addie kimball

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For the applyfic Shiny Happy People by Coruscant_Cosmonaut

FULL NAME: Addison Savannah Kimball



GENDER & PRONOUNS: Femme, she/they

SEXUALITY: Lesbian; she's out with both her gender and sexuality

AGE:  29


APPEARENCE: Addie's skin is dark—you couldn't really call her light-skinned. Her skin is very smooth, besides a small acne scar on her chin. Luckily, they don't have to deal with acne anymore; that stopped after a long time combating it when they were about 25. She keeps her hair short and natural, usually loose in an afro-style, but sometimes in astro puffs. Her eyes are brown and quite wide. She doesn't like long-sleeved shirts, and does love skirts—her preference is for skirts that end at about her knees. Light academia is a good word for her style, though she tends more towards blouses and floral tops than sweaters.

PERSONALITY: To Addie, books are better than people. She'd much rather sit alone reading a book than talking to people. Books are kinder, and keep her entertained for hours. People, in her experience, are often self-serving jerks. Addie will take reading about Frodo saving Middle Earth for the seventeenth time instead, thank you very much. Addie likes quiet, being alone in a room with nothing but the turning of pages to be heard. Their house was always very loud when they were a kid, so they'll take as much quiet now as they can possibly get. In fact, Addie tends to yell at people who disturb her peace. Loud people get on their nerves, and that's no secret. Actually, Addie isn't one for keeping things secret. They're very outspoken about what they think and feel, despite their love of quiet. This trait was obviously brought about by her large and loud family, which encouraged the children to be unafraid to speak up. So, though Addie likes their quiet, they'll make sure you know just what they think. To this extent, Addie's bold. They don't keep quiet when they have something to say, and that can come in handy sometimes. She'll be the first to speak up in discussions in class, the first to answer a question. Addie has no issues making her voice heard. However, they also can speak up at very inopportune moments, which leads to some interesting confrontation.

INTERESTS: Reading, books, hot chocolate, being outside, skirts, talking to other people who love books, soft instrumental music, piano.

DISLIKES & PET PEEVES: Addie doesn't like long sleeved shirts, ice cream (it hurts their teeth), really loud locations and people, musky scents, and snow (to name a few things). Pet peeves include people who won't stop bothering her, when she isn't listened to, and bad books.

FEARS & INSECURITIES: She's scared of sudden loud noises, freezing to death, and snakes. She's also a bit of an agoraphobe. They're insecure that they're bad at their job, about their powers as a whole, and that they aren't worth anything as a person.

BACKSTORY: Addie's family is quite large, with her having five siblings. They're the second of the bunch, born a complete and total surprise—like a couple dozen other kids, Addie's mom wasn't expecting in the hours before Addie's birth. She was never treated differently from her siblings, though. Addie was just another Kimball kid, despite their weird birth, and despite the powers they developed as an older kid. Growing up, they were often caught in the middle of family arguments. Sometimes, it got her hurt. Most of the time, it just annoyed her. As did much of her family, to be honest. Though just their immediate family is large, Addie's extended family is even bigger. She has more cousins than she can remember, and they spent a lot of time together growing up. Addie was often dragged to big family gatherings and dinners when they would've rather spent the night in their room. Eventually, Addie got used to taking a book and a pair of headphones everywhere. That way, they could at least try to get them to leave them alone. They discovered their powers when they were eight, when they accidentally made themself perceive a whole day going by in two minutes. Needless to say, this scared her, causing her to cry and run to her mother for comfort. It scared her family too, she knows that, but at the time her mom did her best to comfort Addie, to be there for her and tell her it was okay. Addie tried not to use their powers much—they were the kind that got attention, after all, and Addie didn't want that. So they didn't learn to control it. In high school, Addie was the kid most didn't bother. She kept her nose in a book, didn't make many friends, and always sat alone. But that changed when their powers got out of control—their entire math class felt time slow to a snail's pace, except for Addie. Addie, who started freaking out and trying to reign in their powers, giving themself away in the process. It was... a thing. A bad thing. They became the subject of bullying, of ridicule, especially when people remembered they were the only out lesbian at school. She ended up having to switch schools, and when she was too anxious to focus in class, her parents moved her to online school instead. Addie did an online degree in English, and has moved out of their parents' house (thank god). They currently work as a professional book reviewer, both freelance as a remote writer for a big publication. She heard about Ned's group online, and considering she still doesn't have any control over her powers, she took the plunge to hop on a plane to get there. It's a bit stressful.

FAMILY: Jayda Kimball, mother, 60. Addie's mom is great; she's the quieter of Addie's immediate family,  and she's always encouraged her children to speak up and be themselves. August Kimball, father, 59. He's a fine dad, though for sure and extrovert and found relating to his daughters difficult. Marcus Kimball, brother, 31. Addie and Marcus have never gotten along; he was the one sibling who thought their powers were bad and dangerous, and that sparked a lot of issues between them. They don't talk. August Kimball Jr., brother, 30. August is a lot like their dad (go figure) and Addie finds it hard to relate to him, but they get along okay. Leah Kimball, sister, 28. Despite being so close in age, Leah and Addie have never been close; they're polar opposites. Samantha James (nee Kimball), sister, 26. Addie gets along well with Sam, and they talk often. Sam married Eric James (25)—Addie doesn't know him well but he's good for their sister. Daniel Kimball, brother, 25. The baby of the family, Addie really loves Daniel. They're close, though he fits the extrovert designation of most of the family.

POWERS: Time Perception Manipulation. Addie can manipulate how people see time. It seems like they're speeding up or slowing down time, but they're not really—everything is happening in regular time, but their targets perceive it differently. Basically, she's affecting the target's senses, not time itself. Addie can only effect one person at a time, currently, and only for very short bursts—five minutes at most. They also can't make their targets perceive time as being stopped. Also worth noting is that they have about zero control over it, and it happens at random times.

THOUGHTS ON THEIR POWERS: She's never gotten used to them, honestly. They startle Addie when they use them on accident, and frustrate them when them actually tries and they don't cooperate. Overall, Addie's feelings on them are best described as negative.

THOUGHTS ON THE SPARROWS: Some of her siblings are fans of them, and like what they do, but Addie's mostly just curious—how do they feel about their powers? About their lives? It's so different from her own, and Addie feels like it's probably super weird.

applyfic status: ongoing!

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