mari ainsworth

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For the applyfics Runs In the Family and Don't Play With Dead Things by Coruscant_Cosmonaut

FULL NAME: Marionette Josephine Ainsworth

PREFERRED NAME: Mari, or Annie

NICKNAMES: Mari, short for her first name, and Annie, short for Ainsworth

AGE: 21


GENDER & PRONOUNS: Nonbinary/genderqueer, she/her and vi/vir/virs

FACECLAIM: Georgie Henley (specifically in Perfect Sisters)

APPEARANCE: Mari has a very goth/punk look. Vi dye vir hair black on top of its natural brown and keep it long. She has several piercings—a nose ring, an industrial in her right ear, and two eyebrow studs on the left side. She dresses in mostly black and lots of leather, and only wears dark makeup.

PERSONALITY: For all her faults, Mari is a very loyal person. No, seriously. She is incredibly, desperately, loyal to the people she cares about. Mari is the type of person to kill anyone who messes with vir friends. Through vir loyalty, Mari has a vindictive streak. "Streak" in this case means it's essentially her whole personality. She can't let things go; vi always has to have the last word. She will do anything to get back at those who hurt her or her friends. Mari is quite reliable, too. Vi's very good at what vi does, and can be counted on to get the job done. She has a dark sense of humor—gallows humor taken to a whole new level, honestly. However, not many hear this, and Mari tends to be quiet—as the grave, as she likes to say. Really, she's that goth kid everyone knew in high school, the one who wore contacts and dyed her hair. Mari is also incredibly rude. Vi is dismissive of most, thinking them below vir. Mari is very easy to hate. And to be honest, she likes it that way.


TALENT: Spiritualism, and if that doesn't work, acting (surprisingly).

PET PEEVES: Being judged based on her appearance and interests, "adoptive siblings aren't real siblings", and flashing neon lights. They give vir major headaches.

FEARS & INSECURITIES: She's very insecure that she'll be abandoned again the way her birth mother did, and that others see her as only an inconvenience or trouble. She's afraid of being betrayed, of drowning (it's so bad she doesn't go swimming anywhere but the shallowest pools), and of being left completely alone.

FAMILY: Mari remembers vir birth parents—Julian Rosier and Annalise Beckett. Vi is not in contact with them, though. Vi has no other family besides vir adopted one.

CURRENT RESIDENCE: New Orleans, Louisiana. Mari's a student at a university there.

AESTHETICS: Witchcraft, fire, red, red wine, long dresses, black lipstick, heavy eyeliner, piercings, bats.

QUOTES: "All I wanted was to be loved." "You're my sibling, how I could ever leave you?" "I never meant to."

BONUS! Vi is studying religion and literature as a double major at school. Vi have few friends, but that's okay by vir. Mari moves near-silently, many never see her coming. She speaks with a low voice, and doesn't often look people in the eyes. She had a boyfriend for about a year—they were pretty serious, but it went south and they broke up.

MUSIC INSPIRATION: Daughters of Darkness by Halestorm; Miss Murder by AFI.

applyfic status: one complete, one ongoing!

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