fiona honeybee

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For the applyfic The Honeybees by blythering

BIRTH NAME: Fiona Amari Honeybee

NICKNAMES: Fee, but only her family calls her this


AGE: 14

BIRTHDAY: March 12

GENDER & PRONOUNS: Demigirl, she/they pronouns

SEXUALITY: Asexual Biromantic

APPEARANCE: Fiona is mixed-race, white and Filipina, and thus has a darker skin tone and general coloring. Her hair is long and dark brown, and tends to frizz in humidity. She often braids it or wears it up so it's not in her way. Their eyes, which are an almond shape, are brownish-hazel. Her lips are narrow, but very full. They're kind of short for their age, at only four feet eleven inches tall, but they don't really mind being short.

PERSONALITY: Fiona takes school very seriously. Almost scarily so: you'll never find them without a textbook or notebook, bent over it like their life depends on it. Fiona takes pride in her academics, though she's so focused on school that friendships kind of fall to the wayside. As in, she doesn't really have any. It's not that Fiona dislikes people—they're friendly if you can convince them to get their head out of their books—it's that they're very awkward around people and don't know how to make friends. Besides, Fiona has a big family now, she doesn't need friends the same way she used to. Fiona didn't really learn interpersonal skills growing up and it shows. In conversations not related to school or knowledge, Fiona tends to stumble over their words and say the wrong thing. However, she is a sweet, friendly girl, and likes spending time with people. She cares for others, and is actually quite considerate.

LIKES/DISLIKES: Fiona likes studying, math, school, skirts, books, soft music, cookies, being around people, makeup, puns, and photography. She dislikes physical education classes, saying the wrong thing, swimming (she's just not good at it), hats, high heels, the expectations of society, jewelry, and tomatoes.

HOBBIES: Baking, trying new makeup looks, photography.

FEARS: That she'll never be known for who she truly is, failing high school completely, burning alive, spiders & snakes.

STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Fiona is incredibly book-smart, and is good at studying and academics, especially math. Other strengths include her kindness, a good eye for art and design, and baking. However, Fiona is not good at swimming, talking to other people and making friends, or walking in high heels. They're super awkward.

5 WORDS TO DESCRIBE HER: Intelligent, serious, quiet, awkward, kind.

BACKGROUND: Fiona was an only child, born to a mathematician father and a stay-at-home mom. She was a perfectly average child, full of smiles and cheer. However, it was pretty clear from the start that Fiona's parents weren't really... parent material. Her father was too focused on his work and didn't pay much attention to Fiona, while her mother clearly resented the fact that she was even born. At least, this was clear to other adults. Fiona didn't know any better. Eventually, their parents kind of... gave up. Fiona was seven when she entered the foster care system, very confused about what was happening and why. Luckily, Fiona was only in the system for about a year before Mara adopted them about six years ago—when they were eight. It was hard for Fiona to get used to suddenly being part of a huge family, though she very quickly latched onto Mara, who was exactly the mom she needed. Fiona's always been a quiet child, and used to just follow Mara around the farm, helping her with her work when they could. Of course, Fiona went to school, and was very good at her schoolwork. Though not doing enough to warrant skipping a grade, Fiona did very well, especially in math; to Fiona, numbers are like poetry. However, Fiona has always had difficulty making friends. She wanted to be friends with the other kids, but they seemed to think she was weird, and she kept saying the wrong thing on accident. Fiona's very quiet, and don't know how to make friends. They've just started high school, and it's just as awkward as school always has been for them.

EXTRA BACKGROUND INFO: Fiona's birth parents, Lucas and May Coulter, have not bothered to get back in contact with her over the last seven years.

RELATIONSHIP WITH JULIAN AND MARA: Fiona is extremely close to Mara. As mentioned, they used to follow Mara around the farm, especially when they were first adopted, and became a sort of favorite of Mara's (not that she would admit it, of course). She trusts Mara above everyone else, and refers to her as Mom. Similarly, Julian has never been anything but "Dad" to Fiona. They're not quite as close to him, but they certainly are very close. Fiona looks up to him, though Julian himself probably would say she shouldn't.

INVOLVEMENT ON THE FARM: Fiona tends to do in-between jobs. She's old enough to not do the really simple tasks, but isn't particularly strong or anything. They like to take pictures of things around the farm, and love looking after the animals. She isn't sure yet if she wants to keep working on the farm when she grows up.

ASPIRATIONS/WISHES FOR THE FUTURE: That their family can always be happy and together. Otherwise, she doesn't think too hard about it.

QUOTES: "I don't- what do you mean, exactly?" "All I want is to be seen as a person and not a studying machine." "Just because I have a wide vocabulary does not mean I 'swallowed a dictionary'!"

TRIVIA/EXTRA: Fiona is nearsighted and wears glasses. Her favorite color is blue. She likes "danceable" music.

applyfic status: ongoing!

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