izak mlakar-hargreeves

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For the applyfic Weddings and Funerals by idkhereisaname

BIRTH NAME: Izak Mlakar-Hargreeves

NICKNAMES: Iz—a shortening of his first name used by his family. He doesn't like it much, but they refuse to stop. Zak—used mainly by his siblings. Acceptable, but he really does prefer just his full name. Number Four—used by his father, and he hates it. The Illusion—his "hero" moniker. He's indifferent.


GENDER: Nonbinary

PRONOUNS: He/him. They/them pronouns are also fine.

FACE CLAIM: William Beckett


SEXUALITY: Gay—attracted to men and masculine people

DRESS STYLE: Dapper down-on-his-luck musician. Izak makes an effort to look put-together, in a casual vintage kind of way, with button-downs and henleys and vests, but his clothes are all clearly secondhand and well-worn. Only his shoes are new—nice brown dockers, shone every morning.

BACKGROUND: In some places, Izak's life is very similar to that of his adoptive siblings. He was born in Croatia to a mother who was not expecting a child. As she had four children already, was a single mother, and could not afford to look after a fifth, it was easy to convince her to give up Izak. Izak was raised to be a hero, surrounded by his adoptive siblings, and from a young age trained to master his power of hallucination inducement. From the start, this training was harsh. Izak was forced to practice on his siblings, an act which often reduced the child to tears as they cried out in fear. He was also locked away in his tiny bedroom when he eventually refused to do as he was told, kept alone in a room that seemed to be growing smaller by the minute—that's how Izak discovered that he could make himself hallucinate too. Due to the method of his training, Izak wasn't particularly close to most of his siblings. Izak kept his distance from them and they from him, mostly not by choice. He was afraid that they would blame him for what their father made him do. As a teenager, Izak took to sneaking out at night, lying or tricking his way into bars and spending his time surrounded by people who were too drunk to care who he was. He grew more distanced from his siblings, and left "home" at seventeen, too tired of his father's bullshit to take living there anymore. He hasn't been back since. In the eleven years since leaving, Izak got a music degree (which he's currently barely using), an apartment, and several ex-boyfriends. He's had an okay adulthood, though he's haunted—sometimes literally—by his childhood. He's a singer, and plays mostly bar and coffeeshop gigs around the mid-sized city where he lives. He works at an art supply store.

ABILITIES: Hallucination inducement—Izak can make people hallucinate, seeing and hearing things that are not really there. He must a) be able to see the person and b) be able to speak a language they understand. Izak must use his power regularly (a few times a week), even in small amounts, or he will experience debilitating hallucinations himself. He must also be able to see to use his power, and he can only make someone hallucinate as much as he can imagine (Izak doesn't know what each person sees/hears, but to some level they come from his mind).

PERSONALITY: Izak is quick to smile and laugh and slow to anger. He's what most describe as a happy-go-lucky kind of guy, the sort that's good for a good time. And that is true, for the most part. Izak is a pretty easygoing person, but he spends a lot of time bottling up negative emotions. His childhood taught him that it was best not to argue or get angry, so he pretends he doesn't feel negative emotions—until it all blows up. And when Izak blows up, it isn't pretty. When he's upset, nothing is sacred, and Izak will use everything he can against you, no matter what. He's a bit of a broken boy, to be honest, and despite his happy exterior, is consistently angry on the inside. Izak likes people, though, and despite his anger issues (and probably bipolar disorder), he enjoys spending time with others. He's the friend who'll organize activities for everyone, and surrounds himself with people as much as possible. Izak has never been shy; far from it. When he was a teen, he thrived off the attention he and his siblings got from the media. He loves been seen and onstage, though he would rather it be for his music now. To his siblings, Izak can come across as cold and standoffish, a remnant from the childhood he spent mostly separated from them. He also likely has an undiagnosed personality disorder, but refuses to admit that something isn't right, so he's never been to a minute of therapy, no matter how much his siblings have tried to convince him over the years.

TRIVIA: Izak has an interest in astronomy and likes to bake. He is claustrophobic and terrified of showing weakness. A lot of his songs are inspired by hallucinations, either his own or ones he knows others have experienced. He has a cat named Freddy. He added Mlakar onto his name when he was twenty, after doing research into the culture of his birth country.

REACTION TO THE APOCALYPSE: Izak is completely unbelieving at first, but as things start to go more and more clearly downhill, he is convinced of it. He's honestly pretty scared—the end of the world is fucking terrifying, after all, and he doesn't really want to die. And honestly, Izak isn't sure he can help stop it.

REACTION TO REGINALD'S DEATH: "Good riddance". Literally, he said that when he found out. Izak has carried a terror of Reginald since he was a child, and he's so, so glad that he's gone for good—please say he's gone for good.

WHY'D HE SHOW UP TO THE FUNERAL? Honestly? One part to see his siblings again, one part to metaphorically (or literally) dance on Reginald's grave. Also, to see if he got an inheritance. Because damn does Izak need money.

QUOTES: "Oh no, I don't care about him. I do, however, care about his money." "Do any of you ever change?" "It's the apocalypse, what do you expect me to do?" "Look, I'm- I'm sorry, all right?" "Fuck, my cat! He's gonna be so mad-"

PLAYLIST: Maya the Psychic by Gerard Way; Ghosts by Veridia; Worst in Me by Pluto.

EXTRA: When he first moved out, Izak went a full year without using his power on anyone else. However, his own hallucinations got so bad he couldn't leave his apartment. After that, he tried to use them on someone every now and then to avoid that—just a little every now and then, like making someone read something wrong, or hear their name when no one was calling them.

applyfic status: ongoing!

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