rhiannon rose armitage

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For the applyfic Deterrent by curiosityanddreams

NAME: Rhiannon Rose Alexandria Armitage

NICKNAMES: None, unless you're trying to get hit

PREFERRED NAME: Rhiannon Rose. Yes both names

AGE: 21

GENDER & PRONOUNS: Female, she/her

SEXUALITY: Pansexual

FACECLAIM: Darya Lebedeva

PERSONALITY: Riches come easily to Rhiannon Rose. She's accustomed to getting everything she wants, when she wants it. She can be a little stuck-up because of this, though because she's the family disappointment with a criminal record, she's been knocked down a notch or two. Rhiannon Rose's interest in engineering comes from studying her own cyborg parts; she wanted to know how they worked and how she could make them better. There was many a time when Rhiannon Rose would be found elbow-deep in some feat of engineering, her designer clothes nearly destroyed from all the dirt and grease. She has a bit of a "don't-touch-me" attitude that puts people off, but that's honestly just how she was raised. Rhiannon Rose isn't the best type of person, what with her attitude and penchant for pyrotechnics, but she's made enough friends to not be a total loner. Though honestly, she wouldn't mind too much if she were a loner. Other people aren't necessary for her; Rhiannon Rose views them as a bonus. She's fine with being alone; thrives this way, even. Rhiannon Rose has a sort of combative personality. She'll hit first, ask questions later, and is likely to respond to comments she doesn't like with an explosion of rage and also punching. It's just how she is.

APPEARENCE: Rhiannon Rose has two cyborg limbs—her right leg and arm. The leg is pretty normal for a cyber limb—no fancy augmentations, just functionality. The arm, though, is unique. The hand contains a magnifying glass, of a little arm that hides in her palm when not in use, and is pretty resistant to heavy damage—think Winter Soldier arm, but feminine and built for an engineer to use.

BACKSTORY: Rhiannon Rose is the youngest of four siblings, born to the very affluent Armitage family in the Arch district. She wanted for nothing, getting whatever she asked for as a child. When she was eleven, Rhiannon Rose was in an accident. Her older sister was driving her around the city, showing her the factories their father owned, and wasn't paying enough attention. There was a wreck. Both girls lived, but Rhiannon Rose's right leg and arm were crushed. They had to replace them both. That's where Rhiannon Rose's cybernetics come from—though they look very much like normal limbs, and function well, it's still easy to tell they're cybernetic. She doesn't tell anyone about it, on her mother's orders. Her mother, who wants all her children to be perfect, poised. Her mother, who wants her two daughters to be perfect trophy wives, and decided that Rhiannon Rose can't be a trophy wife with two "fake" limbs. Even still, her mother tried desperately to keep Rhiannon Rose home when she applied began to study engineering a few years ago, but Rhiannon Rose ignored her. She moved out into Leth shortly after this, with an advance on her inheritance paying her way and a job apprenticing with an engineer. She didn't stay out of trouble for long, though. See, Rhiannon Rose is a firebug. She loves the flames, loves to watch them climb higher and higher. And she just couldn't resist setting things on fire.

OCCUPATION: Engineer's apprentice

BURROUGH & SOCIAL CLASS: Originally from the Arch, but most recently living in Leth. High-middle class, raised in extreme wealth.

FAMILY: Alexandria Armitage, mother, 56. Benjamin Armitage, father, 53. Erik Armitage, brother, 27. Hannah Thomson, sister, 26. William Thomson, brother-in-law, 26. Victor Armitage, brother, 24.

FRIENDS/RELATIONSHIP: Her sister, Hannah, counts here. Her boss, Stephano Treloar, age 52. He's pretty gruff, but Rhiannon Rose likes him a lot. She has a roommate, Oswin Arnold, who's 22. They're a student of biology, and work at a store. They're not super close friends, but get along well. Then Oswin's best friend, Mari Seabrook. Mari's 22 also, and Rhiannon Rose likes her a great deal.

LIKES/DISLIKES/FEARS: Rhiannon Rose likes engineering, creating, dark colors, fire, getting what she wants, soft drinks, and nonfiction books. She dislikes dresses, lacy clothes, being regarded as delicate or in need of protection, thinking about her accident, her mother, spicy food, a vast majority of people. She's afraid of driving fast or being in a car with an inattentive driver, as it reminds her of the accident. She's also afraid of being used for her body/gender, losing her cybernetic limbs, and burning to death.


CRIMINAL DETAILS: Oh she's guilty. She didn't even try to deny it. She's set fire to many buildings in her time, though she tries to make sure they're empty when she does—she doesn't want to hurt people. She just wants to see the flames. Rhiannon Rose was finally caught once, when she had to wait too long for the building to empty and was caught setting it ablaze. It's safe to say she was quickly taken in.

SONGS: Burn It Down by Linkin Park, Been to Hell by Hollywood Undead, City by Hollywood Undead

QUOTES: "I am in control. Don't think I'm not." "Isn't the fire beautiful?"

ADDITIONAL TRIVIA: Normally she carries around firemaking implements and some small things to tinker with, but doesn't have them at the moment since she got caught. She's very proud of her bright red hair. She's more open with her cybernetic limbs now that she no longer lives with her family, and she keeps them in good condition.

DRUGS/ALCOHOL? Yes to both, but not much to be honest. She partakes socially, and at a minimum.

applyfic status: ongoing!

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