harper rivera

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For the applyfic Uprise by curiosityanddreams

NAME: Harper Michael Rivera

AGE: 23



FACE CLAIM: Blake Michael

PERSONALITY: Harper is a ridiculous person. He's always joking around, making people laugh. He doesn't seem to care for social rules—or any rules, really. He's always ready with a joke, always laughing. He's a constant source of cheer for his friends. This often came in handy during his party days, as he was able to keep everyone laughing and happy. Harper is the joke king, always laughing. Or so it seems. On the inside, Harper is confused. He has no idea what he's doing with his life or how to handle any of it. He feels like he was just thrust into being an adult and told "take the wheel"—as if he were stuck driving an airplane, not supporting himself. He is unprepared, lost, and has no idea what to do with himself. Harper is intelligent, however, as evidenced by the degree in literature that he worked very hard for. He can be a bit of a philosopher, often getting lost in his own thoughts and not coming out for a long time. Some would say that Harper thinks too hard and too long about many, many things. They'd be right, of course. Harper can sometimes get annoyed by the fact that he thinks so much, as it can be distracting, but he deals. With all this introspection and thinking comes indecisiveness. Harper can never make up his mind, understanding easily the pros and cons of any decision and spending ages weighing them both until everyone else is frustrated and Harper is forced to make a snap decision. He doesn't like to be quick with his decision making, as that has lead to a lot of pain in the past. However, when Harper does make a decision, he sticks to it, to the point where he won't even hear of any other options.

BACKSTORY: Harper is the last of his siblings, Charles, Emily, and Lee. All were named after famous authors: Charles Dickens, Emily Dickinson, and Harper and his twin Lee after Harper Lee. Their parents were sort of literature nerds. Must be where Harper gets it. They were a pretty close-knit family, always supporting each other and looking out for each other. Growing up, it was a good thing to have. He breezed through middle and high school with nothing much happening. Then he hit college. He decided to go to a local college, to stay close to his family. He majored in literature, though he didn't actually get much work done in his first couple years. Harper became a bit of a partier. He was never hurt by anything he did at the time, in fact, he was the one making sure others were okay. But still. He partied hard. When he was nineteen, he started dating a girl named Claire. Their relationship was pretty good, actually, though things changed very quickly about a year after they started dating when they found out Claire was pregnant. It was a bit of a shock to both of them. Harper had no idea how he was going to handle it at all. He'd always wanted to be a dad, but not this soon. He quit his partying and started to concentrate on schoolwork. He and Claire ended up breaking up, though they remained friends for the sake of their son, who they named Jake. Harper made his way through the rest of college, studying hard and getting to know his son. While he isn't quite sure exactly what he's doing, childcare-wise, he's tried his best with the little guy, and loves him a lot. Harper graduated college recently, and has realized that he has no idea what he's doing with his life.

LIKES/DISLIKES/FEARS: Harper likes pop music, staying up late, his son, literature, vinyl records, flowers, and soccer. He dislikes the heat, being drunk, dancing (he's very bad at it), driving, being alone, and cinnamon. He is afraid of failing his son, of being alone forever, and of clowns.

SONG: One Day, Robots Will Cry by Cobra Starship

WHY DID HE APPLY? Well, he hopes to figure out what the hell to do with his life while he's up here. And the money doesn't hurt.

ADDITIONAL INFO/TRIVIA: He and Claire share custody of Jake, but he's with his mom while Harper is in Alaska.

applyfic status: complete!

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