sia volkov

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For the applyfic Runeswick by pseudonym-lux

FULL NAME: Taisia Beatrice Volkov

NICKNAMES: Sia—everyone calls them this. Tai—only used by their brother.

DOB: September 13, 16 years old

GENDER/PRONOUNS: Agender, they/them

RACE/ETHNICITY: White American

SPECIES: Werewolf

FAMILY: Zinaida Volkov, 42, mother. While a single mother, she had a lot of support, meaning she got to invest a great deal of time and love into her children. She's a good mother.
- Andrei Volkov, 16, twin brother. Sia and Andrei are extremely close. They miss him a lot.
- Radimir Volkov, 70, maternal grandfather. A loving and dedicated grandfather.
- Marusya Volkov, 67, maternal grandmother. An excellent cook and the best grandmother Sia could imagine.
- Nastasya Romanov, 44, aunt. Sweet and loving, she's like a second mother to Sia and Andrei.
- Naum Romanov, 44, uncle. Somewhat distant at times, he does care for the kids.
- Mila Romanov, 22, cousin. A little to old for Sia to really be close to, but great for those "older sister" kinds of talks.
- Patya Romanov, 18, cousin. Kind of teasing, but he'll do anything to protect his younger cousins.
- Sofia Romanov, 14, cousin. Sia adores Sofia, and looks out for her when they can.
- Varvara Volkov, 42, aunt. She was a sort of tutor for Sia and their brother (as well as the cousins) growing up.
- Ivan Volkov, 39, uncle. The playful, lovable uncle.
- Lilya Volkov, 37, aunt. Ivan's wife and a sweet woman.

FACECLAIM: Bex Taylor-Klaus

APPEARANCE: Sia is short, only about 5'3, and while mot super muscular, had a firm stance and a runner's body type. They keep their hair—which such a dark brown people tend to think it's black—cut short and out of their face. Their eyes are brown, and they're pale-skinned. They have some freckles, though, especially on their arms. They have a nose piercing, just a stud on the left side.


STYLE: Sia has kind of a butchy style, with a hint of farm kid. Flannels, jeans, boots, the works.

POWERS: The ability to shift into a wolf, of course. It's painful for Sia, more so than it is for others, and no one knows why. But hey, they get extra-good smelling and heading out of the deal too.

PERSONALITY: Sia has never been afraid to say exactly what they think. They speak their mind without hesitation, and, usually, without a filter. You'll always know exactly what they think of you; it's nearly impossible for Sia to keep a secret. Mostly, they simply state exactly what's on their mind without thinking of consequences. Despite this, Sia can be quite sneaky when they want to be. They can almost always get what they want. They can get themself out of just about any kind of trouble, almost without trying, and they're quite proud of it. However, Sia's also a bit rash. Like speaking without thinking, they also act without thinking. They do impulsive things all the time, and they can't quite seem to stop it. They just see something that should be done and do it. Sia is probably neurodivergent, but hasn't bothered with a diagnosis. Sia has their emotions on lockdown, though, never letting anyone see what they really think or feel. They've gotten used to making sure they don't take up too much space, emotionally, and they haven't grown past it yet.

LIKES: Their family, being outside, animals, coffee, patterns & organization, music (especially punk), the color red, making jewelry.

DISLIKES: The pain of their transformations, bigots of course, the fact that they're so short, long books (they don't have the focus), licorice, small children (they're loud), pickles.

HOBBIES: Making jewelry, mostly for their friends. Organizing anything they can get their hands on. Looking after the family's 4 animals (Great Dane named Mal, cat (breed unknown) named Shelko, cat (breed unknown) named Pushistyy, and a chicken called Klevat).

TRIVIA: Sia's family is Russian, though they dropped patronymics when the twins were born with no father present. They're a very fast runner, both as wolf and human. They have some knowledge in regards to medicine. Sia is quite talkative, and a good tracker.

STRENGTHS: Fast runner in both forms, teeth and claws in wolf form, sneaky, honest, can get their way, tracking, matching (patterns, etc.), quick learner, loud, some, creative, good with animals, medicine/healing

WEAKNESSES: Attached to their brother, small in both forms, painful transformations, hides their feelings, impulsive, bad at planning, stubborn, prone to meltdowns (the autistic kind).

BACKSTORY: Taisia was born in the deep of a winter night, only a few minutes after their brother Andrei. Their father was nowhere to be found. They were raised by a single mother, surrounded by her extensive Russian family. It was normal that Tjotja (Aunt) Nastasya should tuck them in at night, or that Deduška (grandfather) Radimir taught them the lessons a father would. Family was important in the Volkov clan, and they weren't going to let the twins' mother do it alone. Sia was raised with no knowledge of their father. They didn't know anything about him, from what he looked like to his name. It didn't bother them as a child—they had more family than they knew what to do with, they didn't need more! So they were happy, for a very long time, with their brother at their side and family all around them, as well as their two childhood friends. Another important thing about the Volkov family—they're all werewolves. They have been for generations, no one even knows how far exactly anymore, but for sure before they left the Old Country. They're also, as a family, very proud of both their Russian heritage and their werewolfism; though of course they know when to keep the latter quiet. For the most part, though, Sia's life has been normal, besides them coming out as nonbinary when they were twelve. It wasn't really a big deal for anyone, to be honest, which they're perpetually thankful for. Then, only a few months ago, Andrei disappeared. Sia doesn't know where he went or why. They do know one thing, though: they miss him.

COLOR SCHEME: Red, black, and dark gray.

QUOTES: "Has anyone seen my brother? At all? He's been missing for months." "Look, I have no idea if that plan's gonna work, but I think we should try it anyway." " Not gonna lie, that's stupid."

applyfic status: ongoing!

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