he just needed them. " PLEASE...please I'll do anything please just give them back. " He pleaded heaving.
" I'll be good, I'll be better, I'll be a better son, a better brother...f-friend, please I'll do any-anything, clockwork please. I'll - I'll stop being phantom." His body shook and the sobs didn't stop, by now his breathing  was becoming more and more labored , and his body was tense and couldn't stop shaking. Why couldn't he stop shaking. He just wanted everything to stop, he wanted his old life back, the one where dash bullied him for being a loser. The one where he wasn't the ghost king.

   The one where his family and friends were alive.

   Everything, everything he touched always turned too ashes, literally and figuratively. If  only he could trade places with them, who needs phantom anyways, he's a waste of space, that is a sorry excuse for a hero.

   If only he was fast enough, a better hero. If only he didn't corrupt everything he touched, maybe, MAYBE things would have turned out differently.

    Danny wailed loudly at the thought, if he wasn't phantom none of this would have happened.

    If only he hadn't become  phantom !

   His body froze, the hysterical shaking had halted and  the muddled thoughts dispersed, the single thought on his mind was that he no longer wanted to be phantom.

   He no longer wanted to be here. 

   As the waves of grief and rage crashed over him, his mind became a muddled storm of emotions, completely engulfed in fury and sorrow his body had made a mind of it own, with every step came a ominous cloud of emotion hanging over his head. Not a single thought occupied his mind.

   The place had felt foreign to him, the silence was screaming at him, the house was no longer loud and boisterous with jokes , no longer filled with cheesy dad jokes or facts about ghosts, just eerie silence. Danny halted in front of the lab door, the one where he was never allowed. The one that had  changed him, emotionally and physically. His fist balled up and with a weak attempt he slammed it against the door, unlike his ghostly wail  a scream tore from his throat, his body convulsed with an uncontrollable energy, every muscle tensed and trembed with raw power.

   His eyes, once filled with pain and sorrow, now burned with  a fiery inferno of anger and despair. As if possessed by some vengeful spirit, his limbs moved with a frenzied purpose, striking out with a force that shattered glass and metal alike. This time he knocked the metal door from it mounted hinges.

   The lab around him trembled and groaned, the air smelt of chemicals and cleaning supplies with a hint of ectoplasma, Danny's eyes flashed a dangerous dark green, as equipment and machinery crumpled and splintered under the onslaught of his wrath. Sparks flew, wires snapped, and vials shattered, their contents spilling like tears on the cold, hard floor.

   Each destructive act was a breath of fresh air, a cathartic explosion of pent-up pain and anguish that tore through the very soul of his being. The metal walls reverberated with the sound of destruction, a symphony of chaos and devastation that echoed his inner turmoil.

   In that moment, he was a force of nature, a whirlwind of grief and fury that left a trail of ruin in his wake. He was something that he swore would never happen, he in some way was Dan.

   And as the last remnants of the lab fell to its dimise , he stood amongst the wreckage, eyes hollowed, avoid of emotion, a lone figure in a sea of his own destruction, his heart heavy with loss and his spirit consumed by a darkness that threatened his ghost soul.

    He laughed, his laughter echoed through the empty room bouncing off the walls. It sounded strained and wild, filled with manic energy, his body shook with amusement, his eyes filled with tears as he burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, it didn't last long as fast as it had came it slowly withered away into an eerie silence.His laughter dissolved into  chokeing sobs. His body soon felt too heavy to carry and his legs gave out, slamming into the ground as shards of glass embedded themselves into his skin. However he didn't shout in pain, if anything the pain felt cathartic in a sense. A stream of tears ran down his face, he tried relentlessly to rid their existence but they wouldn't stop coming. He ruined it, he ruined his parents legacy, he had nothing but their memories now. He was all alone.

  " Danny..." Dash called for him as he  enters the room, his eyes widen in astonishment at the sight before him. Danny sat  amongst a pile of shattered glass and metal shards, his body was tense and his expression detached from reality, lost in his own sorrow and grief.

    Danny sat there his eyes distant and lost,  - sadness, guilt, and a hint of resignation. His hands rest on his knees, gripping onto his now tattered and bloody pants.

    The broken glass crunched beneath him as the glass dug deeper into his skin, Danny quickly covered his mouth attempting to hide his cries from dash, the attempt was futile. The strained sobs  echoed throughout the room, a stark contrast to the chaos and destruction that that had unfolded moments before.

    Dash stands frozen in the doorway, his usual bravado and confidence momentarily faltering at the sight.  He watches in silent bewilderment, unsure of how to react or what to say to his friend who is sitting in a pile of glass sobbing.

    As the seconds tick by, the tension in the room mounts, the air heavy with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. Dash's gaze flickers between the broken glass and Danny, a mix of concern and confusion clouding his features as he grapples with the gravity of the situation before him.

    In that moment, as Danny sits there in his own destruction, Dash finally sees the demise of Danny Fenton, how broken he actually is, the weight of his burdens visible in every line of his body, Dash realizes the depth of his friend's struggles and the strength it takes to bear them alone. Dash face softens before the boy and he akes a hesitant step towards Danny. 

    Offering a shoulder to cry on he lifts Danny off the ground, wrapping his arms around the boy as he allows Danny to cry on his chest. The moment however is short lived, a spark catches dash attention.

   " D-Danny." He stutters out with panicked eyes, grabbing a hold of Danny's shoulders, and whips him around, pointing at the hazardous wires flaring in the air.

     In an instant, the portal erupts in a blinding explosion of light and sound, shattering the fragile peace that had settled between Danny and Dash. The force of the blast sends them tumbling to the ground, the room shaking with the intensity of the explosion.

     Amidst the chaos and debris, Danny's instincts kick in, his body moving on pure adrenaline as he shields Dash from the brunt of the blast. His arms wrap protectively around his friend, a shield of ghostly energy forming around them just in time to deflect the worst of the impact.

     As the dust settles and the ringing in their ears fades, Danny and Dash find themselves shaken but miraculously unharmed. Danny's eyes meet Dash's, a silent exchange of relief and gratitude passing between them as they take in the aftermath of the explosion.

     The room is in shambles, the walls scorched and cracked, the portal reduced to smoldering ruins. But amidst the destruction, Danny's mind has flashed back towards the nasty burger incident. He did it again, his own selfish behavior had almost costed another person's life. Lifting the shield Danny began to frantically apologize. " I-I I'm so sorry dash t-this is my fault, I'm so stupid, thinking... NO I wasn't thinking. Oh my God I wasn't thinking, I could have caused the entire block to explode... I.. I so sorry.... D-dash?"

     Dash lays their frozen on the ground, silence fills the air between them before dash looks at Danny, his eyes wide " Y-Your Phantom." Dash mutters appalled by this new discovery.

    " Oh...yeah."

   The ground grumbles one last time. And a second explosion goes off, it happens so fast that Danny doesn't have enough time to react so he shields dash with his body.

   As the aftermath of the explosion settles around them, Danny's body feels heavy with fatigue and the lingering effects of the blast. With a weary groan, he slumps forward, his weight bearing down on Dash as he loses consciousness.

   Dash is caught off guard by the sudden weight of his friend, his arms instinctively wraps around Danny to support his weight. The room is filled with a tense silence, broken only by the sound of their labored breathing and the distant echoes of destruction still ringing in their ears.

    " Danny..." Dash calls out too him with urgency, shaking Danny's  limped body on top of him. When he didn't get a response his heart dropped, feeling around checking for any injuries dash pulled away his hand, a sticky red substance coated his hand, Dash eyes widen at the sight.


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