lee jong-su

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For the applyfic Shiny Happy People by Coruscant_Cosmonaut

FULL NAME: Lee Jong-Su

GENDER & PRONOUNS: Masculine (unsure if he's nonbinary or not—his gender feelings are complicated); he/they

SEXUALITY: Gay—he's not out, but only because he has no idea that other people don't know he's gay. It's a thing.

AGE: 29


APPEARANCE: Jong-Su has short black hair that falls into his eyes a lot of the time. He tries to keep it neart, and cares about his hair. His skin is pale, though no paler than any other Korean guy, and his eyes are very dark and thin. When he smiles, which is rare, dimples appear on either side of his mouth. His fashion sense is pretty simple, just jeans and whatever tshirt is grabbed first, but he goes for comfort over style all the time. He's about 5'10.

PERSONALITY: Jong-Su has changed a lot recently. He's very closed off and doesn't talk much. People who've never met him before think he's standoffish because, well, he acts standoffish. He comes off as cold, and does not talk to anyone. Jong-Su will stand in corners, looking rather brooding, and stare at the ground, completely silent, in crowded rooms. He can be rude sometimes, too. But also, Jong-Su is grieving. He's trying to figure out how to cope, and it's not going well for him. Really, he's quite the caring person. Jong-Su cares for those around him, and it can be obvious, if you know him well enough. He will do nearly anything for those he cares about. Jong-Su is also very intelligent. He was one of the smarter students in school, always maintaining high grades-and high standards for himself. The good part was, he could—and still can—usually live up to those standards. He enjoys learning, and did very well in school. Jong-Su can also be quite courageous. Remember how I said he'll do anything for people he cares about? Yeah, like that. Jong-Su will literally do anything. Even stare death in the face.

INTERESTS: Science, the quiet, cooking, m&ms, mystery novels, art, being useful and succeeding at things, the color black, fantasy media, cities, dark clothes, drawing, hiking.

DISLIKES & PET PEEVES: He dislikes being around people for too long, being forced into social interaction, really bright colors, hot dogs, the countryside, horses, stereotypes, comedies, and musicals. His pet peeves are people asking very personal questions about the whole dead-brother thing, being stereotyped, and people who talk too loudly.

FEARS & INSECURITIES: He's afraid of dying, particularly drowning or suffocating, as well as of clowns. He's insecure about his own emotions and ability (or lack thereof) to deal with other people, as well as the fact that he has no idea who he is without his brother.

BACKGROUND: Jong-Su and his brother Seo-Jun were twins—identical twins. Seo-Jun was a good half-hour older, but they were still twins. The two brothers were closer than anything, stuck together like glue. The brothers grew up fairly normal, and were greatly loved by their parents. There was just the one unusual thing about them—their mother had not been pregnant before the twins were born. They weren't the only kids born this way, on this day, but it was very strange in their town, so the family moved away fairly quickly. Raised in America by Korean immigrants, they struggled with being teased by their peers, but learned to ignore it. Mostly. Jong-Su and Seo-Jun found out about their powers pretty quickly. Seo-Jun found his first, the ability to produce ink from his fingertips. He mostly thought it was fun, a parlor trick. Jong-Su's ability, though, Seo-Jun thought was really cool. At school, both brothers succeeded academically, and learned to keep their abilities under wraps. After school, Jung-Su attended a good university for a math degree, has had a couple boyfriends, and has been working as a financial analyst since college. Seo-Jun, always the more reckless brother, fell into a different crowd and life than Jong-Su. Jong-Su never knew what exactly his brother got up to when they weren't together, as Seo-Jun never told him. He still doesn't know, actually. All he knows is that, whatever it was, it got Seo-Jun killed. Seo-Jun's death was very recent, only three months ago, and no one has told Jong-Su how or why he died. It frustrates him, and he doesn't know what to do with all that frustration. It does not help that Jong-Su currently has no idea how to deal with all the feelings that came with his twin dying. He's still grieving. And you know, that's why he came out here, to look into this group. Because someone who can negate his powers—his powers which enable him to clone himself in a sense, to create something that looks just like Seo-Jun—sounds like someone Jong-Su wants to know.

FAMILY: Lee Seong, mother, 57. Jong-Su is close to her, but has been distancing himself since Seo-Jun died. Lee Yong, father, 58. Jong-Su isn't as close to his father, but knows Yong is proud of him and his accomplishments. Lee Seo-Jun, twin brother, deceased. The brothers were best friends growing up, and though they grew apart as adults, Jong-Su still loved Seo-Jun very much and they were quite close.

POWERS: It's called melanokinetic cloning. Basically, Jong-Su can clone himself. With ink. He can clone other people too, in theory, or objects. For the most part, cloning himself or small objects is easiest. These clones are obviously not the most life-like, but they do have full range of movement unless they are of inanimate objects. He's gotten better at holding the clones over the years, and can keep them up for several minutes at a time, longer if it doesn't need to move. It requires intense concentration, though, and the presence of ink already around him. Seo-Jun used to say that their powers were meant to be used together—one twin who could generate ink and another who could clone things with it. Jong-Su tries not to use his powers.

THOUGHTS ON HIS POWERS: It's touched on above, but Jong-Su has somewhat negative views on his powers. As a kid, he had fun with it, and used to play around with it sometimes—which is the only reason why he has any control at all with it. Now, however, the whole thing reminds him of Seo-Jun in the worst way. He'd rather be without the reminder.

THOUGHTS ON THE SPARROWS: Honestly, Jong-Su doesn't know much about the Sparrows beyond what's common knowledge. He doesn't really think much of them—sure, they're good at what they do and some of them have cool powers. That's all that he thinks, though.

applyfic status: ongoing!

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