Chapter Three: Anger ( edited )

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Dash stood in the doorway watching as Danny struggled to put on a tie, his mouth quirked up into a small smile upon seeing Danny's faces scrunch up in frustration. " All you have to do is ask." Dash teased. Danny rolled his eyes, flipping Dash off in the process.

" I am very capable of doing it myself, and why are you here shouldn't you be going with your parents. " Danny had snapped trying to get under Dash skin.

Succeeding, Dash face had turned sour at the mention of his parents. Growling Dash snatched the tie away from Danny and correctly tied it around his neck, in the process choking him a bit. " There you go " he said patting at the black sleek suit Dash loaned him. Although Dash was a lot bigger than Danny he had found a nice black suit in his closet from 8th grade, surprisingly it actually managed to fit the boy. " Now all you gotta do is tame that wild beast." Dash said referring too Danny's messy hair, Dash playfully ruffled his hair teasingly as he let out a wholeheartedly laugh in the process. Finding it amusing seeing Danny face turn red like a tomato.

Danny smacked his hand away rolling his eyes, something he been doing a lot around dash lately, as he attempted to fix the damage Dash caused. " My 'wild beast ' is tamed, anyways... We should get on our way, I wanna leave as soon as possible." Danny said as he took one last glance in the mirror. Looking at the tie he frowned, remembering how Sam would always help Tucker and him tie them as they always managed to get the best of the two. Than Sam would scold them for not knowing how and knock them upside their head and the three would burst into a fit of laughter. Danny would give anything to go back and experience that again.

" Yeah your right we should get our move on." Dash said dragging Danny out the room. The two boys made their way to amity hall, where Vlad Masters had arranged a funeral for all the victims taken by the explosion. As much as Danny hated Vlad with all his heart he couldn't help but be appreciative at the gesture. He had only hope no ghost would appear, Danny phantom hadn't been exactly active since the accident.

- Time skip -

The two appeared in front of a large hall, in front read " TO THE FAMILYS OF THE DECEASED." Danny thought how little effort they put into that sign. Glancing around he noticed almost all of Amity park showed up, which meant there was gonna be a crowd of people. Danny's stomach churned at the thought.

Dash nudged Danny in the shoulders catching the other boys attention " You ok down there pipsqueak." Dash asked his voice laced with concern. Danny looked up at the jock and gave him a reassuring smile. Swinging his arm around the boys shoulder dash guided Danny inside.

The place was absolutely depressing, everything was black and grey, the music was slow and a bit ominous and you could hear sobbing and crying from some folks. Sam would have loved this but Danny, Danny stomach turned even more and he dreaded the evening. However he was doing this for his family and friends, he was here for them. Taking a shaky breath he followed Dash as the jock led them to two empty chairs in the back row.

Around the room there were a plathora of photos put up, of his family and friends and his teacher and of the other victims. Their smiles were obnoxious and it felt like Danny was drowning in guilt. ' if only I wasn't a lousy hero.' He thought to himself. His chest started to ache.

Sitting through the entire ceremony was painful for Danny, to hear Sam's family talk about their daughter so proudly as if they knew her, it had stirred something in Danny , he wanted to scream at them and call their bullshit but he refrained from doing so knowing they they were hurting as well and it would only make things worse. So instead Danny bit his tongue and listened to each person spew bullshit that they were in a better place. He cleanched his fist tightly trying his best to calm his bubbling anger. Yet it seemed it was getting the best of him.

Throughout the entire thing Dash watched as Danny would randomly take deep breaths, wipe his hands on his pants, clench and unclench his fist. His legs shook profusely and Dash wanted to calm him down but he didn't know how. " Hi folks some of you may not know me but I wanted to give a few words, now as you may know Amity park is weird, and amongst the weirdness were people too, and well we didn't accept them we do acknowledge the uniqueness they brought too the community, The Fenton family. It sad to see them past but we will forever see the Fenton's as the crazy ghost family that brought joy too our community May the entire family rest in peace. "

Danny's eyes widen with shock, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, did people actually think he is dead, I mean partially but not too their knowledge. He looked over at dash too see if he had heard that as well. Dash eyebrows were knitted together, his mouth hung open but not a single sound was uttered. " Y-you heard that too right?" Danny breathed out. Dash shook his head.

" They think you're dead, I mean are you." Dash asked stupidly, poking at the boy.

Danny deadpanned at the boy, " Yes I'm still here you n-nitwit." He responded back hitting dash in the shoulder's.

Dash put his hands up in surrender " I kid, I kid ." Dash said with a chuckle, rubbing at the spot Danny abused. " you alright though, pipsqueak, " Dash asked seriously.

Danny shook his head " Good -good all good." Danny stuttered, this was not very convincing but dash shrugged it off. He knew if Danny wasn't good the boy would tell him so.

Or would he?

They weren't exactly the best of friends. Don't get dash wrong, they spent every day and hour together after they made up and Dash hoped they grew closer. But that didn't mean he was considered best friends with the boy. That spot is already filled, if anything Dash was sort of like the caregiver.
" You sure?"

Danny huffed in annoyance " I'm fine ok, just leave it." He snapped, and Dash swore his eyes flashed green for a second. " I'm going to the bathroom for a moment." Danny announced excusing himself before rushing off too the bathroom.

Danny rushed into the bathroom, clutching his chest tightly as tears started to well up. This was too much for him, he couldn't do this. " ok, ok just breathe, I'm ok I'm fine I'm safe." He inhaled deeply as his hand pushed against his chest. " Just breathe." He reminded, waiting for a couple of minutes Danny started to feel like himself again. Although his shaky hands didn't die down everything else seemed to be at peace, his chest still aches but it felt dull.

Wiping away his tears he took one last deep breath, he made his way towards the sink cupping some water and splashing it into his face " Stupid panic attack." He cursed, he hated them, it was such an inconvenience.

Well Danny was in the bathroom, Dash patiently waited for Danny to return, he had hoped Danny is alright. He had been in the bathroom for quite some time and Dash was starting to grow worry. Dash thought he would go check up on him. Standing up he retreated back too his seat, Dash shook his head, ' no you're just gonna push him away, he's fine, Fenton is fine. ' Dash tried to convince himself. Dash couldn't believe this, he's been so captivated by the boy he had almost forgotten the years of torment he put the boy through. Yet dash felt as if they had always been friends. Dash chuckled to himself at the insanity he was causing himself. He gained a few off looks.

Danny exited the bathroom feeling a tab but better, he felt calm. He thanked Jazz, wherever she was , for always reminding him to stay calm and remember all the techniques when it came to panic attacks even anxiety attacks. Danny shook his head at the thought, Jazz wouldn't want him to be sad, nor would his friends. They would want him to see the bright side of things. Danny looked up seeing Dash. Danny felt himself smile, that was right, he was still living in Amity , he still had the house the ghost zone even a friend. He had lost everything he cared for but that didn't stop him from seeing what he gained. " As long as I have those things I'm good." He reassured.

He felt a tap on his shoulder " Daniel Fenton." A voice called. Danny whirled around, meeting eyes with a blonde lady, he knitted his eyebrows together. " My name is Elizabeth, I'm your caseworker, " Elizabeth introduced, outstretching her hand. Danny looked down at her outstretched hand warily, hesitantly he shook her hand. " I wanted to say I apologize for not coming soon, but as you know you're still under the age of 18 and to our knowledge Vlad Masters has terminated his rights as your appointed guardian meaning you belong to the states and therefore under CPS care. We wanted to inform you that you have 48 hours to pack your belongings as you will be placed in foster care..." The lady kept rambling on but Danny blocked everything out. He didn't know how to feel, Vlad per his request was staying away from him, but that meant he had to go into foster care.

" Our condolences." She finally finished, walking off as if she didn't just drop a huge bomb onto Danny's life.

Danny stared at the spot the lady had previously occupied, his mouth was gaped open like a fish under water, how was it possible that these people can just show up at a funeral nonetheless spew bullshit and tell him he's being taken into foster care. Ripping him away from everything hes known, he just couldn't catch a break.

Why just why, what did he do wrong

For God sakes he was a fucking hero

'Hero' he recalled

' I'm a hero, yet why am I standing here at a funeral too people I couldn't save.' He asked himself.

' if anything I'm a lousy hero, I don't deserve to be called a hero.' He thought.

His chest ached

His breathing started to become uneven again

His eyes flashed green

And just like that he stormed out leaving Dash all alone.

End chapter.......

I'm so sorry I took such a long time but here is part one part two will be up soon however that one might be a bit short. Anyways I hope you enjoy.

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