inaba kaito

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For the applyfic All Things Corrupted by blythering

BIRTH NAME: Inaba Kaito

NICKNAMES: Sometimes he's called Kai, but only by his closest friends.


AGE: 18




SLOT: calm down everyone

FACECLAIM: Jester White

NATION: Hotaka—feudal-japan inspired, known for refinement, weapon-making, and spices. People from here are often thought of as regal to outsiders, and there is a strict system of manners and rules.

APPEARANCE: Kaito has short black hair, often messy from him running his hands absently through it, and has pale skin. His eyes are dark, near-black, with specks of silver like stars. He stands at five feet eight inches and is slender, but with some muscle in his arms and legs. Kaito has dimples in both cheeks, and his eyes crinkle up when he smiles, which is often.

PERSONALITY: Kaito is a bit softer than you'd expect for a student of Pen and Sword. He's kind and giving, and would rather avoid hurting people if he can. Kaito cares for those he knows and trusts, though strangers are not exempt from this—Kaito cares for them as well, just with less emotions attached. He cares for people as a whole, though he does care more for those he knows personally. However, seeing as his life is the way it is, Kaito doesn't have much opportunity to show this side of him. In school, he's developed a more stoic side, pushing part of his caring nature away so he can focus on his classes and on becoming the person his family wants him to be. He generally appears very calm, though his emotions show through in his eyes and some of his actions, and focuses a great deal on his studies. However, Kaito also is incredibly protective. If someone is threatening him or his friends, Kaito will not hesitate to strike back, and strike back hard. While not prone to violence, Kaito is not opposed to it when necessary. He's also a bit of a leader type, taking charge when it seems as though no one knows what to do or when there is not a leader already. He's good at it, and has an ability to step away from his emotions for a moment and look at a situation objectively, making Kaito a good leader and strategist.

BACKGROUND: Born the second child and only son to a noble house in the country of Hotaka, Kaito had his life laid out for him from an early age: be educated at Ilya's, become a member of the ruling class, have a family of his own, and inherit the family lands and wealth from his father. It was simple, straightforward, and he knew it was what was expected of him. Honestly, Kaito wasn't given much of a choice in the matter, and accepted it early on. Both his parents attended Ilya's—in fact, they met and began courting there—and it was more than expected that Kaito and his elder sister Natsuki attend as well. Whether it was what he wanted or not, Kaito knew the life that waited for him and knew he couldn't get away from it. So Kaito dealt with it. He studied well as a child, taught by private tutors, and proved good with basic combat training, as well as in possession of some leadership abilities, which his father was certain Ilya's would foster. He has always wanted more for Kaito, despite not liking his son's softer side, and has perhaps pushed Kaito more than necessary in order to achieve this. At sixteen, Kaito began attending Ilya's, following his older sister (a Rose and Thorn student who has since graduated and gone on to become a major figure in Hotaka politics, especially following her marriage to the emperor). He was taken into house Pen and Sword and has done well, though his kind, protective nature is still intact.

FAMILY DYNAMICS: Kaito's family is rather strict, and a great deal of pressure and expectations were placed upon both him and his sister growing up. However, the family was and still is close, and Kaito has had contact with his parents since beginning at Ilya's—and he was allowed to return for a brief time to attend his sister's wedding. His family loves and cares for each other, but do not show it as outwardly as others.

POWERS: Kaito has the ability to read surface-level thoughts of those within his immediate radius. He can't turn this power off, so to speak, and has no control over what thoughts he reads, though he can single out specific people's thoughts if he concentrates—though this often leaves him with migraines. Kaito has somewhat gotten used to this, and can ignore the thoughts most of the time.

WEAKNESSES: Kaito struggles to differentiate between the thoughts of different people, as they sort of overlap, and trying to do so gives him a migraine every time. He can only read the thoughts of those within nine or so feet of him. He is always reading the thoughts of others subconsciously, though he can chose to focus on them. The thoughts are only surface-level, and often unimportant. Due to his power, Kaito is required to take tests alone, in another room, to prevent cheating.

FAMILY MEMBERS: Inaba Atsuko, mother. Inaba Katashi, father. Kubo Natsuki, older sister (age 22). Emperor Kubo Takehiko, brother-in-law (age 24).

LIKES: Kaito likes poetry, the quiet, helping others, making people smile, warm drinks, summer, light colors, and the ocean.

DISLIKES: He dislikes causing pain to those who don't deserve it, ice, the cold, most vegetables, fast music, and sailing—Kaito gets seasick.

FEARS: Kaito fears obscurity, disappointing his family, and failure. He also fears wild animals and being torn apart.

DREAMS: Kaito would like to have success, to be a credit to his family name. He wants to provide for his parents in their old age and to have a family of his own.

FUTURE DESIRED OCCUPATION: Kaito, as is expected of him, has hopes of being a major political leader after graduation, which will likely be helped by the fact that his sister is very powerful.

OPINIONS ON THE SLEEPING SPELL: Despite his initial confusion and slight fear, Kaito pushes that aside to focus on figuring out what's going on and why. He doesn't like that the whole school fell asleep, of course, but what's important is fixing it.

applyfic status: ongoing!

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