vasya krupin

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For the applyfic Playing Monster by Coruscant_Cosmonaut

NAME: Vasiliy Krupin



AGE : 16

GENDER & PRONOUNS: Male, he/him

SEXUALITY: Asexual, gay

APPEARANCE: Vasiliy has shoulder-length wavy dark hair that he is constantly either brushing out of his eyes or tying back. His eyes are dark brown and quite wide. He has a thin nose and mouth. Vasya has tanned white skin, as someone who spends time outside would have. He has no facial hair unless he is unable to shave, then it appears as dark stubble to the light beginnings of a short beard. He's average height, about six feet one, and slim. He has muscle on his arms and legs, thanks to military training, and it shows. He wears simple clothing, preferring to dress for comfort when not in uniform as a soldier. He has some freckles on his nose.

PERSONALITY: Vasya would rather people paid little attention to him. He wants to fade into the background, to be forgotten except by those close to him, to just be another face in the crowd. Unfortunately, he is a soldier and cannot escape scrutiny. He tries anyway, standing quietly and watching, not getting too involved in things unless he needs to. Vasiliy has never been one to take up attention; it makes him deeply uncomfortable. Unfortunately, due to the circumstance of his birth, Vasya and the spotlight are bound to meet eventually, no matter how much he hates it. He keeps his background quiet, not wanting to be seen as a braggart or begging for attention, and never tells anyone. Vasya is a very caring person. He's always there for his younger half-siblings and friends, and if he can help others at all, he will. He's friendly to most everyone he meets. Vasya is very protective of those he cares about. Like, really protective, to the point of doing anything to make sure they're safe. He stands by his family no matter what, sometimes to his detriment. He'll do anything for what's right—Vasya makes sure to uphold the good in the world, no matter the cost. He's a soldier, and he'll do what he can to protect the people he holds dear. He has not exactly thrived in the army, but he is decent at the job and has made friends, friends who truly do like him. He doesn't like it, but he's capable of doing quite a lot of damage: he's strong and good with a weapon in his hands. Vasya enjoys spending time out of doors. He holds to his convictions no matter what.


BACKSTORY: Vasiliy Krupin was born to a loving mother in Os Alta. He was unexpected, though not unwanted—at least by his mother. His father, you see, is the king. Yes, the king of Ravka. Yes, Vasya's a bastard. Vasya's mother worked in the Palace, and, well, you can't exactly say no to the king. When she became pregnant, she left her position at the Palace and began working as a seamstress. She isn't sure who arranged the job for her, but she wasn't about to kick up a fuss. The king knows about Vasiliy and chose not to be part of his life as far as Vasya knows. He doesn't even know Vasya's actual name, which may be a good thing, considering his mother did not intend to give her son the same name as the older prince. Vasiliy has always known who his father is and also that he shouldn't tell people, or else he could be used for the gain of others. Which suits him just fine, considering he wants anything but attention. Other the years, Vasya's mother married and he gained several younger half-siblings—three brothers, Ivan, Aleksi, and Petyr; and one sister, Victorya. The eldest of these, Ivan, is seven years younger than Vasya, and thus while Vasya loves his siblings, they weren't close growing up. He's almost more of another parent to Petyr and Victorya, the youngest, than a brother. When Vasya was fifteen, he was drafted into the First Army, like almost every young man he knew, and while he didn't quite enjoy life in there, he was able to make friends. Specifically, with a group of trackers his own age. Vasya is a rifleman himself, but these boys understood him more than most, and he considers them friends.

INTERESTS & HOBBIES: Being outside, working out, exploring, and sewing (he tends to hide this one, as other boys sometimes tease him, but his mother taught him to sew. He finds it calming).

SKILLS: Vasya is good with a weapon, decently physically strong, moves quickly, enjoys exploring, is a decent seamster (the very basics, anyway).

PET PEEVES: Super sexual jokes, being put into the spotlight/having attention drawn to him, and really thick clothing (especially if it's scratchy).

FEARS & INSECURITIES: Vasya fears heights and public speaking. He's insecure about his asexuality—he doesn't really have the word for it, he just knows he's different from the other guys he spends time with, and wonders if there's something wrong with him.

FAMILY: Mother, Kira Krupin. Vasiliy is super close to his mother, and she has always been his biggest supporter. They became very close when he was a young child, and that stuck around. He likes to visit her when he can. Father, the king of Ravka. Vasya has never met him, and honestly doesn't want to. He doesn't care to be close to his birth father. Stepfather, Pavel Krupin. The only father Vasiliy knows or wants anything to do with; he deeply respects Pavel and cares for him. Paternal half-brother, Vasily Lantsov. Vasya has also never met his brother with the same name, and thinks that if they did meet, it would be incredibly awkward and stilted. He doesn't want to meet him. Maternal half-siblings, Ivan (9), Aleksi (7), Victoriya (6) and Petyr (5). Vasya adores his younger siblings, and will do anything to protect them. Since he's so much older than them, Vasya never played with them, but he loves them.

SECRETS: Vasya keeps his birth father's identity secret.


THOUGHTS ON GRISHA: It's complicated. Vasya hasn't really... known any Grisha, not that he's aware of, and thus has no personal ties to them. As a whole, Vasiliy thinks that Grisha abilities are cool, but he isn't sure they deserve all the special treatment they get.

EXTRA: Vasya follows Mal's part of the plot! He already knows Mal and his friends. He also knows of Alina, but doesn't really know her. But he's close to Mal. Vasya hates lemons. He seems to have a need to touch everything he comes across, and almost physically shrinks away from crowds or large groups of people.

HEADCANONS: gay mal and vasya gay mal and vasya gay mal and vasya- I kid. But I really do want them to be slowly realizing they care for each other in a different way than friends do. Also, Vasya and Nikolai being friends.

AESTHETIC: Blue, sunsets, the ocean, mist, boots, rifles, snow, wet dark hair, boys hugging boys.

QUOTES: "Oh, I do hate sitting still." "You're my best friend. Of course I'll go with you." "My family means a lot to me, more than most things. I'll protect my family."

applyfic status: ongoing!

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